In this thread I have repeatedly debunked your "Truther" bullshit without getting into the weeds with you.
Actually, RareD started the comments regarding this being a conspiracy/false flag.
I only agreed with him, and added my own opinions on the matter.
As far as you debunking anything I've said,.............
where's that at ?!?
Debunk this:
Why did footage just resurface that is time-stamped and dated that shows Tim McVeigh leaving a military training ground for explosives & bomb detonation
dated nearly a year after the military claims to have never seen him again ?
Why was there a bomb detonation team on point at the Ok. City building on the morning of the bombing practicing for this exact event ?
The only thing you've done is tell me my thinking is skewed or flawed because
it doesn't match up with your beliefs.
My suggestion to you is stop running your mouth pretending other people's opinion doesn't matter since you are only mirroring
how most soldiers act, and why others have issue with the military.
claim you're a professional soldier that fights for liberty, but you talk more like a fascist.
you need to retravel the world since you are only seeing it from the pedestal your military ego and pride have built for you.
I use to basically live overseas.
If you have a problem that you need to discuss with me personally, you know where to find me since you are up there all the time.
If it is I whom is delusional and the false flag/setup rhetoric has a shred of credibility, let Dzhokhar Tsarnaev free today. Surely this would be "reasonable doubt" as to his guilt?
You are not only delusional, but mean-spirited as well.
You claim as a soldier that you fought for other's liberty, but you are only using this poor mother's grief as fodder for your
naivety in this area. I
thought you were better than that.