damn! i want those toys!!!! i need to re map my setup pretty soon here..
i have a 3cfm pump, and a few home made chambers:]
i thought my 16in tube was cool, but after Fadedawg whipped out his 36 incher, i feel tiny
xmas is gonna extend through the beginning of 2013 for me..
try at least 10, no need to use 20 if your gonna use some good input.. i used 20, because i was working with a test run on something i had high doubts in... i put in a qp, got out 6.5 g.. i was very displeased, but that was only 2 tubes, not too much work, the dude seem stoked with it, he says he'll give me better material soon here, hopefully..
my personal rule of thumb with coffee filters:
4-7 filters = potent nugs, potent quality bowl packers = very high quality BH
6-13 filters = the final touch up clippings off the bud, sugar leaf, NO fan leaves, NO loose stems, if you would pick it out of your joint, pick it out of this trim :] = many times very high quality BH, a little less yield than above.
16-30 filters = no joke =(grinded buds fall into this filter category due to how fine it is) this is not my recommended way to make BH, but if you just really love dabs and oil, then you can still extract with tane. this is basically all the other shit off the trim. you just want to make sure you filter the hellllll out of it, you are shooting for cannabinoids, that is what you want, but with this material, good luck, you will get a lot of chlorophyll with this product, and chlorophyll is want you want to avoid..
-speaking from experience.
in the past, i have grinded, pulverized my buds, heated the shit out of, whipped, just straight up abused her...
when i finally made the BD wax chunk, i looked at her under the microscope, i could basically see a wholeeee bunch of trichomes stacked and stuck together, it was sooooo beautiful..
-so now in a perfect world, i would like my product to be handled like a baby from seed/clone to wax.. i feel every time someone squeezes the trim bag, throws the time bag, digs hand in it or what not, it all agitates it, knocks off my perfect trichs, gets lost in a crack of the bag, etc... imagine how i feel about a grinder now :/
that for my personal preference wax though! i love looking at good product under a microscope..
ive been able to get some nice stuff without the vac purge.
most the time, the left over 1-3 grams left over in my pyrex that i cant easily scoop out, i leave in the pyrex dish, and throw into my toaster over... depending on material, i pre heat it to - 100-150F and let it bake for a few hours, then i let it harden at room temp, and scrape.. it doesnt hurt to start off at a low temp, you really dont want to toast the shit quick, and you dont want to it become super runny, a lot of times, my stuff stays sticking to the side of my dish, and flat bottom has nothing... but like you said, its gonna leave a nice stink in the area.. so beware..
it should scrape pretty taffy like, thats one way i do it for shits and giggles, there is still soooo much tane in it, so you may want to stick with your current way without vac...
P.S. you really did trick me with your name, i came here to check you out and see all the nice vac purged material you had, and how you did it!! haaa. i hope you learn quick, order that ebay stuff right now! if it arrives this week, we can get you wax by the weekend!

especially with that material my friend.. i'll dedicate a thread to my process sometime soon here..