best oil extraction tube 100+ grams?


New Member
Hey guys. I am looking into buying a new honey oil extractor and get rid of my oil "honey bee extractor" that only holds 30 or 40 grams powderized.

I am looking at something that holds between 100-200 grams, no stand as I am cheap and would rather hold it while I purge and save 50$. or make my own stand.

also wondering, when doing oil washes this big, how fine do you want the weed? would you use it in this form or grind it up more?

also, approx how much butane should I use if washing 200g of weed? ive seen that some people only use 1 can per oz which doesnt seem like much because when I do oz runs I use about 3 or 4 cans...

do you guys have anything bad to say about stainless steel dishes?

should I get a glass 100g tube or a stainless steel 100g tube?

thanks!! lots of pics to follow once I get this on the road. probably going to cost me about 500$ to get everything that I want to make a nice vacuum purged 50g brick of BHO but itll be worth it ;)
I don't know where to buy one, i made all mine. but i have found a longer thinner tube seems to get make more oil with less butane than a shorter wider tube. My favorite is 1" 316SS tubing and about 18" long. I powder my product with a coffee grinder and can fit well over an ounce at a time and typically use one can of butane. It wont hold the amount you want to do but its the most efficient i have tried.

I know it doesn't answer your question but it's something to think about.
YO!! so how long have you been doing this???? what kind of yields are you getting per oz????? if i wanted a 50 g brick, with my setup, i would need about a p or so good of trim.. but the quality you put in really effects the outcome.. i dont even touch shit that gives me less than 2g an oz.. .. wayyy tooo much time and effort.. i have a buddy who blows glass. he made me a tube that holds about 2 zips, i dont crush my weed, or grind it, i like to treat my product with a lottt of respect.... i dont use full nugs though, the biggsst nugs i use are littles, less than a bowls worth.. usually the trim i get comes already ready.. ALSO! pick out any and ALLL stems you can, stems take up sooo much space in the tube..

SO< about your tube, dude, thats a lottt of blowing, could be efficient though.. i kind of have a theory that the smaller tube you use, the better quality and yield you get.. but thats just a theory..

my tube is 18 inches long, and about 2.5 inches wide.. i can firmly pack about 2 zips (60 gs in there) so! for a tube of your dreams, i would say go with a GLASS tube about 50-60 inches long, and keep the diameter around 2.5 inches, i wouldnt go any thicker, but you could always go thinner, but if you go thinner, then you will need to go longer than 50-60 inches.. ...

noww for your tray.. i use an 8x8 glass pyrex dish, tiny right!!??? believe it or not, its plenty of room for at least a few zips extraction.. i like to not have any potential metal to metal contact. the ONLY METAL pieces in my setup are my flat head screw driver, and my hose clamp at the end of the tube.. and the butane cans (power 5)

fortunately, i have not had any bad incidents, but i have heard of some ridiculous situations where people just lacked common sense and hurt themselves and or others..

i would recommend blowing outside, its best to use a nice sunnny day to blow, let mother nature do its natural evap on the stuff till it dont slide around any more, once it hits that stage, bring it into a nice dry climate where it can finish settling at room temp. once its all bubbly and stable, continue onward!

p.s. shits sticky andd messyyy, and if your a busy person, your hands probably aint too clean, so where those doctors/tatooers latex gloves.. makes life easier.. and product cleaner..

i tend to use 1 can per oz..

i dont over stuff my tube, but evenly pack it the whole way through.. .. this is how i spray:

i hold the tube at about 20 degrees angle, holding the bottom of the tube just above my dish, i keep the bottom in about the same area, but the top of the tube is where i draw a star pattern as i spray (some people go in a circular motion, i like that star power!), so i start off at one point, and spray for about 15 secs, then hit the next point of the star, 15 secs, then to next point, and so forth.. so im constantly rotating the drip of thh tane down the tube, to hopefully hit all the goods, and carry them out..

it takes me 2 cans per tube.. from start to finish, i can pack a fresh tube, spray it, and empty it all in about 15 minutes.. in about 2 hours, i can spray a pounds worth.. but thats a lotttttttttttt of work!! i dont like to work any more than that at once..

but with a tube that holds a half p or so.. things could be quite different,, im just too afraid to invest in a tube of that stature, and have a bad outcome..

i absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the bho process, and im always trying to figure out new ways of a more thorough purge..


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That's some wax right there !!
farmer Jhon 420 has BHO , looks just like that !!
great job
Spend 10$ on a fine screen and make keif... Holy shit 500$ bucks ain't even worth it... Plus, butane oil is hard on the lungs for me /:
that looks like nice oil Guzias. I havent made any that looks like that yet.

I have been doing it for about 4 years but probably 2 years of those have been wrong and this last year ive really been perfecting it now that I have my own place and am not sneaking everything around.

I usually run 14-20g runs in my small tube with 3 cans and get 3 grams return of very golden oil. I can get over 6 grams from an oz but my stuff is very "crystally". I powderize itin the coffee grinder and it looks amazing. roll joints with it and you barely know its not bud.

very nice og kush bottoms:

250 grams of nice og kush bottoms... good enough to chop and roll joints with, I have 2 of these 250g bags:

I tried making it one time with medium grade bud, I didnt chop it. just put buds in the extractor and packed it somewhat tight... ran 1.5 cans through it and didnt get a single fuckin thing!!!!!!!!!! I chopped the buds up (still kinda wet) in the coffee grinder, bad idea lol. the inside if the coffee grinder was so sticky!! re ran it with chopped bud and got a few more grams of oil. I will never put buds in again!!!! always chopped. joint consistancy or a bit finer maybe too. not absolute powder though.

I am not sure if I want to work with a glass tube that is 5 feet long lol. I seen some of the okief and some of the extraction expert extractors can hold 66 grams, or 200 grams...

the way I normally make it is spray 3 or 4 cans into a large stainless steel dish outside as always. once im done I bring another dish of very hot water and put the butane dish into it... it evaporates is off very fast. let it sit outside for 10-15 mins.

take it inside and put it over another dish of boiling water on the stove for a few mins to get a little more butane out. let sit for a day or so, re heat once more from the bottom with hot water, and scrape. dont ever gotta worry about a mess. I can scrape a dish and have it weight into those tall skinny 1g vials before you can even take a blade toke, not even spilling a drop!!

if I were to do it with a giant ass batch, my dish wouldnt hold 8 cans of butane, so I would need to either evap as I go, or evap 90% of it half ways through the process. I might even just use my small extractor and put 30 grams at a time and run 2 cans or so, and just empty and re fill and repeat 5 or 6 times!

I also have a 2nd dish while im pressing the butane through. after every can or half a can, I give it a quick test blast into the 2nd dish... see what color the butane coming out is. if its still pretty golden/yellow, rinse 1 more can or half can... but if its coming out clear... stop ASAP!!! then just pour it all into the main dish.

maybe ill go to the bong store and buy the queen bee extractor:
Queen bee... That's coo..

Edit: I don't like how's it's all black though. You can't see through it to see how the butane is working inside the tube.. Which is one of the benefits from using a glass one *shrugs*
500$ is well worth it for top of the line stuff that will pay itself off the first night.

150$ for the dessicator
220$ for the pump
120$ for another case of butane and possibly the queen bee extractor.
400$ for 8oz of very nice shake.

so 900$ total and if I can get 50g I would be happy.

6g normal rate x 8g = 48g
Try using an electric grinder to collect all the thc crystals and run that. Let me know what you think. For me it's worked incredibly well. Good luck man bongsmilie
Spend 10$ on a fine screen and make keif... Holy shit 500$ bucks ain't even worth it... Plus, butane oil is hard on the lungs for me /:

many forms of bho are hard on the lungs, thats do to a poor process. you can really tell when bho isnt made well, the bubbles and sparks that come off of it when heated up are a good warning sign.. with patience and practice though, i have made some wax that just fully melts, no bubbles! no sparks! no crackles! thats the good shit right there.. really good bho can taste like a nice vaped bowl in many cases.. like i said though, there are many people doing the bho method out there, and many doing it improperly..
the thing about bho also, its not really straight forward, every single flower has its own characteristics.. much practice is needed if you are trying to do this on a commercial level, with different flowers, but if you are someone fortunate enough to have the same flower every time, then things can get pretty simple..

vacpurge: damn man, i never thought about the extra dish idea to see whats still left in the tube ha!! i always just sprayed onto paper, but thats impractical compared to a dish that catches it..

as someone else stated in this thread, you want to use a narrow tube, my tube measures as follows: inner diameter=1.5in, and length=16.25in, with a 1/4in glass tube, so i can see the liquid hitting every part of my tube.. if i did not have a clear tube, i know i would NOT get even packs, and even flushes.. looking at the tane go down really does help.. SO, why i say this, that queen bee extractor is cool and all. but honestly, it is black, i dont see any dimensions on it, but if it holds 100grams and thats the exact picture of it, it looks like it would have tooo wide of a tube.. get a glass tube! they are realllyyyyy easy to keep clean (ive been through stainless still, and pvc tubes, they get stickyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) and maybe get some padding for the tube, i dunno, but i really am a fan of the glass tube..

and thats good product to use! i like to tell people, if you would happily roll a joint with it, i will happily purge it :]

some peoploe just think everything works though :[

im about to do a 6 can run right now. maybe ill throw up some pics..

another theory i believe in.. after spraying, dont let it sit over night, you want to get it into your vacuum within a few hours.. one time i let a dish stay out over night thinking it could only help.. my final product was some nice taffy, no wax. another time i let the stuff sit in the dish for 3 days, then tried to wax it, no fucken luck.. i dont know the scientific reasoning behind this.. but i do know when i get things going into the vacuum quicker, everything seems to work out correctly througyh out the whole process..

electric grinders, manual grinders etc. i am no fan.. too much agitation.. i like to wear gloves, and break it up by hand if necessary..

i threw in another pic of my champion pull, 50-60 grams, and this is half of the chunk.. :] this was very very fresh blue dream, i got to be apart of the chop! the trim! the smoke, and the waxing!! :]


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Hey guys. I am looking into buying a new honey oil extractor and get rid of my oil "honey bee extractor" that only holds 30 or 40 grams powderized.

I am looking at something that holds between 100-200 grams, no stand as I am cheap and would rather hold it while I purge and save 50$. or make my own stand.

also wondering, when doing oil washes this big, how fine do you want the weed? would you use it in this form or grind it up more?

also, approx how much butane should I use if washing 200g of weed? ive seen that some people only use 1 can per oz which doesnt seem like much because when I do oz runs I use about 3 or 4 cans...

do you guys have anything bad to say about stainless steel dishes?

should I get a glass 100g tube or a stainless steel 100g tube?

thanks!! lots of pics to follow once I get this on the road. probably going to cost me about 500$ to get everything that I want to make a nice vacuum purged 50g brick of BHO but itll be worth it ;)

At my own packing density, a 1" X 36" Borosilicate, or stainless column about 120 grams of prime bud dried to about 10% water content and and forced through a 10 mesh. Trim weighs less and packing density has considerable impact.

For a single pass column, I prefer 1" ID or less, to reduce channeling and we have our own heavy wall Borosilicate columns made in lots of 10 by a local shop, at a cost of $1 per inch, plus $5 for the flare and closing the injection end, plus a full anneal.


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that is very nice oil Guzias. I dont know what were doing different, but everytime ive ever made it, no matter how potent, its always an oil. yours looks dry and crumbly and real light? weird.

heres what I did tonight. 100 grams, and was normally going to use only 6 cans... but kept testing and it kept coming out golden in a 2nd dish so I went all the way up to 10 cans!!!! I got a 19 gram return which means 19% return. its nothing like yours though.

heres a ton of pics. it wasnt 100% done purging in the most of the pictures. still a day or so maybe.

what are we doing different to get such different oils? maybe its the brand of butane?

the new queen bee extractor filled and ready to go. It was kind of weird to took a whole can to build pressure and soak the weed and the 2nd can to push anything out. then when I took it off there was major back pressure so I had to either let off and bleed it off very slowly, or very quickly put another can on and keep rinsing. it sure felt different than my little extractor thats for sure. way less pressure out of the end. maybe because its bigger and thicker?

this is the consistancy I grind it to.. maybe too much in this picture:

close up, pretty good stuff:

topped off the queen bee extractor with 100g:

here is my little side test dish. after 10 cans of butane I was still getting it to come out looking like this... I wonder if it needs more rinsing?

this is the main batch:

done cooking off, at this point its been on the oven on boiling water for 1 or 2 minutes:

fifteen more minutes on the oven on boiling water. at this point the whole house smells like the OG kush I made the oil with. WOW is it ever a delicious smell. at one point I put a glass lid on my stainless steel dish while it was on the boiling water... and it let the scents gather... well when I cracked the lid and took a smell it was literally like heaven. WOW was it ever strong smelling of the piney, skunky, very stinky kush. I had to go open it fully outside... it would have smelled up the whole apartment. I could taste it. so good!!!!

lots of oil:


I got 400 more grams to play with... bubble bags 200g. vac purge 100 more grams. what else guys?!

I paid around 52$ an oz for this and put in 4 oz... so 110$ worth of bud and 60$ worth of butane. it cost me 170$ to make this oil. and I got 19 grams in return... thats under 10$ per gram. cheaper than bud, and we all know a gram of oil lasts longer than a gram of bud.......
interstinggggggggg... you have a much much different method.. what kind oof filter do you use on the end of that tube? does it come with a built in filter? or do you add an extra one??

from my experience, you want to filter the shit out of it! i used to start off 2-5 coffee filters, but now depending on my mood, i use 20 filters! 5 filters folded into a way where i get 4 layers times 5 = 20 filters

this in part with not grinding my product before i start

the first picture in this comment you left @

01-04-2013, 12:40 PM
og kush bottoms
now that looks prime, looks very very delicious, i would throw that straight into my tube.

. i have a suggestion i hope you try out, give 1 tubes worth a test run with this idea:,

try 1 can per oz you put into that tube:] (have an extra can or 2 just in case im off, but thats a pretty consistent ratio with this method no matter what trim i use)
(to determine how much that tube will weigh with the ungrinded og kush botoms, fill the tube up nice and evenly, but not too tight, like you were gonna blow it.... then empty the tube how ever you do into a bag/container, where you can transfer to a scale) (----if you didnt already know :p)

now, with a hose clamp, attach at the least 10 layers of unbleached coffee filters to the exit end of the tube.. dont be shy :] i use 20 :]

and from there on.. well, your name says vacpurge? can you post a pic of your vac purge tool/machine you are using?

and alsooo, i for about half the time, the temps of my product or no more than 110 deg.. then for the ending half, i never reach a temp over 140, usually 130ish... and i use a vacuum. its a very slow process.

i would never use boiling water in my prcoess :/ .. every time i get my temps to high (140+) i only end up with an oil or shatter.....
120 g in a 36in tube, with buds. proportions line up similar with mine, 1.5 ID x 16.25in. i hold around 2 zips :]

but i am tired of holding the tube for 10 minutes each time.. i would like to get a longer tube like yours, and mount it.. and the ID of 1 sounds pretty nice, would not need to spin my tube..

do you use about 1 can an oz? what kind of avg yields do you get out of the 36in tube with that product? over half oz per tube?
At my own packing density, a 1" X 36" Borosilicate, or stainless column about 120 grams of prime bud dried to about 10% water content and and forced through a 10 mesh. Trim weighs less and packing density has considerable impact.

120 g in a 36in tube, with buds. proportions line up similar with mine, 1.5 ID x 16.25in. i hold around 2 zips :]

but i am tired of holding the tube for 10 minutes each time.. i would like to get a longer tube like yours, and mount it.. and the ID of 1 sounds pretty nice, would not need to spin my tube..

do you use about 1 can an oz? what kind of avg yields do you get out of the 36in tube with that product? over half oz per tube?
We use about a 300 ml can per foot of column length and record yield was 21.6% with one re-pack (16.5% + 5%), and average closer to 17.5% on prime bud.