1.2 EC going in 2.2 EC coming out....HELP!


Active Member
So i recently just got a bluelab truncheon to measure the EC of my runoff.

Im currently running coco hempys in the 5th week of flower. They are getting fed once a day with quite a bit of overflow runoff. When i checked my EC of the runoff the other day is was nearly 3 so i whipped up some 1/4 strenght nutes and flushed until my EC was similar to what was going in.

Now, a week later with 1.2 EC feedings its slowly crept back up to around 2 as of yesterday. Are they just not eating what im giving them or what? H&G recommends base nutes EC of 1.2 before adding their hardener.....im only going to .8EC before adding.

Not really sure whats going on or what i should do to solve this. Next run I will be using drip clean for sure.



Well-Known Member
If you're feeding at 1.2 and its coming out at 2.2 you are seriously over feeding.

Or your mix has alot of unconverted organics in it.

Anything like worm castings etc within your mix?

If feeding at 1.2 is coming out at 2.2 I would personally back off to around 0.5. Flush with 0.5 and keep using 0.5 until you can isolate what's happening.

I used a product once called TRIPLEF and it had a tendency to increase rootzone EC. I was feeding at 1.5 and it was coming out at 2.8.

From my understanding some products cause this stress within the rootzone.

I personally like happy healthy plants and haven't used that shit since.

You could try not adding the hardener for now and see how it goes.



Active Member

thanks for the reply! It is definitely a gradual rise, as ive noticed its been going goin around .1 or .2 EC each day. I dont have any organics in the medium, as its just straight Bcuzz coco with 15% perlite mixed in. The plants looks healthy as all hell, but the runoff EC has me worried.

Its bizarre that H&G recommends getting your base to 1.2EC then adding the Top Shooter. Like i stated earlier, im even dropping down to .8EC then adding the Top Shooter. This is my first run using their full product line so theres still a bit of a learning curve.

When flushing or rinsing, you simply just recommend running diluted feed through your medium until the runoff EC is the same as that going in?



Well-Known Member
When did you pot up your coco?

I use B'CUZZ and straight out the bag with plain water I get EC3 as runoff.

If you're still within about 2 weeks of using it out of the bag its gonna read high EC's.

How long since you filled your hempy's?



Well-Known Member
For what its worth feeding charts are only a guide.

I tend to use
0.6-0.8 for seedling/clone
1 for early veg
1.2 for late veg
1.3-1.4 flowering
1.5 pk1314 weeks
Drop back to 1.2 for late flower



Active Member

I potted up my hempy bucket around 7 weeks ago...2 weeks before switching to flowering so im not sure about that. My BCuzz straight outta the bag gave me a ridiculous fungus gnat problem....and im only running 2 hempys.

the other day i took some H&G coco and threw it in a bucket with holes and ran a few gallons of boiling water through it. im hoping this will kill and larvae or young insects that came in the coco. Wish i would have done this with my Bcuzz....in a pinch i put 2 clones in straight bcuzz coco 14 days ago just to see how easy it was, and already in those clones there are fungus gnat larvae creeping out of the coco when i water.

Im running the full h&g nutrient line short of drip clean (will be using next time) and instead of followiung the feed chart exactly i made some changes. In the peak of flowering its recommending 10ml of the A&B, which i never even came close to. I ran 5ml during veg and 6ml during flowering and STILL am running into this issue. I cant speak for my runoff EC early in veg, as i didnt have my Truncheon


Well-Known Member
Then it appears to definitely be one of 2 things.

Either the feed is just too strong at 1.2EC.


Its like that TRIPLEF shit that I tried. It could be something in your line up doesn't quite sit right somewhere.

My B'CUZZ coco is gnat free everytime I get it. It has to be the method in which its being stored or transported to you.

I pick mine up from a local hydro store.

Are you fighting with gnats now?

Larvae (alot) can really damage roots and if you are fighting with them now it could be a sign of some decay and root stress.



Well-Known Member
If you are from the USA look for a product with SPINOSAD as the ingredient.


These products are OMRI organic listed products.

I imported mine CONSERVE NATURALYTE from over the pond because its that good at getting rid of pretty much anything.

SOIL drench with 2tsp per litre 3 days apart and no more gnats.

Trichoderma is a good fungi to inoculate with as it out competes soil pests for food and inoculation early can really help to stop any issues further down the line.



Active Member
Then it appears to definitely be one of 2 things.

Either the feed is just too strong at 1.2EC.


Its like that TRIPLEF shit that I tried. It could be something in your line up doesn't quite sit right somewhere.

My B'CUZZ coco is gnat free everytime I get it. It has to be the method in which its being stored or transported to you.

I pick mine up from a local hydro store.

Are you fighting with gnats now?

Larvae (alot) can really damage roots and if you are fighting with them now it could be a sign of some decay and root stress.

This is my first run with H&G so i couldnt tell ya if this strain is a hog or not. The gnats are definitely from the Bcuzz after seeing them in the clones medium. The H&G coco i ran boiling water through seems to be fine after going through those steps, so i think im going to do the same to the remaingin bag of Bcuzz i have. I too got mine at the local hydro shop here.

To combat the larvae i put about 2 inches of horticulture sand on top of the coco, which im told will shred the guys when they come out of the coco. I do still notice some white larvae in my runoff each time. What do you suggest to fight the larvae?


Active Member
I am in the US and im not running organics, so it doesnt have to be OMRI. ill do some digging and see if i cant find these products around. I no longer see any fliers in my room, but still get the larvae in runoff


Well-Known Member
I use the SPINOSAD products.

The flyers don't do shit to your plants. Its those fuckers in the medium.

Every fungus gnat has the potential to lay up to 300 eggs in its adult life.

The SPINOSAD products stop them from feeding and disrupt the nervous system.

DE (diatomaceous earth) is a great product to cut insects with.



Active Member
Im in that h&g thread quite a bit. in regards to the DE....just mix it in with the coco when transplanting? ive read about it but ive heard that when its wet its ineffective so thats why i went with the horticulture sand on top


Well-Known Member
Im in that h&g thread quite a bit. in regards to the DE....just mix it in with the coco when transplanting? ive read about it but ive heard that when its wet its ineffective so thats why i went with the horticulture sand on top
I tried mixing it, top dressing it.

It can have a tendency to clump up in your medium. But top dressed after watering is ok. It also adds silica which IMO is great for plants.

These larvae, are they translucent worms with black heads floating in your runoff?

Or are they small white crawlers that when scared jump around?



Active Member
ive had similar problems with the ec rising in the coco whats happening is my ph drops to 5.5 in the runoff then ec rises so i bring the ph above 6 and they go steady i feed 1.6 for 5 days then flush to .8 start again could be the scarid or could be bacterial draw down in the coco who knows works for me it always strarts around 4th week of flower if ph is not over 6 they go pail and down hill .