1.2 EC going in 2.2 EC coming out....HELP!


Active Member
Thanks wazzer. Thats kinda what i was thinken of doing from here on out for the remaining 3-4 weeks. Flush em to the EC that i want then feed .8 and see where my runoff gets me.

Next round will be pure coco in #3 smarties drip fed numerous times daily DTW....using drip clean of course!


Active Member
I tried mixing it, top dressing it.

It can have a tendency to clump up in your medium. But top dressed after watering is ok. It also adds silica which IMO is great for plants.

These larvae, are they translucent worms with black heads floating in your runoff?

Or are they small white crawlers that when scared jump around?

They are small little worm like things that bounce arround when disturbed in the water or on top of the coco....pre horticulture sand