I don't shave mine but I do trim them (armpits). Got my fathers German hair gene instead of moms Native non hair gene. I have shaved my chest in the past but no longer. I shaved it because I was in top shape at the time and wanted to know what I looked like sans hair.

Personally I think it's great when men trim or even shave their armpits. My ex was 110kg of pure German muscle and used to do it. There was nothing feminine about him. He wouldn't let me wax his eyebrows though. One trip on the stinky metro and you'd all be convinced!!

Loads of guys do it here in the Summer and it's a very metro-sexual city (prob from the gay influence). KK let me do his eyebrows and I'm working on the rest!! Lol!
this shit is too funny. why pick a weed forum to play out your online porno fantasies? don't they have sites especially for women like you? you've got like 9 dudes following you around like a puppy dog and the rotation changes every week as one by one they become aware of the whole scam. get back to growing weed and stop stalking 19 year olds on the internet. from the looks of it...your plants need the attention anyway. ohhh...and there's no need to respond unless you wanna see some pics. :-o

calm down UncleDooby,there are other people you can buy off out there.
I've also shaved my chest a few times, from experience, in no way is it worth it, pretty much everything about it is terrible.

Not to mention the look, why would a full grown woman want a man with no chest hair? Evolutionarily speaking, biology is telling you that's the weakling, your offspring wouldn't survive.

Alpha up, ladies.
I've also shaved my chest a few times, from experience, in no way is it worth it, pretty much everything about it is terrible.

Not to mention the look, why would a full grown woman want a man with no chest hair? Evolutionarily speaking, biology is telling you that's the weakling, your offspring wouldn't survive.

Alpha up, ladies.

Chest hair can be an indicator of high testosterone. But that doesn't neccesarily mean the guy is genetically strong.
How does playful flirting while asking for pics on a PICTURE THREAD = love?

Sounds like there are some really immature dudes on here.
It's been relatively mild from what I've seen, though I'm not around this thread very often. That's the internet though, 85% male preying on all the attention the 15% of females provide. I bet being a sexy woman on the internet is like having a golden ticket, the possibilities are endless! I'm surprised more of them don't have malicious intent trying to rob rich guys blind to be honest. Some guys get caught up in that and think it's more than what it is, for lack of experience, then feel wronged nothing ever came of it..

@ Scooby, what are a few examples of some of the games being played? I think I'd be able to give a more accurate assessment of the situation if I knew a little more about the behind the scenes.. If someone is actively leading someone on, it should be pretty obvious by the complaints.

@ Scooby, what are a few examples of some of the games being played?
Yahtzee, Monopoly, and quite the rousing game of Candy Land.
Speaking of which, some friends and I drunkenly played Candy Land a few weeks back and bet money on the games. At one point we were all betting $20 a game. I never knew how intense Candy Land could be before that night.
you have no clue what you are talking about so better to just keep your mouth shut. as far as me supporting a guy in need...you sure seem to have a problem with it. if it walks like a hater and talks like a hater....must be a hater.

thats where you're wrong.We all have a clue.You gave it to us.Anybody who justifies snitching like you do,is a zero.Most people these days have no honor.They just do what they "gotta do" and think thats ok.LOL @ you punk bitches