
Pic from yesterday lol.
Oh my goodness this might sound silly but what did they remove exactly? and have you got to have more treatment.
almost made it to 7 months.. way too hot now to have hair.. (watched mr mom yesterday and this prompted the shave.. and trim.. I was wearing the flannel shirt when I saw the movie)

wifey+ DD says the shaved one makes me look younger.. me and son say the other one..


almost made it to 7 months.. way too hot now to have hair.. (watched mr mom yesterday and this prompted the shave.. and trim.. I was wearing the flannel shirt when I saw the movie)

wifey+ DD says the shaved one makes me look younger.. me and son say the other one..
I went a little farther:)
seriously, you gotta shave your armpits these days?? fuk that for a game of soldiers. I don't get why so many men shave their chests as well, wtf is that all about. I remember getting it on with a Dutch girl in my teenage years on holiday and she had hairy armpits, lol. So come on, who shaves their body here? (males) or should I start a new thread for that......
And I never smell of BO! I tend to shower every day.:)

EDIT: Happy 420!
I don't shave mine but I do trim them (armpits). Got my fathers German hair gene instead of moms Native non hair gene. I have shaved my chest in the past but no longer. I shaved it because I was in top shape at the time and wanted to know what I looked like sans hair.
when and why the heck are men trimming and shaving pits?? seriously... unless your S.O has a pit fetish why are your arms up then the air so others can see them??