Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

lol...thats why we love you Rrog :)

for real though...sincerely420, you should read one straw revolution if you havent. Fukuoka's way of thinking is drastically different than yours, and it would be a good perspective change for you. simplify, simplify, simplify.

you seem to be a guy who likes things bigger, better, and faster. that at&t commercial made me sick honestly....please don't post anymore ads up here lol. especially ones that are advocating that more is better...thats the mentality that has us destroying the earth in the pursuit of "more". less is more.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Da Vinci

Yooo, I'm not a fan of yours...I'm so far from it....
I feel like all you do is sneak diss when you get the opportunity to lol.
I feel like regurgitate everything that Rrog says pretty much..But that doesn't mean much ya know, as it's just MY opinion.

I'm not gonna simplify, sorry. I'm gonna push it and go better...You'll see...Or you won't actually lol bcuz we don't follow each other...
Lets just say that you'll hear about it haha or see it somewhere lol.
And I'm a guy that never settles...I'm a guy that always wants more...Faster.......

It's not complicated...More is better....Faster is better.

Destroying the eath in pursuit of more?! What are you talking about?
And doesn't matter who's views are different than mine lol, becuase they're no me...and their views aren't mine....

I never been one to follow "just because"...
I make slurries too Rrog hehe. My tea bucket sees more herbal teas than ACT anymore as my soil is where I need it to be now. My new soil I made based off Coots recipe with a few extras is very nice. Much better than recycled Roots. Wish I could share more ladies :)

Stinging Nettle and Comfrey Leaf and Aloe here I come haha! And I can def. thank you guys for that :peace:
S420- Please share your results with these Botanical teas. You will really dig them. No question.
Will do without a doubt.
I've been having issues with wind burn since I've gotta keep the fans so close to cool them atm.
Got some new gear(air cooled 400w HPS) and they fan speed controller doesn't work with the new inline,
so I'm cooling a 400wHPS with two PC fans and exhausting with a duct fan...In NO WAY IDEA lol...
But I've only got a couple weeks max before I finish up this run and then I'm back to my T5VHO for veg, which is cool(temp wise).
Gonna have another air cooled 400 for the next flowering sesh, so I'll get a new fan speed controller then..
But I'll def share the results!
I'll be going HARD with the AACT's too, foliar and drench!
just read one straw'll help you regardless of how you feel about any of us. fukuoka deserves a read
Like one book is gonna change the way I feel bro..
I'm like 40 books in now....

Anybody who keeps up with me here on RIU knows I put my work it..
There's rhyme to my reason always, and I'm more than capable of explaining the logic behind the thing I do!

Ease up already :peace:

*edit-waving my white flag in regards to all things not compost...In otherwords, not pertaining to this thread!
I post because you post. Pretty simple. If you throw out the info you had better be prepared to discuss it. To be clear, I am not looking to convince you of anything. I am simply offering some scientific balance to your assertions.

BTW peer reviewed means someone else from that scientific community reviewed or re-created the data. That hasn't happened. So you are propagating info that has no peer review.

So....I'm looking...researching...Getting my noob on...You know...Nerding...

And I Google, "compost tea problems" and that 2nd link you share is the 1st link to pop up...

You mean to tell me that's what you doing??
I'm not sure what you're saying. By the way, we should keep in mind that Compost Tea is different from ACT. We all use compost tea, but some of us then aerate it. That's the hair that we're splitting.
I'm not sure what you're saying. By the way, we should keep in mind that Compost Tea is different from ACT. We all use compost tea, but some of us then aerate it. That's the hair that we're splitting.

I mean I Googled, "compost tea problems" and the 2nd link you provided was the very first thing that popped up.

And compost tea is differant the aerated compost tea(ACT) bcuz it's not oxygenated, and it doesn't work the same..
It's pretty much old fashioned to use a "compost tea" these days when you have the aerated compost tea.

The main difference is that the ACT is better given the presence of oxygen, which keep things aerobic!

And hair being split??? You mean alllllllLLLLLLLLLL this time you were saying that compost tea use is futile, but not when you aerate it?!

And I mean to say are you googling things and giving me the first things you find?!
If you are that's no bueno lol!
NickNasty- Are you going to use that cistern you have?

Rising Moon- How are your outdoor spring planting plans coming along?
Its built into the house old school style, made of brick and concrete. Lots of Michigan homes have them. I will probably re concrete the interior then line it with pond liner. So yes I will eventually otherwise its just a huge waste of space in my basement. I am going to try and setup water cooling thru it an cool my basement that way.
Google pulls up results based on previous searches...

Your search may pull up that link first, but my search will put up others...

Its just the way it works, they spy on you, you use their algorithm...
Hmmm...I haven't ever previously searched for anything like that.
Dont have saved Internet or search history ip is spoofed twice...

all I know is that I googled "compost tea problems" and the first thing that popped up was the link Rrog provided..

when I give an answer. I don't need google for it

*edit- On bing its a couple links down the page..
And when you "Bing" compost tea problems, it's the 6th link down.
The 5 before that are in support of compost tea use, even tho I'm looking for problems with compost tea.

I'm done with the back and forth tho RM.
Just saying don't Google some shit and throw it out there when it's the first link that pops up.
Moon- Hows the water affected your outdoor garden plans?

Damn man...

Everything is FLOODED. My buddy's basement was filling up b/c his sump pump went out in the middle of the night...

And my raised beds are like mud. This weekend will be the big dry out...

Ive got all sorts of plants started (fruits, veggies and meds) just waiting on the rain for most of my green production to start.

I planted a couple rows of Bok Choi last week, and I think they might be washed out...

Bout to head into work, gotta medicate!

( I tried to PM you but your box was full)