we're twenty minutes out of the stone age. already, we have those who feel we've progressed to the utopia where tragedy measured in thousandths of a percent are to be removed as the last vestiges of our former selves.
quite clearly the founders of this republic, felt that a restriction on wordplay culminating in loss or injury, was necessary. rightly so as seen in the next paragraph(Ammend.2).
then they go on to state that all. no matter who unsightly, or different than the opposition, were to have no impingement on their weapons. arms does not specifically cover just guns, imo. they did not feel, for some ood reason the need to limit the arms contingent upon injury or loss. it's almost as if they had implied, there WILL be injury and loss as pertains to said "arms", as it differs from their clear awareness of its existence in the first ammend., as it were.the only limitation is on the fed itself, stating "no infringement", as clear a statement as there could be.
they KNEW, of occultism(atheism/etc.ism, how they fooled buck!), western european imperialists, the church. they also knew of innovation and growth. Ben Franklin himself is credited with many discoveries. he knew guns would advance. and still, he thought the loss of life so little, he choose to arm every last citizen. all gun laws that infringe upon the second ammend. are illegal. our country was clearly founded on ideas opposite to arms control and regulation.
this is a scary, dangerous place. there are places more safe. take spain for instance. when the bomb goes off there, they all run for home. not AT the sounds of more blasts, in order to help their countrymen. then when all the dust has settled, they rally! not for there country, but to instill the perpetrator as king! so to ensure no more safety will be lost. residents of other countries could never understand the principles and feelings that us americans have. that is why they never left the service of the old master. australia? weren't you guys a british colony till last week?
these radical ideas of disarmament, and surveillance are NOT american ideas. therefore they are neither republican or democrat (as we define them). we need to wake up to the type of rational idiocy that guys like buck are spreading. it fits exactly with the limey, and the aussie. no offense intended.