HELP! tips like claws and maybe a potassium problem?


think i have a nitrogen tox problem with the claws curled down and around and also being battling a problem where the tips and leaf edges go brown whilst the leafs are going a light green but with darker green vains, i think i have over fed with nitrogen when i thought the leafs where going light green thinking it was a nitrogen problem but they still got worse which has now led me to think its a potassium problem i was in veg when this started happening temps where fine but ive now switched over to 12/12 thinking it might sort it self out if its a potassium prob? but if it is a potassium prob is it a case of too much or not enough is my question thats if it is a potassium problem.


Well-Known Member
We are gonna need some pics bro, tough to say based of descriptions. A good start would be, what type of soil? How fresh is the soil? What nutrients have you been adding and at what strengths? What are temps? What lights? How close to lights? Whats your humidity ?


soil when i started was john inns 2 but for final pot up its in fresh canna bio soil with added bat guano at the very bottom of the pot i have being using yellow bottle nutrient cal/mag only used it twice in veg and used hesi root complex 2 in veg as well and temps high as /78 lights on and 58 lights off humidity is around 40-50 lights on and 40-50 lights off. when i thought it was nitrogen after re-potting in to canna bio soil i added some hesi tnt with some hesi root complex then a day later i looked into it more n then thought potassium so i gave it a pint of water with some hesi bloom to add more potassium, stupid as that was i no since then they have had just water they didnt progress or look like they were for 2 days but last night it seems to be moving up the plant more as far as strenght of nuts go i would say half to 3/4 strenght but at first i only did 1/2 strenght of wot i was feeding, its a watering day today and i was wondering wot would be the safest option just hesi root complex at full strenght with water or add some potassium by using hesi bloom but also like i said i have the claw and my cam is broke on my fone at mo so pictures i know would be great but carnt do it. please help!


well iam off to water them now so iam just going to use hesi root complex with water and get a nice run off so i no the roots have had a good wash off, please feel free to comment still as the problem may still be there in the up coming days thanks u vey much.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I dont have any experience with those nutes, pictures would really help us with deciphering if its a deficiency or abundance. I will say Nitrogen abundance usually means insanely green leaves and brown tips though. Usually when you use new soil it is packed with nutes, I dont know about the soil you are using however. If I was in your shoes I would just water well with phed water for a week its hard to say without pictures. Also maybe do some searching on the specific nutes you are using, there has to be some others using that have talked about them. Sorry I cant help more. The safest route at this point is to just just go plain phed water.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
It sounds to me like the color change on the plants is from a transplant shock and pH change, not to worry I believe they will bounce back. In the future Dolomitic Lime will help when added to soil mediums through out the grow. Lime acts as a buffer and prevents any large swings in pH. Lime is not a substitute for due diligence though and all mediums should have run off tested for uniformity (Or soil pH test whatever you prefer). The curling, or eagle clawing of leaf tips is a clear sign of over fertilization cannot say to what degree the severity is only you can at this point. Though without pictures its hard to say what the exact cause is, could be hot spots in your mix (Solution is to mix soil to recipe I MEAN mix, and allow it to sit and "Cook" for 2 weeks before use) also could be "A layer of pure guano at the bottom" as you put. Regardless, truly the fix all is a good flush where 1.5 gallons of out of range pH water (8.5 or above) is run through for every gallon of medium in your container. So for instance if your plants were in a 3 gallon pot you might mix up 6-7 gallons of 8.5 pH water (So you have a bit extra, also could add a bit of dextrose to each gallon for good measure to help bind to accumulated salts) and run it through your containers, after use 1/3 strength feedings till you see noticeable recovery. The reason you want to pH your water to 8.5 is to make the over fertilization in your soil immobile and unavailable for uptake by your already wounded plant, you can reference any one of many pH charts to see at what levels Macro and Micro nutrients become un usable by plant life. I hope this helps your endeavor, but in the future you might get better results if you were to post this firstly in the plant problem forum. Best regards-S0uP


ok cheers air like i say its more then the tips its the edges as well and the green goes from dark green to a lighter discoloured green whilst the leafs vains are dark green can u tell me your first thoughts on that bearing in mind temps are k and wot not and i aint used much nutes to be fair and ill try n get some pictures today..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like nute burn to me, If I'm visualizing this correctly. Work on some pics for more solid advice :)


zzwasted yea some of the bottoms ones are 25% away from being dead and the ones to top are just starting and yeah they curl down and around and all the leafs are starting to fade from dark green but they are still dark green in leaf vaines and then start to form brown tips and brown edges on the leafs??


New Member
yeah thats nute burn / possible nitrogen toxcity flush flush flush then wait for it to absorb some of that water


New Member
typical signs are
really dark green leaves
leaves curling down
leaves drying up /going crispy
leave's getting brown spots on the sides of the blades


New Member


New Member
wait did you say they are dark green or fading from dark green ? upload a pic of a damaged leaf and we'll be able to tell you whats wrong atm its a guessing game gl peace


yeah fading from dark green but the leaf vaines are still really dark green and its not so much spots it just brown on the edges but yeah, not saying it isnt spots just doesnt look like spots if ya get me lol