Active Member
Killing for what you had to eat is a whole different story my friend.
Ever go Boar hunting? Along with the rifle, don't forget that side arm in case one comes
at you close from the brush along the trail your walking on.
Now, chicken, beef and pork are specifically bred to be consumed and
gophers, coyotes, ravens and snakes are not. There is a difference.
Gophers, coyotes etc... are here also for the very fact, to live along
side us free of fear of their meaningful lives.
A raccoon is not a threat unless you are and avoidance is key.
Maybe not a imideate threat to my person. fine. thats fair to say. im a big guy, 6' 200 lbs. so i could defend myself.
a) if it hadda come at me, i boot fucked it to death all you babys would be crying the river thames.
b)it coulda ruined 150 000 dollars worth of shit. get a grip. why would i allow this to happen.
c) all tge crying in the world wouldnt change the fact than none of you would allow a animal to threaten their crops. as i do this for a living, i cant afford to let personal feelings get in the way. if it had have been a person stealing, they woulda got the same thing.
d) anyone with common sense should know that allowing vermin to ransck your house is a bad idea. plus this isnt my house. im WATCHiNG.the joint while my buddy is in the insane asylum. my job it to protect the house and my crops.
if you dont understand what im saying, o well. but country life isint for those who dont get this. but ill tell you this, if i hafd have done what some are sugesting, it could have ruined me.
before you go on about how mean i am, just think. if you were faced in the same boat, would you allow a animal you already hate to cause your eventual satrvation. if you truly believe you would allow a raccoon to cause your death, you are either decieving yourself, others, dumb or delluded. when its fighting for survival, you gotta do it.
and why the hell does anyone think they have the right to tell me how to handle buisness. its what i do.