wack start to the morning.

Killing for what you had to eat is a whole different story my friend.
Ever go Boar hunting? Along with the rifle, don't forget that side arm in case one comes
at you close from the brush along the trail your walking on.

Now, chicken, beef and pork are specifically bred to be consumed and
gophers, coyotes, ravens and snakes are not. There is a difference.

Gophers, coyotes etc... are here also for the very fact, to live along
side us free of fear of their meaningful lives.

A raccoon is not a threat unless you are and avoidance is key.

Maybe not a imideate threat to my person. fine. thats fair to say. im a big guy, 6' 200 lbs. so i could defend myself.

a) if it hadda come at me, i boot fucked it to death all you babys would be crying the river thames.

b)it coulda ruined 150 000 dollars worth of shit. get a grip. why would i allow this to happen.

c) all tge crying in the world wouldnt change the fact than none of you would allow a animal to threaten their crops. as i do this for a living, i cant afford to let personal feelings get in the way. if it had have been a person stealing, they woulda got the same thing.

d) anyone with common sense should know that allowing vermin to ransck your house is a bad idea. plus this isnt my house. im WATCHiNG.the joint while my buddy is in the insane asylum. my job it to protect the house and my crops.

if you dont understand what im saying, o well. but country life isint for those who dont get this. but ill tell you this, if i hafd have done what some are sugesting, it could have ruined me.

before you go on about how mean i am, just think. if you were faced in the same boat, would you allow a animal you already hate to cause your eventual satrvation. if you truly believe you would allow a raccoon to cause your death, you are either decieving yourself, others, dumb or delluded. when its fighting for survival, you gotta do it.

and why the hell does anyone think they have the right to tell me how to handle buisness. its what i do.
Maybe not a imideate threat to my person. fine. thats fair to say. im a big guy, 6' 200 lbs. so i could defend myself.

a) if it hadda come at me, i boot fucked it to death all you babys would be crying the river thames.

b)it coulda ruined 150 000 dollars worth of shit. get a grip. why would i allow this to happen.

c) all tge crying in the world wouldnt change the fact than none of you would allow a animal to threaten their crops. as i do this for a living, i cant afford to let personal feelings get in the way. if it had have been a person stealing, they woulda got the same thing.

d) anyone with common sense should know that allowing vermin to ransck your house is a bad idea. plus this isnt my house. im WATCHiNG.the joint while my buddy is in the insane asylum. my job it to protect the house and my crops.

if you dont understand what im saying, o well. but country life isint for those who dont get this. but ill tell you this, if i hafd have done what some are sugesting, it could have ruined me.

before you go on about how mean i am, just think. if you were faced in the same boat, would you allow a animal you already hate to cause your eventual satrvation. if you truly believe you would allow a raccoon to cause your death, you are either decieving yourself, others, dumb or delluded. when its fighting for survival, you gotta do it.

and why the hell does anyone think they have the right to tell me how to handle buisness. its what i do.

OMG now the raccoon was going to kill you! I can see why you were so happy nailing it to a wall. Your life was in danger!
So I stepped on a fucking spider....and my cat ate it...team effort! !!!
so..... are you happy and bragging about killing something? do you hate the little 8 legged fuckers or are you just not able to afford cat food? what makes the life of a spider less than the life of anything else..... say a racoon to you? what was the spider damaging?
So now it is wrong to enjoy killing? Thats what the fuck is wrong...Want everyone else to do the dirty work cause the courage-less cowards dont have to kill...


All this supression of anger and violence is what is making these whackos
OMG now the raccoon was going to kill you! I can see why you were so happy nailing it to a wall. Your life was in danger!

You obviously cant read it was damaging my crop which i need to eat. you know you got alot of oppinions, none worth shit, and you have no idea what you are talking about.

when i need a ignorant city kid to tell me what i can and cant kill, or how i should handle my buisness ill ask you. oooo wait, i remember now, i dont ask crybaby know it alls for advice. especially when they dont know anything, and act like i could just do what sounds nice to them.

You need to go to a farm and see how shit works.

and you avmct like i took a puppey out and veat it to death. it was a desease infested vermin. what are you 5? guess what, no matter what you say, i still get a new hat.

and by the way, the damage tally is at 3500 dollars. it damaged 3 plants, 2 seriously. if i hadda caught it, i probably would have ripped it in half.

if you got a problem with how i handle my security, write it on a piece of paper and place it in the comment box between your ass cheeks. if you dont like it, come out , damage my crop and see how well i take it. ill put a broadhead thru your liver and let you die slow.

i dont fuck around with my livelyhood. if you think your job is a joke, you obviously dont make enough.

what macdonalds dosent pay 6 figures? Gosh thats a dmsurprise.
Please fix that post, so that I can mock your logic fallacies, instead of your spelling and grammar.

By the way, I never said anything about the killing itself, just the presentation, initial suggested methodology, and apparent motivation (anger and revenge.) Kill or don't, either's your choice. But, as I've said - re-read my posts, and maybe take a look at WHY people are popping tops over your kill.
So now it is wrong to enjoy killing? Thats what the fuck is wrong...Want everyone else to do the dirty work cause the courage-less cowards dont have to kill...


All this supression of anger and violence is what is making these whackos

Dont you love todays whinig generation. All a bunch of pussys. they think, o hey i must just have a tranquilizer hanging arount.

they are expensive, and dont work instantly.

if i had have been postin about hurting a animal for fun, ok thats a problem. i was deffending me and my shit.

and fwi, all you pussys. i know none of you would allow a coon to fuck with your hobby garden. if you had a 16th the number of plants i have, you wouldnt be acting like i was in the wrong.

ding ding, end of discussion.
Dont you love todays whinig generation. All a bunch of pussys. they think, o hey i must just have a tranquilizer hanging arount.

they are expensive, and dont work instantly.

if i had have been postin about hurting a animal for fun, ok thats a problem. i was deffending me and my shit.

and fwi, all you pussys. i know none of you would allow a coon to fuck with your hobby garden. if you had a 16th the number of plants i had, you wouldnt be acting like i was in the wrong.

ding ding, end of discussion.

If a puppy wandered in and fucked with my grow, I'd deal with it in my own way, same as any other pest. But, I keep my shit secure, and don't discuss methods of pest control, because it may disturb others or ignite heated discussion.
You obviously cant read it was damaging my crop which i need to eat. you know you got alot of oppinions, none worth shit, and you have no idea what you are talking about.

when i need a ignorant city kid to tell me what i can and cant kill, or how i should handle my buisness ill ask you. oooo wait, i remember now, i dont ask crybaby know it alls for advice. especially when they dont know anything, and act like i could just do what sounds nice to them.

You need to go to a farm and see how shit works.

and you avmct like i took a puppey out and veat it to death. it was a desease infested vermin. what are you 5? guess what, no matter what you say, i still get a new hat.

and by the way, the damage tally is at 3500 dollars. it damaged 3 plants, 2 seriously. if i hadda caught it, i probably would have ripped it in half.

if you got a problem with how i handle my security, write it on a piece of paper and place it in the comment box between your ass cheeks. if you dont like it, come out , damage my crop and see how well i take it. ill put a broadhead thru your liver and let you die slow.

i dont fuck around with my livelyhood. if you think your job is a joke, you obviously dont make enough.

what macdonalds dosent pay 6 figures? Gosh thats a dmsurprise.

You should go back and read my posts in this thread. I read yours.

I never said i was joyed killing it. i was joyed taking vengance on something that was damaging my livelyhood.

and as for the excitement, i grew up in a city. ive never got to ever exact revenge in what i beloeved to be a unique and amusing method.this shit just dosent happen erryday for me.

and to all the peoe whose heart bleeds for that raccoon, im sorry. but i did what i felt was the thing to do. you dont have to like it, but its done.

and sunno, just cause no one reported rabies in 45 years dosent mean rabbies is any less serious. and who kbows, maybe they died before reporting it. and i live on on thevother side of canada.

I live in a rural area! Oh and it happens to be a farming community. I know first hand
how farming works. So now you know for sure the animal was diseased?

I also have a great job, self employed. An honest living. Im no longer worried about how much I make
I dont have to anymore.

Before you spout off some more, go back and read your own posts so you can see the contradictions in them.
If you want to be able to have a chance at getting into a pissing contest with me you should also read my previous posts
so you at least have a fighting chance.

You should go back to the city, or join your buddy on the ward.
If a puppy wandered in and fucked with my grow, I'd deal with it in my own way, same as any other pest. But, I keep my shit secure, and don't discuss methods of pest control, because it may disturb others or ignite heated discussion.

Heh. If a puppy wandered in and fucked with my grow, I would take him to the kitchen and feed him yum yums. Because puppies are fucking cute.

" i hate em all. my budy was like "hey they are smart, they wash their hands before eating". i winder what ms the point in washing up to eat garbage. i just hate errything about em."

best part

You should go back and read my posts in this thread. I read yours.

I live in a rural area! Oh and it happens to be a farming community. I know first hand
how farming works. So now you know for sure the animal was diseased?

I also have a great job, self employed. An honest living. Im no longer worried about how much I make
I dont have to anymore.

Before you spout off some more, go back and read your own posts so you can see the contradictions in them.
If you want to be able to have a chance at getting into a pissing contest with me you should also read my previous posts
so you at least have a fighting chance.

You should go back to the city, or join your buddy on the ward.

sure buddy.illget right on that. right after i let wild animals harm my lively hood. for someone claiming to live in a farming comunity, you suuuure sound convincing. no one lets wild animals stay inside.

and who checks if a wild animals have rabies. what should i do, hold out my arm and let it bite me.

you are not in my situation, you werent there.

take your coment sheet, and place it in the cooment box between tha cheeks.

and your great job at mcdonalds my not give a shit if you fuck up, but im my own boss. im responsible and at the end of the day, i handled buisness. i dont have time to get trapps or call trappers.

but real farmers know we have to be self reliant. and if we fuck up, we cant blame the cashier for nlt giving someone thier fries.

If i needed advice from peta, or greenpeace on how to handle a wild animal in my house, i would have called tgem. I dont need a whiney, nosy kid to tell me what to do. If you cant handle a bit of blood, ya live in a fantasy world.

i didnt shoot the raccoon cause it was fun. it incmvaded my home and did me harm. if you cant get past this fact, you dont understand what is really up in the world.

maybe next time i see a raccoon in my house ill let it wreck errything caise you say i should. lol its my buisness. if ya dont like it, put your nose, and its opinions somewhere else.

try emptying your complaints box once and a while. maybe you wont be so uptight
;) i dont believe in death penalty so im allow to hate on the kill. haha

As for pervious comment that it was in his house so he should kill it , no he should have his holes in his house patched up and properly secured.

Coulda woulda shoulda. do you really expect me to belive you would let a animal cause you serious harm?

and vtw the ranchouse is 80 years old. who knows how it got in.

i coulda woulda shoulda done 1000 things. But life not fair. it happened and i dealt wuth it.

what should i do next time? put myelf at risk to make others feel better. suuure

maybe i shouldnt have posted it. but im alone in the mountains i joined this site to have some human interaction.
as i wasnt violating any rules, i dont see the issue. We are all entitled to chat about whatever we want.

if i gave broken any rules, feel free to tell me. im new to this site, so im sure i have lots to learn.

but until the rules bar me from sharing my morning, if i have an eventful morning im going to share it
Try to read a bit. Im Self employed and dont need to worry about money anymore. Your little
Mc D's insult is funny.

And your right, no one lets wild animals stay inside. Finally you got something right.
Secure your stuff and you wont have a problem.

You're not a farmer, your a city kid who thought it would be fun to
shoot a bow indoors and kill an animal you hate.

Again, if you read my posts you would see that I have been in similar
situations and handled them differently. My garage holds contents that
exceed the cost of your plants ~ guaranteed.
Yeah I have been there, but not only would I be smarter than shooting off a bow in a confined space,
I also wouldn't go brag up killing an animal that didn't need to be killed and then try to
make excuses about it.
Some of the ideas you all posted were valid.

IF i had trapps i woulda used em. if i had a tranquilizer, i would have used it.

fact is, i had what i had. and besideshow does it effect anyone. none of you babbies lost mony today, so tough shit. if you want to cover the damage the coon did, and the damage any others cost, next time ill let it ruin my shit.

unless you are willing to pay tho, know that im gonna do the same thing if i have to. as maby times as i need.

yes i can afford to pay for the damaged cord(it also chewwed a cord a bt) and it wont kill me to lose a couple plants. but the whole crop is valeud in the 6 figures at wholesale price.


say what you want, but until you gave to actually face the choice, you havent got a clue what you are saying. you have no idea what you will do to survive. and you have no idea what I WILL DO TO SURVIVE. ifit means i have to make tough call, thats part of this life.

im responsible for it, not all you bleeding hearts. so call me evil all you want.

cause that will deffinitly change my mind lol.