16oz cup for flower + veg (amazing!)

by the way I just noticed you signed up to the site within this month 'obi cron kenobi", and you seem like a pretty wise individual in ways of the world, I just thought Id say welcome to the site. Pm me if you ever need some help and Id do my best @ gettin ya taken care of or finding someone that could if I dont know how to help.
and I generally take no notice to peoples post count either in case you were wondering. I dont really view that as a way to judge how much someone know right off the bat because that person may only be a noobie to this site, not cannabis in general. But when someone trys to seem like they know Everythingafter they try to attack me I get offended.
people like you are what is about to force me to give up this forum.:cry:

keep trolling, don't deliver what was asked, base all your obvious bias on post count, but please understand that nobody is forcing you to stay. :roll:
keep trolling, don't deliver what was asked, base all your obvious bias on post count, but please understand that nobody is forcing you to stay. :roll:

and Im not about to let someone who obviously doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground to drive me out either.
Im not biased in any manner. But I know what I have SEEN work, and you have no evidence to say that it ISNT possible.

Root binding by container size is a MYTH These pictures alone show this is true. . Ill admit that if you grow a monster in a little ass pot you are going to have to accommodate somehow for the plant weight to keep from overpowering the weight of the medium. But thats not the issue here
quit trying to make the monster plant pictures so much of an issue, you are losing totally in the logics of how a plant grows because you obviously do not understand them:roll:

apparently your literacy skills are a problem as well, while re-reading through this thread I just saw this again and I had forgotten it was there.
You can grow healthy plants in small pots, you can maximize yields with plants in small pots grown in SOG systems, but, and it's a big but, you have to know what you're doing. You have to understand that small pots = small root mass = low water and nutrient uptake and storage, which means more frequent water and nutrient feeds. The smaller the pot, the less nutrients it can hold and it almost gets to a stage where it's operating like a soiless mix, because there are no nutrients left in the soil - the soil substrate mass is so small it cannot hold many nutrients in it and they get depleted quickly, hence the need to understand how, when and how much nutrients to feed. The watering and nutrient feeding would be almost daily I'd say as opposed to every 4 or 5 days watering and every 8 to 10 days feeding in larger pots.

The capacity for mistakes is much higher in smaller pots than larger ones, because there's no margin for error, but by understanding the plants nutrient and water feeding frequency decent yields can be achieved without huge root masses, because the root mass is so much smaller - it cannot store as many nutrients and therefore they must be replaced more frequently.

now that gives me all the leverage for me to say you have no idea what you speak of little man, get on my level before you start trying to play with me.
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woot woots for Kochab

thanks, but hes offline right now. Im sure he'll have some smart ass rebuttal to try and make a pathetic attempt that will somehow make him feel that he is right.
Maybe he is, maybe his plants get limited by their container sizes....

but that dosent mean mine or anyone elses (that feeds their plants right) are:mrgreen::twisted::mrgreen:
Wow, i'm leaving my seedling in its 6oz cup just to see how tall it will get before it starts suffering on me, then to a big pot. Nice.
big pots to deliver a quality plant is bogus to me....

i smell bullshit especially when i seen it can be done. smaller pots just mean more fine tuned growing. less food at more frequent intervals. simple as that
big pots to deliver a quality plant is bogus to me....

i smell bullshit especially when i seen it can be done. smaller pots just mean more fine tuned growing. less food at more frequent intervals. simple as that

thank ya l.b Just wanted some other "tried and true" opinion in here in case he tried to call me wrong again, I dont want folks getting the wrong info from noobies
saved me lol- I would have believed that bastard. And I am certainly going to down grade my pot size for my next grow- I could accommodate way more plants- and right now their just to large (nearly 5 gallons) but i started this grow in front of a window sill- like a complete moron- I now have a decent system. But I have come a long way- and have far to go-

Thank you to those who can give wise words- and to those who cant, just listen to those who can- thats what you came here for anyway isnt it?
saved me lol- I would have believed that bastard. And I am certainly going to down grade my pot size for my next grow- I could accommodate way more plants- and right now their just to large (nearly 5 gallons) but i started this grow in front of a window sill- like a complete moron- I now have a decent system. But I have come a long way- and have far to go-

Thank you to those who can give wise words- and to those who cant, just listen to those who can- thats what you came here for anyway isnt it?

Most plants will reach to 3 or 4 ft easily indoors with 2-3 gallon pots. You can go smaller but like I quoted by the user baby gro above, It makes for more upkeep on the plants.

Ive done sog perpetual setups in indoor vertical rooms with 2 liter bottles as plant pots. Its a LOT to to take care of daily but it allowed me to fit the most plants I possibly could under the lights.
Before I was done, I taught the people I was helping, pull out 3/4 of a pound from under 600 watts of hps. With 12 plants.

Its all about how much work you want it to actually be for yourself. Some say growing weed is easy and in essence it is, but it can be made a bit more difficult to get maximum results
for sure, I am doing the learners set up now- but when I move I am gonna get more advanced- maybe have a second room to do SOG or SCOG and I really really wanna do the Floor of Cups- and see what I can yeild from a closet full!
for sure, I am doing the learners set up now- but when I move I am gonna get more advanced- maybe have a second room to do SOG or SCOG and I really really wanna do the Floor of Cups- and see what I can yeild from a closet full!

If your gonna do sog you will need a healthy mom and good cloning skills, can you handle that first and foremost? If not thats what you should work on learning a little bit of in this grow...

If i were you I wouldent take a sog down past the size of 2 liter bottles just for the sake of convenience.... If you have a walk in closet somewhere in the house I could explain to you o how to set up a vertical room so that you can maximize the results you get from a sog. I think that You could probably even set up a regular closet vertical style and put 4 plants per each wall to get 12 plants in there easily yielding an ounce per plant....
Well i will be working on cloning and mothering skills with this grow so that i can use those skills for my next grow. But my next grow wont be till mid august so for now it is time to refine those skills- Idk what my exact set up will be since i havent moved in- but thanks for all the help i am definitely confident that after this grow i will be ready to take on more advanced operations.
Well i will be working on cloning and mothering skills with this grow so that i can use those skills for my next grow. But my next grow wont be till mid august so for now it is time to refine those skills- Idk what my exact set up will be since i havent moved in- but thanks for all the help i am definitely confident that after this grow i will be ready to take on more advanced operations.

Id hope so:hump: Lemme know if ya need anything. Ill either know what ya could do to help or I know someone who does.
darn man, you sure are a nice guy, and I love your avatar too.

well thank you. i see that you like the avatar... Most everybody does, although they commonly think the guy is holding a bong....
It says, " Hi Id like a big ma....oh god what are you doing?" and it has that little boy from the grudge dressed up like ronald mcdonald squatted down munching on a severed human arm.