Anti-marijuana New York Republican assemblyman busted for weed possession


Well-Known Member
See, Red's a known troll. He has taken a side and won't discuss, sands his skin intentional thin, and projects it all to a word fight. A Grammar troll. And now he will act personally insulted that he has been so denigrated....we get it.
My, my! Still butthurt? You lost your last debate and fled, now you want to piggy-back on someone else? Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
My, my! Still butthurt? You lost your last debate and fled, now you want to piggy-back on someone else? Pathetic.
Ahh, but you see, you are still unwilling to debate the point in my post that you were so quick to point out grammatical flaws. Instead
you are insisting on turning the thread into a mud slinging contest where people choose to defend themselves or others.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, but you see, you are still unwilling to debate the point in my post that you were so quick to point out grammatical flaws. Instead you are insisting on turning the thread into a mud slinging contest where people choose to defend themselves or others.
I did debate your point(s). Asking you to clarify yourself isn't pointing out grammatical flaws or mudslinging. Stop pretending it is. Your contention that somehow I am a villain here is false and self-serving. Attacking others when you can't defend your position is less than I expected from you. Good Day, sir!


Well-Known Member
I don't care dem or rep, they are all lobbied by special interests. Believing that laws are set in place by the majority is completely wrong. If that were the case we would all live in a completely world.
Funny thing is, I agree with the first two sentences. Just didn't understand the last. Barney's Farm LSD seem to make me confuse ricky1lung with Doer. I think I'll go eat now.


Well-Known Member
My, my! Still butthurt? You lost your last debate and fled, now you want to piggy-back on someone else? Pathetic.
Being out of your gourd, you don't understand. I don't take sides, am not debating and don't care what you think or what score keeping nightmare your life is.

Many of us simply discuss. We don't personally criticize to gain attention. And I have learned a lot. I am never debating. Please make a note, it's in your mind only. This winning and losing and whining.

I assure you I'm a registered Independent, a Che-ist, and only try to be here Now.


Well-Known Member
Oh, BTW, grammarTroll, what kind of world is this again? Remind me? The Majority Vote wins so you are confused?

If that were the case we would all live in a completely world.


Well-Known Member
It strikes me that this offender is benefiting from the absence of laws he would like to have had on the books. He gets a ticket and a few dollars in fines when if he had had his way, he might just have been sent to jail.

What gets my goat is this superior morality the Republicans seem to broadcast with their every speech and conversation.

"Why not legalize all drugs" someone says, whereupon this sort of folk responds "the streets will be filled with addicts, and abusers", oh, but if drugs were legalized HE and HIS cronies would never scumb, it is only the "takers", the "little people", the "six pack joes" of the country, the ones he claims should have a say and freedom, the ones that he is "looking out for" by attempting to pass laws limiting joe's behavior - all the while he wants smaller less obtrusive government.

Smaller for whom?

Just another asshole among the ranks of Republicans.

Nothing new.


Well-Known Member
leave it to stormfront red to defend this guy just because he has a (R) in front of his name.

the fact is that a majority of voters in the entire state of new york support legalization.

katz represents an area of new york close in to the city, not the more conservative, rural areas of upstate new york. the areas he represents went solid blue in the last election, too.

those facts clearly paint a picture different from the one that stormfront red would like for us to believe.

then again, we all know that the only thing stormfront red is only good for is killing his own children, his own wives, and his own parents. so we are safe to write off just about anything he says as retarded.


Well-Known Member
And we have to remember these critters are part of a hierarchy trading support, public and private; and votes yea/nay/absent/present.

You know that Discovery show, "How it's Made" or "Dirty Jobs" might be better for example? :) It doesn't matter if it's State or Federal.

This all, is called a system of markers, you own mes, and payback. It's as mean and dirty as can be in the back rooms. Corruption and graft. Lot's of wiggle room, sure, to hang yourself and the other guy, too. A MAD necktie dance if you will; Sex. Skeletons unearthed and staffers betrayed. Real and imagined jail time and threats of death and boredom. :)

But, it's a barter system of preceptive worth, a constant horse trading, arm twisting, threats, bluster and worse, of these 7 items. A powerful, mostly bloodless system of instant influence auction, fame making, glory, mediocrity, or ruin. How do you play? It takes courage. And the courageous are plowed under by the sneaky. The Pubs, are hell in the back, but are not sneaky enough on the public side, I believe, at this point in the Great Game of:

pubic support
private support
yea vote
nay vote
present signified
absent so noted


Well-Known Member
Being out of your gourd, you don't understand. I don't take sides, am not debating and don't care what you think or what score keeping nightmare your life is. Many of us simply discuss. We don't personally criticize to gain attention. And I have learned a lot. I am never debating. Please make a note, it's in your mind only. This winning and losing and whining. I assure you I'm a registered Independent, a Che-ist, and only try to be here Now.
Clearly, you do take sides. Pretending you don't is silly. Your assumption someone is "keeping score" sounds a little paranoid. "I'm a registered Independent, a Che-ist, and only try to be here Now." My, I'm impressed! You're here Now? I suppose you think that means something.


Well-Known Member
Oh, BTW, grammarTroll, what kind of world is this again? Remind me? The Majority Vote wins so you are confused? If that were the case we would all live in a completely world.
Now you seem to be splicing random quotes together. Are you trying to say something or do you have Tourette's syndrome?


Well-Known Member
What gets my goat is this superior morality the Republicans seem to broadcast with their every speech and conversation.
Oh yes, you'll never see a Democrat acting this smug sense of superiority is showing.


Well-Known Member
leave it to stormfront red to defend this guy just because he has a (R) in front of his name. the fact is that a majority of voters in the entire state of new york support legalization. katz represents an area of new york close in to the city, not the more conservative, rural areas of upstate new york. the areas he represents went solid blue in the last election, too. those facts clearly paint a picture different from the one that stormfront red would like for us to believe. then again, we all know that the only thing stormfront red is only good for is killing his own children, his own wives, and his own parents. so we are safe to write off just about anything he says as retarded.
So you're claiming that the guy was never elected or re-elected? Clearly the voters chose him to represent him. I'm not defending the guys actions or even his opinions. I challenging the accusation that he sold his vote. To claim so without any evidence at all is nothing more than lying. Repeating your ridiculous lies again is the whole of your ability? Pretty lame. I guess being unable to have sex with your wife is driving you to prove your "manhood" in other ways. Too bad you still fail.


Well-Known Member
I'm not defending the guys actions or even his opinions. I challenging the accusation that he sold his vote.
bullshit, stormfront red.

in post #5 you attempted to defend him as simply "representing the views of his constitutents", which is patently absurd in a blue district just outside of new york city in a state that favors legalization 51-44.

nice attempt at a sentence in english on the second on there, stormfront red. the fact that you work with nobel prize winners has never been more obvious.

now get back to scrubbing their toilets, you white supremacist piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
It occurs to me that perhaps we should have a law that states that law makers and their families should be subject to the laws they vote for, even if those laws do not pass.

I could see some state senator's daughter being subject to invasive vaginal probes several times before she could get that abortion that daddy insists upon because the father is a neerdowell and not at all good for his up coming reelection campaign.

"Daddy? why did the doctor say that he was required by YOU to stick things up my neenerpoo? Tiffany Knight said when she got hers, oh you remember her, her father voted for that stinky old Obama? Well, when Tiffany got hers they didn't do that, it was so yucky, and then I had to look at all those pictures of babies and I didn't like it at all"


Well-Known Member
Now you seem to be splicing random quotes together. Are you trying to say something or do you have Tourette's syndrome?
It's your're post boney, go check it. You left out a word. Completely (what??) world....grammar queen.


Well-Known Member
bullshit, stormfront red.

in post #5 you attempted to defend him as simply "representing the views of his constitutents", which is patently absurd in a blue district just outside of new york city in a state that favors legalization 51-44.

nice attempt at a sentence in english on the second on there, stormfront red. the fact that you work with nobel prize winners has never been more obvious.

now get back to scrubbing their toilets, you white supremacist piece of shit.
How true! They all sell their votes. That is the system. If you can't sell your no vote, what good are you? Really, Red has a silly view of politics if he thinks ALL votes are not for sale. Yea, nay, present, absent...all have a price...not money.....power and influence. support, public and private.

If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, and vote against them, you don't belong here. "

Jesse Marvin Unruh, the Speaker of the California State Assembly.