Anti-marijuana New York Republican assemblyman busted for weed possession


Well-Known Member
We should drug test politicians until the drug war ends.

Lets add it to the legislation!

edit:: Other gov workers have to be tested thanks to the war on drugs, why shouldn't government politicians?


Well-Known Member
drug testing our politicians would reveal marco rubio's crippling pain pill addiction (just getting the rumor out there nice and early).


Well-Known Member
drug testing our politicians would reveal marco rubio's crippling pain pill addiction (just getting the rumor out there nice and early).
With that hardcore cotton mouth and labored speech I was fucking sure he was a closet pothead.


Well-Known Member
They all sell their votes.
This is the problem with you guys. You make these statements all the time. No proof, no evidence, not even an indication of wrong doing. A statement based solely on your hatred. Bigotry at it's worst. You attempt to shout down anyone who questions your baseless statements with sheer numbers of posts and vile slander. You pretend to wear the cloak of virtue, while acting as assassins. Your tactics betray you for the nasty little children you are.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem with you guys. You make these statements all the time. No proof, no evidence, not even an indication of wrong doing. A statement based solely on your hatred. Bigotry at it's worst. You attempt to shout down anyone who questions your baseless statements with sheer numbers of posts and vile slander. You pretend to wear the cloak of virtue, while acting as assassins. Your tactics betray you for the nasty little children you are.
the asshat who complains about blacks voting after church and claims gays have full equality as long as they act straight has come riding in on his high horse.

the irony is delicious.


Well-Known Member
You sure like talking about harming children. You're a sick fuck.
if i'm a sick fuck for making fun of your history of killing women and children, what does that make you for actually having the history of killing women, children, and the elderly?

most obvious answer: casket salesman paid on commission.