

it has come to light buck has a stake in this fight. he was abused by his gun owning white father. who was also claiming to be Christian.

don't forget, he made over 100k and stressed hard work. he was often overheard telling buck to "make something of yourself" and "when are you going to find yourself a nice girl and give me some grand kids."

this is why buck is averse to everything that man stood for.

oh the sheer horror he experienced! give him 40 acres and a mule.
considering that several children survived newtown because lanza had to change magazines, what do you say about the NRA's opposition to limiting high capacity mags?


no one cares about your semantic bickering, i would make an alternative choice about your battles.

don't forget, he made over 100k and stressed hard work. he was often overheard telling buck to "make something of yourself" and "when are you going to find yourself a nice girl and give me some grand kids."

this is why buck is averse to everything that man stood for.

oh the sheer horror he experienced! give him 40 acres and a mule.

are you another one of these people who believes in a fairy tale about a zombie kid?
One miserable star thread...too lame even for you ub YOU CAN DO BETTER

and if my guns bother you or anyone who thinks I should not have them, please feel free to come get them...
laws keep plenty of people from smoking pot who otherwise might.

just the increase in price due to prohibition keeps plenty of people away.

then might I inquire why do you break one law which you do not agree with but on a mission to get laws just as ridiculous as the ones you break put on innocent gun owners? Seems very hypocritical UB..I reiterate... my guns bother you come get them...lol
then might I inquire why do you break one law which you do not agree with but on a mission to get laws just as ridiculous as the ones you break put on innocent gun owners? Seems very hypocritical UB..I reiterate... my guns bother you come get them...lol

you must be one of these paranoid, moronic people who think that background checks are equivalent to nationwide confiscation.

lay off the NRA logic, sistah. it's rotting your dome.
UB this is really the only topic I disagree totally with you on...pretty much everything else fits...why do you support more alienation of personal freedom? Whether guns, drugs, or who you can fuck...the agenda is the same...erosion of personal freedom for the power shift to big brother...just doesn't fit you
just cause you thought up-

some new way of fucking ourselves, do you really think we should go for it just because it's a new idea. i saw some dude(your cousin) put his meat stick through the gauged out hole in another dude'(your) ear once. and they certainly had thought they were in the midst of the next big thing. for some reason though, it never caught on.
UB this is really the only topic I disagree totally with you on...pretty much everything else fits...why do you support more alienation of personal freedom? Whether guns, drugs, or who you can fuck...the agenda is the same...erosion of personal freedom for the power shift to big brother...just doesn't fit you

how are background checksw or magazine limits for future purchases an erosion of your freedom in any way? both are perfectly consistent with the second and only serve to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

do you want violent rapists to have easier access to guns, or is it that you are not capable of passing a simple background check?
how are background checksw or magazine limits for future purchases an erosion of your freedom in any way? both are perfectly consistent with the second and only serve to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

do you want violent rapists to have easier access to guns, or is it that you are not capable of passing a simple background check?

Magazine limits shout "it's the gun's fault".

Do you support magazine limits for ALL civilians, like this guy here? cn
