Club 600

Sucks I had that stem break early, but I checked all the nugs really well and the trichs were at least 70% milky on all of them and 80%+ on most. Weird my hairs were just starting to change. Here are some pics of the harvest
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well thats what you get for growing big buds.... but really, sorry she snapped on you. The last pic doesn't look too bad but it must be perspective. Now, think about some cages/support and on to the next one eh!

Looks good to me.

Here's one of your's that I blew up...heri, I believe

wow.... bullshit. i had a big post all ready to go and something happened and its gone now... took me forever to type up too. ugh ... anyways ROOTS ORGANICS SOIL GNATS WAS A BIG RUMOR a while back. ALL of the soils sit in the same spots right next to each other in stores distributors, warehouses etc... supposedly FF had the same issues... its too many varibles and if's to just say RO has bug issues. ALL pre mix, in the bag potting mixes run the risk of bug contamination. i quit using FF because of thrips i thought, turns out it was in all of the mixes ive tried pro mix and all.

i love RO products... my stuff turns out very good with it. just sayin... plus they have one of the only major brand name liquid nutes thats nearly 100% organic. u can just tell the difference by looking at it. but to each his own.
bah i had pics and comments on all yur guys posts and shit. omg.... GRRR!!! i hate this laptop

heres some pics for ya guys of my grape ape before its cut down, and a purps bud curing.
DSCF0466.jpgDSCF0461.jpgBig article on Ken estes in high times this month. and on the GDP mine sure looks an awful lots like the KGDP bud structure wise. and mine has a super wicked fruit smell. hope yours turns out good man.

ALSO: Highest THC strain this year: HEADBAND CHEESE. <-- cant wait to try that. BB should mix DOG with the real EXO Cheese.

i have some seeds out of my FreezeCheese89 that must have been from my Northern Lights that had a couple hermies on it. im excited about those. both plants were spectacular examples. the freeze is nice and kushy/musky-lemony i was pissed when i couldnt get my freeze to clone when i first switched it over. i geuss i got lucky in the end anyways :)
Im completely sold that Cheese produces some of the FINEST hybrids available right now.
anyways im done ranting and the such. have a good one u guys... life been crazy for me lately. hope y'alls is a bit less crazy :)
thast beautiful in that sun.. not sure who johny craig is just yet but I like this song.[youtube]S2QoOapi0sg[/youtube] I can relate though.
I write music sometimes.. just don't really have the means to record it.. actually iv written a lot.. I tried to make a song for the 6 one time or even just show yall some shit but not the most computer savy and I couldent upload it to y outube for shit.. couldent figure out how to use a damn microphone that you plug into the usb..
well thats what you get for growing big buds.... but really, sorry she snapped on you. The last pic doesn't look too bad but it must be perspective. Now, think about some cages/support and on to the next one eh!

A bag of bamboo stakes is like 5 bux at the grow shop. and get yourself some bread ties or twine to tie up the stems. i learned the hard way, strains like red cherry berry and pineapple express used to give me TOTAL HELL before i mastered tying them up

Who has some MAJOR awesome pics of his cages and such that he uses to prop up his lovely babies. im jealous of him! :)
Smellzlike,...If you don't have to log back in and were posting in advanced, go back to the thread and click post a reply. It'll take you back to advanced, and at the bottom it'll say Restore Content, click it and you'll get your post back...
Afternoon 6! Just checking in to say hi and throw up some pr0n. Wish I could find my other camera but this will do for now :D

Hope you guys are doing good, some nice porn going on in the 6, but of course that's a given.

Have a great day!


Giggles out....
I smoked out and played pool with those dudes in Amsterdam. Nice chaps.
bizzy bones the shit though, grew up on bizzy and all the bone thugs.. I feel like I know them hah.

Lovely pics people, doing what you do with the dankaroo!

What it is 600 been a long time but the Stinky one is back in the block and from the looks of it i have a hell of a lot of catching up to do Dammmmmmmmmm! it is looking real good up in here shout out to all of the green thumbs here because it is to many to rattle off one at a time i just got me a couple of granddaddy Purp clones from my local shop and they are at the moment getting back into the veg stage because whet he chopped them for me they were in flower mode a lil longer veg time for me but all will be well..will post here no need for a grow journal when im right at home here where i belong...
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