Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my cousin is like 38ish and he went to court for something like 2 months ago. The cops recognized him, realized he had a child support warrant out, and that made him miss his court date he was originally there for. It's a messed up "game". I had friends like that too. If cops know you by name that really isn't a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I had similar thoughts...and I'm over 60 now.

Like jig stated, change your environment.

O I did ... I didn't move just had a major change in who I hang out with it led me to having literally no friends now only have a handfull I can call a friend. But that's fine with me I have my wife and child and that's really all I need well some 600 action and some weed also


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my cousin is like 38ish and he went to court for something like 2 months ago. The cops recognized him, realized he had a child support warrant out, and that made him miss his court date he was originally there for. It's a messed up "game". I had friends like that too. If cops know you by name that really isn't a good thing.
They knew me by first and last name and when I was seen usually stopped or pulled over but since life change they havnt fucked with me.


Well-Known Member
What up 6, busy day today but got shit done before the storm hit :D

And dabs everyone is right move away and start new. I had to do it and I can honestly say it made me a better person. Where I come from people are either methed out or think they run the show. Fuck that shit. Life is what you make of it and jig is right, the boring life is sometimes the best life. I love being able to do what I want and not have to worry about a damn thing. I'm under 30 as well and I've lived in over 7 states lol, but I think I finally got what I wanted. Just fuck everyone else and do what's best for you.

Move in with someone or live in a car until you can get by. I've done it. Is it fun? no it sure isn't but it beats having to deal with stupid fucking people on a daily basis.

Ok well I was going to have some pr0n but I can't find my effing camera! grr! Oh well maybe I'll get some here in a bit.

Hope everyone had a great day.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever use Sunleaves Optilume with a digi ballast?
The seller says its fine, but wanted someone with of profit from it to answer.
They are sure cheap!
2 600s for $53 shipped
U should call a grow shop and ask or the company is what I would do I never trust a seller they just want ther money ..where at eBay?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of age will be 29 soon on the 11 th 2 days going to just get lit all day then go to dinner
Your 2 years older then me bro, well I guess not since my bday is in may lol. Oh well I enjoy the life I live now. My kids and my girl is all I need as well.

Oh and the 6, you guys are like my fam :D


Active Member
Hi guys I'm back, it's me GreenThumb2k10 but have had to start a new account as I forgot my password and couldn't retrieve it. I'll be starting a new thread soon and will chuck a link up in various places. For now I'm gonna sit back and watch for a bit, see wa gwanin!


Well-Known Member
no pr0n?

my ladies wake up in a little less than 2 hours..

been maybe over a year now, but stopped by the club, out of a 30+ selection, grabbed 4 of the smelliest, purtiest ladies.. :dunce:

it took me sooo long to choose, so many amazing choices! this makes meee soo happy, cant wait to try out new strains(raise)..

gonna surprise my ladies with an early morning smoke out of some STARGATE pretty soon here. take a few sneaky pics as well ...


Well-Known Member
flying spaghetti monster damn it BB im gonna buy some dippy and grow it just to get you a better picture to put up! lmfao :eyesmoke: puff puff, its deserves it, tastes great.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
did ya'll hear about the Texas college student who dressed kinda weird and carried stuffed animals around with everyone thought he was harmless but he just eneded up stabbing 14 students! isnt that fucked up? lol. beware of men that carry stuffed animals.shit
alright whos going to the cypress hill concert next week?
im going to be climbing the 2 big rocks at the ampitheater the night of the show. can anyone help with my belaying? lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what strain that is but she looks awesome!
I noticed she is still throwing out new pistils

It's a Santa Cruz Blues

those pistils will soon transition..

I'd say about a week left. She is at 7 weeks 3 days.

I'll show her off the day of chop.