Club 600


Well-Known Member
Pic of the GSC day 65 of flower. View attachment 2608846
pretty pretty girl there!
It's a Santa Cruz Blues

those pistils will soon transition..

I'd say about a week left. She is at 7 weeks 3 days.

I'll show her off the day of chop.
Oh yeah that right...thats the strain I was wanting ever since you 1st posted her, and cant find her or any info really on her.
She really looks nice

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
ive been very medicatd all day. i ate some choc o late medible and been soaring high all day. topped offf with a volcano balloonn of smellycherry its making it a very specail evening . thanks for all the bud porn to lookat~
Maybe the man that stabbed all the people will tell the judge in court the stuffed animals made him do it.. kinda like how chucky worked. its just so bizarre.


Well-Known Member
LOL Have some GSC haters again on another page. What you guys & gals think of my new name for her? Since I did her by bag seed and thats how Chem Dawg basically started. Thinking of calling her Jhod Purple Cookie Monster. Does that sound good? Then people don't get all butt hurt because it's called GSC. Shit I know where I got the seed.


Well-Known Member
PCM sounds good. Funny how much is in a name. For real, if you presented me with two of the same bags and said one was girl scout cookies and the other was purple cookie monster.... I'd go with the purple cookie monster every time.


Well-Known Member
PCM sounds good. Funny how much is in a name. For real, if you presented me with two of the same bags and said one was girl scout cookies and the other was purple cookie monster.... I'd go with the purple cookie monster every time.
Thanks bro I think I like that name. I even tried doing a search to see if that name popped up and I didn't see it.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the haters. I think they're just more haters on Swerve maybe? I don't really know. I pass up a lot of that talk on that shit. Probably just kids with too much time or some shit.


Well-Known Member
My boy just got some girl scout, some headband, and something else. I really don't care about the haters. I DO care that a lot that some of these breeders don't stabilize their genes and turn out junk that happens to be a 1 in 20 is a winner sort of genes though. I know they can't all be winners as bad santa would say, but shit 1 in 5 fems should be a winner.


Well-Known Member
Girl Scout Cookies forum cut, fer fuks sake I think some people in the States are plum crazy about weed. I thought the Exo cheese mystery was bad enough. I mean the opinions you get out there (like assholes, every one got one). My bagseed og kush I was told was NOT bagseed, becuase I knew what it came from. Now I guess people have changed their mind and now bagseed, is actuallly bagseed...oh what the ful ever. HWho cares, if it looks nice, smokes great, then fuk the Haters!

I like Purple Cookie Monster too, Girls scout cookies just makes me think of a bunch of old pedo smokers, stupid name!

Rant over.



Well-Known Member
Swerve loves the hype. I actually see Swerve in Amsterdam at my smoke house a reasonable amount. In fact he left some GSC there, and as I said before, I really don't know what the excitement is about, but then probably someone will say, "well you haven't seed the real GSC have you!" lol.

Fuck the haters. I think they're just more haters on Swerve maybe? I don't really know. I pass up a lot of that talk on that shit. Probably just kids with too much time or some shit.


Well-Known Member
Girl Scout Cookies forum cut, fer fuks sake I think some people in the States are plum crazy about weed. I thought the Exo cheese mystery was bad enough. I mean the opinions you get out there (like assholes, every one got one). My bagseed og kush I was told was NOT bagseed, becuase I knew what it came from. Now I guess people have changed their mind and now bagseed, is actuallly bagseed...oh what the ful ever. HWho cares, if it looks nice, smokes great, then fuk the Haters!

I like Purple Cookie Monster too, Girls scout cookies just makes me think of a bunch of old pedo smokers, stupid name!

Rant over.

Its getting stupid with all the hype on a freaken strain LOL. Morning DST. Good Nite Everyone else work in the AM.


Well-Known Member
morning boys off to see the blueberry in the wilma in 10 mins will be adding to my thread in an hour or so show yous the change, gona empty and refill the res aswell


Well-Known Member
Good luck Bud.

I read in the UK growers thread that SuperSillyBilly was found dead the other day. I am not sure what happened but it doesn't sound nice whatever it is. He was pinched just recent with large, then I heard he was telling tales, and now this. All very mysterious. Spare a minutes thought, he was just a youngin that went of the rails I think.


Well-Known Member
Ill get a lot of new pistils on some strains. The plant is an annual, and I've heard if you let it go too long it will start popping off new growth thinking it might just be able to keep going, or that it can start revegging. I've let some strains go too long before, and I'm not sure but its like it decided to start revegging on its own. I think weed is supposed to die. Too much N, too long a life etc can fuck with it. That is just my opinion, and observations.


Well-Known Member
I got twins.....Deep Blue F4, when the tap roots popped in the paper towel I couild see the two roots and hoped for something crazy, and yup, a 2 headed Yin!

Some DOG puppies.

Deep Blue F4 in flower

DOG from seed, 2010 stock.

Peace, DST