Club 600

reading is nice but honestly I cant sit down and read a book in the free. cause my mind is always moving at 1000 mph cant stop knowing the world is moving fastly around me.
Well, being somewhere you have to be armed to go to the store can easily put one in a state of mind that would cause them to make poor judgement and spiral out of control. The best thing you can do is change your environment.
not having a pistol would be poor judgement. I would love to change my environment. how n the fuck do you do that with no money. I have a record and seemingly only know one way to make money. and that's the safe part. moving around in my city where I grew up. you'd be a fool not to have one honestly. in anypart of the city... suburbs to anything.. theres a couple of people stabbing people at out community college as we speak. young dis allusioned jackers.. mislead fake gangsters. I have daily dreams of getting locked up or having to shoot someone.
You need to move. You can say you can't, but that's not true. People move with no money. You need to get out the hood and try to live a boring life. Not many young folks want a boring life so they run run run. Not like I'm some old man or anything, but I figured it out.

Life is only as fast and as hectic as you make it.

You could move to the mountains, get a job at walmart, and pay your bills. No one would ever be coming to get you, you'd never have to carry a gun or watch your back. It's not an exciting life, but it's safe, and low stress. You can grow plants in peace. BBQ on the weekends.

I swear to God, life can be easy. But you gotta get out of your town... out of the whole area. And hurry. You're gonna blink and be 30... hopefully on the outside.

You ever want any advice PM me.
Anyone ever use Sunleaves Optilume with a digi ballast?
The seller says its fine, but wanted someone with of profit from it to answer.
They are sure cheap!
2 600s for $53 shipped
a lot of people have records but can get by lad. I think what eveyone is saying is spot on. I moved away from where I lived otherwise it was going to be bad news.

Change and your life will change. I sold my car, hired a van, threw my stuff in it and drove to Amsterdam and paid for a deposit on a rental flat with the money from my car, no job either.......13 years ago. Nowt is impossible.

not having a pistol would be poor judgement. I would love to change my environment. how n the fuck do you do that with no money. I have a record and seemingly only know one way to make money. and that's the safe part. moving around in my city where I grew up. you'd be a fool not to have one honestly. in anypart of the city... suburbs to anything.. theres a couple of people stabbing people at out community college as we speak. young dis allusioned jackers.. mislead fake gangsters. I have daily dreams of getting locked up or having to shoot someone.
Thanks D for the advice. I had to lay her to sleep. She was pinched bad at the root ball and stem. Figured she wasn't worth it.
sometimes its better to cut and run.

Yeah, got some childhood friends that are all into heroin and stuff. Never talk to them anymore, but its interesting seeing how people progress. They keep going back to that dumpy ass town too... Just out of rehab and they come right back. They need to just get out of town and stay out.
Im under 30 and have lived in 5 different states,,, I think Iv finally found something worth sticking around for.

Scratch that, 6 different states.
Yeah, got some childhood friends that are all into heroin and stuff. Never talk to them anymore, but its interesting seeing how people progress. They keep going back to that dumpy ass town too... Just out of rehab and they come right back. They need to just get out of town and stay out.
Sounds like some of my friends! They use rehab or jail just to keep them selfs in check. You want to help them but know nothing can! I'm glad I never got that bug!
I just moved because of reasons such as yours. Sold my truck, lived in a shithole for 3 months to save, then moved over 1000 miles. Best decision of my life. I now have no real stress other than paying the bills. No methheads trying to jack my shit or stab me, no wannabe g's telling me where they think I'm allowed to do my business, no girls saying they may be preggers with my child (I'M IMPOTENT BITCH! not really lol), and most importantly... Not living in my home town means my name doesn't come up every time something happens... Then that fuckin knock on the door or the constant following of the po. That shit was annoying as fuck. Get out. Don't look back. You will have enormous relief. You can always go back to visit, or if you hate the place as much as I did, your real friends will come visit you.
Im under 30 and have lived in 5 different states,,, I think Iv finally found something worth sticking around for.
Thats a good thing. I'm 38 and it's just been the last 2 years I feel like I found home. I've spent months on end for years following bands,festivals,what ever reason I found to roam. All in search for a place that felt right. Your a lucky man to find it early in life.