Firearms Freindly Collective?

To hear fools disparage religion as they promote politics, is about as good as ignorance gets ...

faith in man? promoting politics? sorry for pointing out that the SCOTUS and the american people are not on your side.

but if you think your fairy tale about a sky daddy and his zombie kid validate you in any way, think again. they only serve to inform me that you depend on mental crutches.
So we are just born and due with no excuses or explainations? Is that what you're saying Buck?

A genius like you has got to have drummed ups far better scenario than what is it that you believe? I'm ready to hear just what the core fundamentals of Uncle Doe are? Please enlighten us. I'm sure these things you will throw out there are very well articulated by a scholar such as yourself. I mean if anyone on RIU is a bastion for both intergrity, and morality I'm sure it has to be you pal. I mean I'm ready to see how this kool aid is flavored.

I find you to be intriguing...similar to chimpanzees at the zoo. They're smart as hell yet dumb enough to eat glass, or play with cobras. Because like you they lack common sense.
When I was a kid my grandparents used to tell me that my path in life would present me with characters would defy all logic in my mind as I know it. They'd say people will grow to have views that oppose realities I have come to understand. They would say I should respect all people regardless of what flaws I'd see in them.

I try to be that man everyday....I must say though, guys like you Buck...all of that goes out the window. Guys like you I want to bitch slap in front of there family. If you have children I feel sorry that they have to endure your pointless rantings. They're not fueled by a sense of honorable debate. They're fueled by your ego driven adgenda. Somewhere in your mind you are trying to recruit people for your causes. I don't think in the process of this thread that you've even crossed point as to what they actually are. That makes a guy like you confusing. Passionate debater with no actual real period on sentences. Just insult and throw jabs.
Whats the purpose for you even to be in this thread? I still can't figure that out other than you have nothing better to do than kick a hornets nest.

What is it that you stand for/against? Or is that your blindly insult with no real point?

To me it seems like you need a social/personal life. You're like that dog that always barks and nobody can ever figure out why...eventually someone puts that dog down. It's not the world around's just a faulty dog.
faith in man? promoting politics?


You and your ilk are more confident than correct, I have faith in that :!:
if, unlike the OP, you can put down your gun for long enough to buy a bag of weed, you probably don't meet my definition of "gun nut". maybe "gun enthusiast" or "person who carries a gun", but gun nut is reserved for people like tthe OP, who strain themselves to figure out why the people with the pounds of bud and thousands of dollars don't want people with AR-15s strolling through the door on the regular.

my apologies if you actually are like that, that is a horrible way to live.

I will take this as a apology and I am sorry, jsut so much going on with this new grow room.cI am not a gun nut just ex military who carries for dare I say for the greater good (yeah, I think that highly of myself)I have yet had someone explain what the second amendment meant exactly, it can't be done. But as a result of it being there I will exercise my right. I will also support a collective or any person who chooses to exercise his freedom be it gun friendly or not. Why would anyone want to step on that or bad mouth them for exercising there right. Now I may choose to stop going there as a result but I may stop going because I screwed the girl who works next door at subway and I don't want to see her. It's all about the right to exercise your choice as long as it does not infringe on another's rights.

And as the late often misquoted Rodney King said " can't we all just get along."

And as for myself, today the wife decided to divorce me. I keep the house and my new perpetual harvest grow operation. So I say" I find nothing to grumble at save the injustice of providence ". Tell. Me who said that and I will donate a dime bag to you if your close just so I can meet you.
Look at how far out of context you've taken the entire thing. As a person moving from a state with VERY relaxed gun laws to a state with some of the strictest in the country I can see where this guy is coming from. You would think that a place like a dispensary or collective would be a magnet for robbers since there are ALOT of sleezy people in this business. I know I'd be more comfortable in shady areas with a firearm. But there's a difference between carrying a little 380 and walking around with an ar-15 everywhere you go. But then again OP could be a nut job lose his mind and shoot up a movie theater. Theres no safe way to go about all of this. All of your opinions are flawed in this thread.
Please tell me how my opinion is flawed, I have said enough, given a lot of opinions and even issued a challenge and a reward. Please, I only see the flaw in you saying "all". I am just saying brother?
And as for myself, today the wife decided to divorce me. I keep the house and my new perpetual harvest grow operation. So I say" I find nothing to grumble at save the injustice of providence ". Tell. Me who said that and I will donate a dime bag to you if your close just so I can meet you.
Franz Kafka

"I weigh my past against my future, but find both of them admirable, cannot give either the preference, and find nothing to grumble at save the injustice of providence that has so clearly favored me."
I carry a handgun with extra magazines everywhere I go. Other states, gun-free zones, schools, malls. Just conceal and carry when you go to the shop.

Do what the long-haired freaky people do in that sign song, tuck it in.
I carry a handgun with extra magazines everywhere I go. Other states, gun-free zones, schools, malls. Just conceal and carry when you go to the shop.

Do what the long-haired freaky people do in that sign song, tuck it in.

If I tuck it in, I risk 5 years. However, you have a CPL, so you can legally carry openly in those gun free zones. You cannot carry openly or concealed in court buildings, private property if asked to leave, post offices, all federal property excluding parks, and past the secure areas of police stations, jails or airports.
When I was a kid my grandparents used to tell me that my path in life would present me with characters would defy all logic in my mind as I know it.

now you know how i feel about the huge segment of the nation that actually believes in a millenia old fairy tale about a magical sky daddy and his zombie kid who defies physics.

that's bad enough, but these people want to legislate their fairy tale religion's morality upon my wife and i. and they often succeed!

my job here was simply to present the other side of the gun argument, correct embellishments or false facts, etc... and the religious part got dragged in, which is bonus points for me as it confirms my preconceived notion about these religious people clinging to their guns and their bibles, as someone once said quite accurately.

the trifecta is when the racism comes into play, which TheWoman13 has certainly brought in before. but that's another day, another thread.
Franz Kafka

"I weigh my past against my future, but find both of them admirable, cannot give either the preference, and find nothing to grumble at save the injustice of providence that has so clearly favored me."
Oh man, put me in my place. Where you from? Please tell me you did not goggle it. Don't disappoint me on this. I will put my
Money where my mouth is.
Thank you, well said. I get my meds in Flint Michigan for petes sake. look it up. The OWNER carries openly in the store too. Im quite certain she isnt going to shoot me, she knows who I am. One distinct advantage over concealed carry.

This is an interesting time of year to have this discussion, being round easter and all. This can all be found in the book of Luke, good read. Jesus sent the apostles along with a bunch of disciples for a missions trip, for lack of a better term. Prior to sending them off, he wanted to prove the miracles of God by asking them to do some unusual things. He had asked them to go with no cloak, (coat), no wallet, and a few other items that people just shouldn't go traveling about without. When they had returned from this ministry trip, Jesus asked if at anytime on the journey if they had lacked for anything. (those who ask for Gods proof need to look in places like this to find it). They acknowledged that they had lacked for nothing. Now here is where it gets to the relevance of people in our day. Jesus then told them that he was about to be killed, and wanted to get them ready for the next phase of the ministry, the one we live in today. Jesus told them to, among other things, prepare for things that are in the world that would bring them harm, not only spiritually, but physically. He told them in Luke 22:36 to carry a sword, and that if they couldn't afford one, that it was better to sell your coat so that you could get one, than to be without. When Peter cut off the soldiers ear, Jesus didnt gasp, and say, Peter, what are you doing with that evil, black, assault sword, those are for the military!. HE simply told him to put the sword back in its place, Peters holster. The sword was the weapon of the soldiers and the commoners of the day, similarly to the times we live in. The idea was the same. Life is worth protecting, and if you want it, you better take steps to protect it, the military, who were the police of their day, were not there to protect them, and ours is not there for us today. The sword was carried by everyone those days back to the beginning of metal tools, and before that, people carried rocks and sticks. A sword is a far more dangerous weapon than a handgun ever could be, and their respective effective ranges are identical.

Dissenting opinion. I am good to 50 feet with a decent handgun and to 25+ yards with a good one. i cannot even throw a sword that far. cn
Grip you're guns a little tighter fellas. A four year old just shot a lady dead in Tennessee.

That's just it.. the gun was not properly secured around a child, and the gun is to blame, right? Fucking media who don't even blame the parents and lack of supervision for the incident that happened too, am sure - just like usual... their status quo is getting pretty damn annoying.
I started my girl around guns when she was about 3. She had some toy guns with which, I began teaching her safety procedures with. Trigger finger, muzzle control and so on. Started her at a controlled range when she was 6. Got her a rifle, but it was too big, so I got her a pistol. She helped make the payments. Now she's 10, and she likes shooting my .40. Im about to introduce her to a .223 AR-15. Thats going to be expensive,...she's gonna make me buy her one.
Please tell me how my opinion is flawed, I have said enough, given a lot of opinions and even issued a challenge and a reward. Please, I only see the flaw in you saying "all". I am just saying brother?

Yeah it was a bit too generalized. What I was trying to get across is that no one person in this thread has all the answers to our problems of too much or too little gun control. I'd love to be able to carry more openly but at the same time i'd hate for other parts of the population to be able to. But we live in a country where all people must be equal, right? So there is no right answer. No one here...can come up with a solution for gun control. And I definitely dont have the answers.
Oh man, put me in my place. Where you from? Please tell me you did not goggle it. Don't disappoint me on this. I will put my
Money where my mouth is.
I knew the quote came from Kafka, but Goggled the full quote. Short stories are not really my thing, but Kafka's existentialism had caught my attention many years ago.