Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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ahh he must be one of the behind the scenes producer jews who secretly control hollywood.

is he on one of the lists you make when you sit in your darkened bedroom crying and sharpening your boomerang?

whatever floats your boat bro... silly little redneck...
yep. kicking muzzies off a plane is what we call Airport Security round here.

we also do not allow bears, rabid dogs, rattlesnakes, or drunken idiots onto the plane (at least not without a pilot's license) either. i can only imagin ausfailia's airlines must resemble the cross country busses in mexico, with livestock, drunken bums and goat turds littering the entire passenger area. if you ride on the roof can you get on for half price? are the in-flight tacos prix fix or can i get the spicy pork instead of chicken?

poor redneck... illegal aliens teekk errr jerb!

don't talk to the rest of the world about airline standards or safety... that's an argument you will lose...
poor redneck... illegal aliens teekk errr jerb!

don't talk to the rest of the world about airline standards or safety... that's an argument you will lose...
No offense, but considering your country has some of the tightest immigration, quarantine and airport security systems in the world there's probably a reason illegal aliens ain't stolen your jobs yet.

The US on the other hand is chockablock loaded with Mexicans tho.
No offense, but considering your country has some of the tightest immigration, quarantine and airport security systems in the world there's probably a reason illegal aliens ain't stolen your jobs yet.

The US on the other hand is chockablock loaded with Mexicans tho.

We're one big island, we have to... Regardless of all that, I'll never worry about an illegal taking my job, ever...
poor redneck... illegal aliens teekk errr jerb!

don't talk to the rest of the world about airline standards or safety... that's an argument you will lose...

mexicans do take our jobs............our really crappy jobs like roofing and digging stuff .........they do it for half price we should thank them not bitch about it
mexicans do take our jobs............our really crappy jobs like roofing and digging stuff .........they do it for half price we should thank them not bitch about it

You poor ignorant child. Mexicans have taken over most of the construction jobs in the country driving down wages for those greedy enough
to hire them. They also take millions of jobs in a wide array of industries. Of course interior enforcement is about 0 as berry chooses the laws he feels like enforcing.
You poor ignorant child. Mexicans have taken over most of the construction jobs in the country driving down wages for those greedy enough
to hire them. They also take millions of jobs in a wide array of industries. Of course interior enforcement is about 0 as berry chooses the laws he feels like enforcing.

millions of jobs in a wide array of industries????????? what that matters?
I am surprised to see so many fucking retards whining about giving money to Israel. You stupid
pieces of shit should be coming unglued by all the money Berry is giving to the terrorists running Egypt as well as the other rag head
muslim pieces of shit countries he is sucking up to.
Of course drugs is the number 1 job in Mexico and they have taken over the US heroine
crack and meth distribution jobs also..Many murders and decapitations will be following.
No offense, but considering your country has some of the tightest immigration, quarantine and airport security systems in the world there's probably a reason illegal aliens ain't stolen your jobs yet.

The US on the other hand is chockablock loaded with Mexicans tho.

In the brave new world of birth control. (you know BNW is a birth control concept?) The country that succeeds is the one that opens their arms to immigration. And Hark, we have porous and open borders. We talk about restrictions, but those are cold and darwinian. Wait in your country for 10 years, and/or send your boys north. Many here are not Mexican. We have a giant labor pool coming up from the South. So, is ole Doer, PC? Hell no.

So, hold on to your hat folks, if you are. The USA can seem like the world's nightmare because of self rule and self imperative. WE are self centered, by Constitution and Law. We are not trying to help everyone. We are protecting our State and quite viscously sacrifice youth in war to do that. It's what WE do. So, realized what self rule is.

It''s here. Declining populations except for Religious groups that have seen this problem long ago. The US saw this, long ago. It's why we will do a type of amnesty. No matter what we say, we value those social Darwins that go thru hell to get here. Nothing has changed. It is stupid to think waiting is country for 10 years to get here legally will serve the needs of the USA. We want those that want to be here, badly.

It does matter what they say. I've been do great by taking the opposite of what "they" say. When Obama says, example, we are not going to War with N. Korea, I take him at his word. War is very imminent indeed (he has not said that yet) WE say a lot of things but we mean this.

We mean this and continue succeed with it. It matter not about words are said, for public consumption. This is very real.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

(and now energy independent with natural gas, it's why we don't need the Anwar oil. The WEs in charge won't just tell us that. But, you can see why we don't need no stinkin' Keystone pipeline, either)
There is a innocents on both sides but Palestinians have elected terrorists to rule them and the have a huge huge number of terrorists in there country
which doesn't bother them a bit.
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