New Member
youre a fool.
japan is also economically and technologically advanced, but WE provided their entire military defense. they dont pay for any of it. but i must confess i dont know what japan's per capita rate rate might be so it could be the Rate Rate is the issue.
we give some money to israel, and some military hardware, and they BUY the rest. if we CHOOSE to give israel 30% of the shit we are gonna give away, thats our choice, and china mexico argentina or cuba dont get to vote on where our foreign largesse goes.
why should i care if you think our giving is inequitable? i wouldnt piss on africa, or south america, nor do i feel bad about not giving a fuck about their plight, since they manufactured their own problems themselves, while israel is beset with issues from OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS including some african nations who are particularly revolting shitbags.
do us all a favour and neck yourself... imbred hick