Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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youre a fool.

japan is also economically and technologically advanced, but WE provided their entire military defense. they dont pay for any of it. but i must confess i dont know what japan's per capita rate rate might be so it could be the Rate Rate is the issue.

we give some money to israel, and some military hardware, and they BUY the rest. if we CHOOSE to give israel 30% of the shit we are gonna give away, thats our choice, and china mexico argentina or cuba dont get to vote on where our foreign largesse goes.

why should i care if you think our giving is inequitable? i wouldnt piss on africa, or south america, nor do i feel bad about not giving a fuck about their plight, since they manufactured their own problems themselves, while israel is beset with issues from OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS including some african nations who are particularly revolting shitbags.

do us all a favour and neck yourself... imbred hick
jews did 9/11, jews plotting to overthrow amerca, jews invented capitalism, jews invented communism, jews eating christian blood moatzos, jews making sader cookies from ground up bones of palestinians, jews decaying inner cities, jews racial unrest, jews poverty, jews bad movies in the cinema, jews economic problems in botswanna, jews nothing good on TV, jews cant find my left sock, jews the reason im fat, jews caused the fall of rome, jews are hiding under my bed, jews invented slavery, jews put Dharma And Greg on the air.

did i miss anything?

good, now all you cockbags can go jack each other off on Stormfront or Podblanc.

good one Alex... so are you actually jewish or just a republicunt chicken hawk?
i wouldnt piss on africa, or south america, nor do i feel bad about not giving a fuck about their plight, since they manufactured their own problems themselves, while israel is beset with issues from OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS including some african nations who are particularly revolting shitbags.

yep. africa did it all to themselves.

no history of colonialism or conquering or anything like that. no meddling, nothing.

don't get me started on the no good polynesians either. i'll stick to euros and orientals.

goddamn this thread is awesome.
yep. africa did it all to themselves.

no history of colonialism or conquering or anything like that. no meddling, nothing.

don't get me started on the no good polynesians either. i'll stick to euros and orientals.

goddamn this thread is awesome.

yep. africa did it all to themselves.

when the colonialism of the 19th century fell apart they had their freedom, education, industrial and economic infrrastructure and a possibility of becoming a prosperous and wealthy people, which is why the pan-africanists had so much influence. but petty tyrants, tin pot dictators, marxist revolutions, the failure of marxism, foolish mismanagement, and tribal bullshit going back a thousand years shot africa's dreams of prosperity in the balls.

they did it themselves, they did it to themselves, and they KEEP doing it to themselves.

south america is in much the same boat. mexico particularly, has shitloads of resources, an industrious populace, with at least a moderately successful education system but they run that country like a piggy bank for the 7 families and the drug cartels, while blaming america for their problems. they are fucking OILL EXPORTERS and they cant figure out how to make their fucking country run.

lookm at fucking arabia, the whole place, money flows out of the ground, but most of the populace live in third world squalor. is that america's fault too? buying their oil at the price they want us to pay is "stealing" from them? thats what they claim, that america is STEALING their oil, allah's gift to them, because they are so special.

youre usually a dumbass, but now youve embraced fucktardedness.
yep. africa did it all to themselves.

when the colonialism of the 19th century fell apart they had their freedom, education, industrial and economic infrrastructure and a possibility of becoming a prosperous and wealthy people, which is why the pan-africanists had so much influence. but petty tyrants, tin pot dictators, marxist revolutions, the failure of marxism, foolish mismanagement, and tribal bullshit going back a thousand years shot africa's dreams of prosperity in the balls.

they did it themselves, they did it to themselves, and they KEEP doing it to themselves.

south america is in much the same boat. mexico particularly, has shitloads of resources, an industrious populace, with at least a moderately successful education system but they run that country like a piggy bank for the 7 families and the drug cartels, while blaming america for their problems. they are fucking OILL EXPORTERS and they cant figure out how to make their fucking country run.

lookm at fucking arabia, the whole place, money flows out of the ground, but most of the populace live in third world squalor. is that america's fault too? buying their oil at the price they want us to pay is "stealing" from them? thats what they claim, that america is STEALING their oil, allah's gift to them, because they are so special.

youre usually a dumbass, but now youve embraced fucktardedness.

Only terrorists nationalise oil.... American exceptionalism at it's retarded fucking best!
yep. africa did it all to themselves.

when the colonialism of the 19th century fell apart they had their freedom, education, industrial and economic infrrastructure and a possibility of becoming a prosperous and wealthy people, which is why the pan-africanists had so much influence. but petty tyrants, tin pot dictators, marxist revolutions, the failure of marxism, foolish mismanagement, and tribal bullshit going back a thousand years shot africa's dreams of prosperity in the balls.

they did it themselves, they did it to themselves, and they KEEP doing it to themselves.

south america is in much the same boat. mexico particularly, has shitloads of resources, an industrious populace, with at least a moderately successful education system but they run that country like a piggy bank for the 7 families and the drug cartels, while blaming america for their problems. they are fucking OILL EXPORTERS and they cant figure out how to make their fucking country run.

lookm at fucking arabia, the whole place, money flows out of the ground, but most of the populace live in third world squalor. is that america's fault too? buying their oil at the price they want us to pay is "stealing" from them? thats what they claim, that america is STEALING their oil, allah's gift to them, because they are so special.

youre usually a dumbass, but now youve embraced fucktardedness.

yeah, it's been about 50 years. i bet europeans didn't take that long to get their shit together, eh?
good one Alex... so are you actually jewish or just a republicunt chicken hawk?

well what difference does that make? the Republican Party (Democrats Too) is run by the nefarious JEWISH CONSPIRACY, so even if im a goy, im still just a slave to those inscrutable and insidious JEWS.

until brave heroes like yourself rise up and cleanse/lift the stain of The Jews off the pages of time, only then will we be free, but of course house niggers like myself will have to be eliminated, otherwise the brave new future wont be a utopia.

when the revolution comes, and all the JEWS are put against the wall, or stuffed into Zyklon B showers, (for the first time in history, since the holocaust was faked by the evil Jews) those who serve them, like myself, will go in with them, and we deserve it.

we totally deserve it. if i had the capacity to feel shame over my betrayal of the Proud White Race, i would probably, as you suggested, "Neck Myself" if i could only figure out what that means.

is that like doing a Michael Hutchence, and hanging myself in the closet while jerking off?
i hear thats become terribly popular in ausfailia

yes, i know, my jewishness is an albatross around my neck, i can never make reparations to the brave white soldiers like yourself who suffered under the oppressive yoke of judaic hegemony.

we, as a people, the chosen peoiple, have much to atone for, and can never relieve ourselves of the guilt we feel for using you silly goyim as puppets.

but, as jews, our mind control powers are OUR burden, and the sinister magic which we use to empower our servants can not be dispelled.

we try to use our ensorcelled goyim slaves to increase our power and dominion over the earth, but alas, YOU have revealed our plot. youre too clever for us, just like hitler and louis farrakhan were. the brilliant and insightful mind of the goyim can only be suppressed for so long, before they break free for a generation or so, but your children will fall under our spell, watching hours of homosexual content and endless parades of judaic brainwashing through shows like will and grace, and seinfeld, until they believe that the holo9caust happened, and that jews are their friends, and then, WE STRIKE!!!

we are so close to ultimate victory we can taste it, we can certainly smell it too with our long hooked noses, under our beady eyes, as we endlessly dry-wash our hands and engage in sinister laughter at your expense.
yes, i know, my jewishness is an albatross around my neck, i can never make reparations to the brave white soldiers like yourself who suffered under the oppressive yoke of judaic hegemony.

we, as a people, the chosen peoiple, have much to atone for, and can never relieve ourselves of the guilt we feel for using you silly goyim as puppets.

but, as jews, our mind control powers are OUR burden, and the sinister magic which we use to empower our servants can not be dispelled.

we try to use our ensorcelled goyim slaves to increase our power and dominion over the earth, but alas, YOU have revealed our plot. youre too clever for us, just like hitler and louis farrakhan were. the brilliant and insightful mind of the goyim can only be suppressed for so long, before they break free for a generation or so, but your children will fall under our spell, watching hours of homosexual content and endless parades of judaic brainwashing through shows like will and grace, and seinfeld, until they believe that the holo9caust happened, and that jews are their friends, and then, WE STRIKE!!!

we are so close to ultimate victory we can taste it, we can certainly smell it too with our long hooked noses, under our beady eyes, as we endlessly dry-wash our hands and engage in sinister laughter at your expense.

more words than sense, but keep at it stupid - you and "the bulldog" alex jones are kindred spirits.... So hot and horny for one another it burns....

For the record Seinfeld & David are hilarious, so much so, you could do with some "palestinian chicken" yourself... Much tastier than the roadkill you're accustomed to...

more words than sense, but keep at it stupid - you and "the bulldog" alex jones are kindred spirits.... So hot and horny for one another it burns....

For the record Seinfeld & David are hilarious, so much so, you could do with some "palestinian chicken" yourself... Much tastier than the roadkill you're accustomed to...

View attachment 2601599

yes, let the butthurt flow through you. your anger only weakens your resolve.

also as soon as you go to sleep we are gonna sneak into your room and touch your penis.

all of us.

i dont know why we are required to touch your penis, but we are gonna, Toinight!

expect us.
yes, let the butthurt flow through you. your anger only weakens your resolve.

also as soon as you go to sleep we are gonna sneak into your room and touch your penis.

all of us.

i dont know why we are required to touch your penis, but we are gonna, Toinight!

expect us.

nah i'm not circumcised (don't need to make it look bigger) so it'd be a turnoff for you - plus i'm not Palestinian so it wouldn't be AS fun for you!
Air France fined for forcing non-Jewish passenger off flight

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A French court on Thursday ordered Air France to pay a 10,000 euro ($A12,400) fine for having ordered a pro-Palestinian activist off a flight to Tel Aviv because she was not Jewish.

The court also ordered the French flagship carrier to pay 3000 euros in damages to the passenger and her legal fees.

Horia Ankour, a nursing student, had attempted to fly to Israel from France last April to take part in the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign, which saw hundreds of activists seek access to Israel in a bid to travel to the Palestinian territories.

Europe's main airlines faced a wave of passenger fury during the campaign after cancelling some 300 tickets following heavy Israeli pressure.

Ankour was taken off the plane in the southeastern city of Nice after an Air France employee asked whether she had an Israeli passport and then, when she replied "no", whether she was Jewish.

When the 30-year-old answered "no" again she was escorted from the flight.

French prosecutors had backed her in the case, saying it was a clear case of discrimination.

Air France had said her name was on a list of undesirables provided by Israeli authorities and it was certain she would not be allowed into the country.
we can certainly smell it too with our long hooked noses, under our beady eyes, as we endlessly dry-wash our hands and engage in sinister laughter at your expense.

Air France fined for forcing non-Jewish passenger off flight

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discrimination against somebody for NOT being jewish?

now i've heard everything...

persons who are not israelis, who travel to israel to throw a Pallie Protest are ALWAYS denied a visa.

in order to get her visa she would have to have lied about the aim of her travel, or she was travelling without a visa.

if kickin muzzies off a plane becomes an actionable offense, we can expect a whole new wave of terrorism, since they win either way. if they get on the plane they get to become "martyrs" but when caught they can sue based on discrimination for NOT being jews.

ohhh the hilarity.

meanwhile, if you book a flight to mecca or medina you WILL be asked if youre a muzzie, and if you arent a muzzie, then you will not be allowed to board that plane, or if you did manage to board you WILL be removed for not being a muzzie. and thats actually true.
discrimination against somebody for NOT being jewish?

now i've heard everything...

persons who are not israelis, who travel to israel to throw a Pallie Protest are ALWAYS denied a visa.

in order to get her visa she would have to have lied about the aim of her travel, or she was travelling without a visa.

if kickin muzzies off a plane becomes an actionable offense, we can expect a whole new wave of terrorism, since they win either way. if they get on the plane they get to become "martyrs" but when caught they can sue based on discrimination for NOT being jews.

ohhh the hilarity.

meanwhile, if you book a flight to mecca or medina you WILL be asked if youre a muzzie, and if you arent a muzzie, then you will not be allowed to board that plane, or if you did manage to board you WILL be removed for not being a muzzie. and thats actually true.

"kickin muzzies" of a plane isn't even considered discriminatory in the US. Not even buck will cry bigot if it happened in front of him! At least the article got your hackles up... No go take it out on your sister...
more words than sense, but keep at it stupid - you and "the bulldog" alex jones are kindred spirits.... So hot and horny for one another it burns....

For the record Seinfeld & David are hilarious, so much so, you could do with some "palestinian chicken" yourself... Much tastier than the roadkill you're accustomed to...

View attachment 2601599

ok i have to revisit this...

seinfeld is an unfunny hack who does a cut rate woody allen routine, but WHO THE FUCK IS DAVID???? '

i didnt mention anyone named david, nor did i infer that they were or were not funny, so who the hell are you talking about?

it's been bothering me
ok i have to revisit this...

seinfeld is an unfunny hack who does a cut rate woody allen routine, but WHO THE FUCK IS DAVID???? '

i didnt mention anyone named david, nor did i infer that they were or were not funny, so who the hell are you talking about?

it's been bothering me

Larry David
Larry-David-682x1024.jpgHe's jewish too if it makes you feel any better
"kickin muzzies" of a plane isn't even considered discriminatory in the US. Not even buck will cry bigot if it happened in front of him! At least the article got your hackles up... No go take it out on your sister...

yep. kicking muzzies off a plane is what we call Airport Security round here.

we also do not allow bears, rabid dogs, rattlesnakes, or drunken idiots onto the plane (at least not without a pilot's license) either. i can only imagin ausfailia's airlines must resemble the cross country busses in mexico, with livestock, drunken bums and goat turds littering the entire passenger area. if you ride on the roof can you get on for half price? are the in-flight tacos prix fix or can i get the spicy pork instead of chicken?
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