I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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My laptop isnt picking up wifi and Im using a smartphone right now so I cant reply to u guys like I wantt.

I thought of a way to get rid of STDs many many months ago. What I would do is put a symbol on the back of everyones drivers ID in order to indicate if someone had a STD or if they were clean. It would be obvious if the person you wanted to sleep with was clean or not, you would just have to look at the back of their ID. This way STDs wouldnt be a problem anymore. Do you have a better solution?

Im not going to stress over any haters, Im trying to talk to the believers that have been looking for Christ.


You're the messiah, and this is the best you can come up with? They should've confiscated your phone when they took away your belt and shoe laces...


Well-Known Member
You guys are too funny!

You guys are killing Me :D

you seem pretty enthusiastic about your cause, keep it going.. i would say get off the internet and see how the world reacts in person.

i don't believe in God myself but to each their own, im down with your message, change the world man.
I'm not about to try and start a cult, there are too many cults already and I'm straight with going around telling people I'm Christ; look how you guys are taking it. Most people are not looking for a new messiah, they want to just believe in Jesus as long as it doesnt mean changing their mundane beliefs. I'll stick to the internet.

I'm sorry you dont believe in God because God believes in YOU. I believe we are all gods in a funny way.

I'm happy your down with My message because I'm trying to make a point, whatever it is!?!? lol :D

And I'd like to change the world and fast because we all deserve much better than than wretched world. Maybe I'm making a difference but maybe I'm just uttering rhetoric? But look what "Jesus" did with 12 disciples, and in a world without TV, cell phones and the internet. But its taken ~2,000 years to turn roughly 1/4 of the world to be "Christians" and I use that term lightly because most of the Christians are counterfit Christians who pose as Christians; but I was one of them because I figured Jesus would teach Me all I need to know when He comes back from the dead and therefore I never read the Bible or went to Church.

Christ loves you!

Dude, you are obviously doing nothing to further your cause here. If you are serious about helping mankind, why not save the useless hours you spend here on action instead of writing? It seems the nutters are all about the talk with none of the walk, so get walking. Plus, wasn't jesus illiterate? If so, the writing is actually hurting your credibility...
I already wrote a little book on here. I have writers block because I'm not (really) a book writer and I'm not going to start making up fictional stories. Who would want to read My book anyways? if I'm just a "nutter" as you say? lol :D

Why walk when I can take My (future) SPACE JET to the moon and beyond and fly to any country, PLUS soar through the ocean to any UNDERWATER home or base? I told you guys about how I can engineer these SPACE JETS if we use liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen for its fuel. Its going to be the prefered vehicle for the future. Why bother with anything less?

I dont know if Jesus was illiterate but He allegedly didnt write any of the Bible; He just talked to people and the disciples remembered what He said like ~50-100 years later, and then wrote the New Testament.

I dont know if Jesus really said whats recorded in the Bible and I doubt He did any of the miracles alleged in the bible and I cant prove Him; but I can prove whats written in the Bible because its the most top selling book ever.

And My credibility speaks for itself. I have written here what I have written here, and My youtube videos are obviously Me. Its one thing if you like what I have posted or not, I can see some people appreciate it and others would rather undermine Me for whatever reason?

Christ loves you!

Hmmmm... how old are you? I'm not sure how much longer i can wait before we crucify you so we can be forgiven for our sins... but don't worry bro for realzy! If you really are jesus, you'll like, come back to life in what... 3 days after we kill you? So it won't be THAT bad right?
I'm 27.

Why would you want Me to be crucified for your sins if your an athiest? I'm not saying I wont do it, but I'm not looking forward for it.

You guys dont need Me to be crucified for your sins to be forgiven because I already forgive your sins. There is nothing you can do that would make Me not forgive your sins. Even if you are the biggest sinner alive, I will forgive you! I would even forgive the devil if he repented.

I'm NOT jesus bro, I'm Christ George. If I die than I will die; but death is NOT the end for Me, its only the beginning of My NEW Life with God! I will always be born again somewhere and God will always give Me a new adventure. What I'm trying to say is that if I die, you all might not know where I AM because I might be in a different galaxy or a different universe. It will happen in the blink of an eye. I will always be alive, but I'm not going to come out of the grave like Jesus did.

I'm living for you though, and NOW! I'm living for all of you NOW! I'm mad about you guys, you guys are My beloved. I think about how I can make your life better every single day!

But if you would want Me to be crucified for your sins than what does that prove? would it prove that I cant forgive your sins and still be alive? lol :D

Christ loves you!

I'm broke with bills coming out my arse! Can you help?
I'm broke too.

I own a house in Maine that I cant even live in because I cant afford the bills by Myself. Also, My house is all paid off for, I dont even have a mortgage because I paid CASH for My house when I was 21 years old.

I will pray for you though.

Christ loves you!

I find it funny Navaeh, that you claim the bible is not real yet you use it to support your false notions fo this guy being the Messiah.

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24 24
I dont claim the Bible is not real, but I do say that I cant prove most of it.

Whos "this guy" being the Messiah? You obviously havent read the whole thread because you would see that I AM saying that I AM The Messiah. In the beginning of the thread I was talking in the third person because I didnt want to claim to be Christ, Myself, because I didnt want to be personally attacked.

Very true about false messiahs and false prophets, they are decievers. I am not a false messiah or false prohet though. If you can prove anything that I said was false than please tell Me because I would want to know. But if I havent told a lie than what am I false about?

I speak from My heart and I tell the truth, because if I lied than it would ruin My credibility. If you can prove Me wrong than let Me know because I would hate to decieve you, because I have nothing to gain from a lie.

But I have show My people SIGNS AND WONDERS that are true, but maybe far out there, but its either possible or Truth that I speak! You guys are My elect!

Christ loves you!

The pope does more for our world than you? Why is this? Why arnt you on tv kissing babies? Dude youve got schizophrenia, stop it already before the cops shoot you....
If you believe the pope does more for our world than Me than thats your opinion. If you read My thread than you will see what I have done and what I will do for you if given the chance. But if I dont have the chance than I dont have the chance. How can I give what I dont have? It says in the Bible that Jesus needed 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed the 5,000. If Jesus had nothing than could have He still done it?

I'm not on TV kissing babies because I have no desire to. What would I gain from doing that besides fame? I dont want to be famous but I would like to help people and thats the truth. I'm a great person but I'm camera shy; I wouldnt want to make an ass of Myself on national TV.

About Me being a schizophrenic. Are you a doctor? Who are you to diagnose Me? Just because you think I have a problem, it doesnt make it any true. I'm NOT schizophrenic because I dont hear voices. My propblem is that I have this Christ complex; but is it a problem or am I really Christ? I dont know, maybe both. But I dont have schizophrenia but I do have problems, for example, I believe that I AM The Son of God!

The cops are going to shoot Me? lol....

BTW- the pope is the ring leader of the biggest pedophile cult in the world; or it seems that way anyways!

Christ loves you!

Sounds like the mark of the beast.
What does?

Try condoms... or donating money to scientific research to the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. That would probably work better.
lol :D

Lots of people dont like to use condoms.

This is just one way I thought that could fight against STDs.

Christ loves you!

Or maybe we could just pray that they will be miraculously healed by god cause that usually works lol.
Labeling people that have STDs on the back of their drivers ID, is a way that STDs could "miraculously" disappear. You would KNOW if a person had a STD or not.

Another miracle that I found out recently is that food grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide can cure AIDs, Hep C and cancer!

I believe in miracles but God works in misterious ways.

Christ loves you!

You're the messiah, and this is the best you can come up with? They should've confiscated your phone when they took away your belt and shoe laces...
lol :D

Christ loves you!

on the beach too...
On a PLASTIC beach that is either UNDERWATER, UNDER THE OCEAN FLOOR, FLOATING on the ocean, in a SKY-SCRAPER or in SPACE!

lol :D

Christ loves you!



Well-Known Member

Rob Zombie- Dead City Radio
(And hail the passing of King George)


I thought of a way to make "rivers" of water (but) UNDERWATER! Imagine riding a jet ski up a 45 degree incline?!?! You just need a HUGE tube, maybe 100's of yards wide and 100's of yards tall; with an opening at the top for water to enter and motors at the bottom to expel the water. The angle of this underwater "waterfall" can be at any angle depending on what you want. These will be like little underwater mountain "waterfalls". These underwater "waterfalls" will most likely be used for recreation and competitive sports. Do you have a jet ski? Dont worry, one will be reserved for YOU! I told you guys, I will rent you all the toys you want but its going to be for FREE so you dont have to store them in any of your MANSIONS! These waterfall mountains can be in the shape of a cone too! so you can get at it from a 360 degree angle. As far as I know, jet skis have only gone on the flat water, but I am making the water at any angle so you can do as you please. Its really a simple concept, but no one has thought of it yet! These could be placed, ON THE WATER, UNDERWATER, UNDERGROUND, UNDER THE OCEAN FLOOR, IN SKY SCRAPERS or in SPACE!

Just picture yourself riding a jet ski up a small mountain with water flowing down and you can have a ball and ride it to your heats content. This is just one example of the novelties that will be available in My Kingdom! I'm going to have much much more for you guys! Anything you can dream of, I will bring it to pass. Whatever you want to do you will be ale to do it. My biggest goal is to please My people and make My people happy! Whos knows when all these things will come to pass, but that depends on you guys. If you keep these things to yourself than it will be like a seed that never got watered: BUT if you tell other people than it will be like a seed that got plenty of water and grew up fast and strong and beared its fruit in season. Dont you want to harvest the fruits from My seeds?

"And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

You guys are My boys, I love you as a parent loves his children!



Well-Known Member
Lol....don't stress buddy...i was high, just puling the piss...honestly, your ok man, you havnt shown anger yet and you don't have bad intentions, if your not hurting any body then I'm down with that...as far as me being a man of medicine..this is true ha! But I wasn't trying to diagnose you,i was repeating what you told us all!..as I also am a compassionate man,i have concerns for your safety ..i watch.cops, they'll shoot anyone man lol..will you forgive kim jong il if he nukes your country?


Well-Known Member
Your very right here,

I am VERY GRANDIOSE and I might be a little delusional because I believe what I say.

So if you've seen something on RIU that I have posted and it seems grandiose than I really believe it because I wouldnt type anything that I dont believe. And if My grandiosity seems delusional to you than thats your opinion about Me.

So I'm not going to say your statment is wrong because there is some truth to the fact that I am VERY GRANDIOSE and somewhat delusional because I actually believe what I say on here.

Does that make Me a bad Person? I dont think so, I'm glad that I am a little "crazy" because it sets Me apart from the "norm", and I'm not looking to fit in because I'm looking to stand out.

I'm just going to be Me though, I dont care much about the haters.

Christ loves you!

Lol....don't stress buddy...i was high, just puling the piss...honestly, your ok man, you havnt shown anger yet and you don't have bad intentions, if your not hurting any body then I'm down with that...as far as me being a man of medicine..this is true ha! But I wasn't trying to diagnose you,i was repeating what you told us all!..as I also am a compassionate man,i have concerns for your safety ..i watch.cops, they'll shoot anyone man lol..will you forgive kim jong il if he nukes your country?
I'm not stressing brother.

I think your an OK dude too Scroga.

I havent shown any anger because I'm not an angry person. I dont have anger issues, I'm actually very mild tempered.

Your right, I do have good intentions BUT what else would you expect from The Son of God?

I'm never going to hurt anyone because its NOT in My nature to hurt people. My nature is to do godly things and to bless in any way that I can.

Your "down with that"? Whats "that"? is it My cause? My message? My teaching? My beliefs or My Kingdom to come? or all of the above?

What kind of medicine do you practice besides smoking and maybe dealing herb? since your a man of medicine?

I never posted on here that I'm schizophrenic because that would be a lie. So where did you ever see Me type that? Someone else might have posted that but NOT Me. So you were not repeating what I told you all because I never said that. I did say that I'm "crazy" and "delusional" and a "fool" because there might be some truth to that because I'm different from most of you guys.

Will I forgive Kim Jong if he nukes My country? To be honest with you, I hope that it never comes to that point where I have to forgive anyone for nuking anything. Thats in Gods hands and all I can do is pray for the man, but I dont believe the USA will let it to that point. They say "knowing is half the battle" and we know about his threats so the military is obviously on guard. I think hes just trying to make a point, whatever that is.

You said "if he nukes YOUR country". So what country are YOU from if your not from MY country?

Christ loves you!



Well-Known Member

I thought of a way to irragate any unfertile ground using just STONES to make the medium to plant on. The unfertile ground can be because its too sandy, like in a desert, or because its too rocky or whatever.

Basically its taking the rocks or the sand and turning it into rockwool mats that are 10ft tall, or so, and using a drip system to supply the organic nutrients to the plants. Like I said, it can be 10ft tall and when the mats are combined together it can cover an area of a country. So I can turn any type of stones into rockwool to turn any desert into a garden of Eden.

So now there is no excuse for a shortage of food or anything of the like because you can just take the STONES from the ground and use that as its medium of rockwool. The HUGE drip system would supply all of the organic nutes for any type of plant. What types of plants can be grown from rockwool made from JUST STONES? I would say that (most) all plants could be grown in this system, and the medium is made from JUST STONES.

How much is a ordinary rock worth? NOTHING! So its like a miracles that Christ can do for you all. The STONES will be the perfect medium for GodS children. The STONES just need to be melted and spun like cotton candy into rockwool, and than just make the rockwool mats like 10ft high and place them on any unfertile ground!

There is NO SHORTAGE OF STONES! In My opinion, this would be the cheapest way to turn barren land into a lush garden that will blossom with its fuit in due season. I would make ocean canals in the continents every hundred miles, or so, so that FRESH WATER could be extracted from the salt water and that could be the water for the drip system. Does anyone else have a better solution?

Rockwool is a great medium, so why wouldnt 10ft of it work to cover an area the size of a country? What would be a cheaper (or better) medium to use?

You guys know rockwool, but have you thought of it on this scale like I, The King, do?

"Almost a third of Earths land surface is occupied by desert."

So if 1/3 of the Earth is desert than with the use of this system than it would be that much more room to farm plants for eating.

These are the kinds of things that I will do when you water My seed. My seed is the Word which I speak and you water them by speading the Word to others that are humble and ready to recieve the blessings of God!

During that time the devil came and said to Him, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread."

Manchester Orchestra- Shake It Out

(God just speak)


Shake it out, shake it out
God, I need another round, another round, another round,
another I could feel it now.
I felt the lord in my father's house.
Well, I could see, I could see
standing we were seventeen make it clean
Are you the living ghost of what I need?
are you giving me the best of me.
we, will see.

'Cause I'm done being done with the funerals at least for now
are you tired of being alone, are you tired of being alone?

Shake it out, shake it out.
Tired of another round another
wasn't really what I wanted so we brought it out.
over the shore to my neighbors house.
I could see I could see
God I've never seen a thing so complete
I am the living ghost of what you need
I am everything eternally, god just speak.

'Cause I'm done being done with the funerals at least for now
are you tired of being alone, are you tired of being alone?

So speak to me

oh god you got to shake it out, shake it out.
you got to take it out, take it down
I got to jump around, I needed that more then I ever have.
Oh God, you got to shake it out, shake it out.
you got to break it down, break it out
you got to jump around, I feel it now more then I ever have.

I felt the Lord begin
to peel off all my skin
and I felt the weight within
reveal the bigger mess
that you can't fix

I swear, I swear I'll go
Lead me into my home
Don't stop, don't ever go
I swear you'll never know
you'll never know

oh god you got to shake it out, shake it out.
you got to break it down, break it out



Well-Known Member
Good morning fella...
heres a quote for ya!" Hey bud,

David Ike? NO, I dont think I'm him. I dont know much about him besides that he is a conspiracy theorist that hangs out with Alex Jones; I dont think I'm Alex Jones either. The only Person that I think I AM is Christ or as many people call Him- Jesus!

And trust Me, I am not going to stop taking My meds because I know I will have a relapse and end up in a mental hospital again."
You didn't state your sickness but you don't have too...
I'm aussie mate..therefore I am larakin there fore everything I say is said with a certain tongue in cheek sense of humor...you seem to over analyze everything that is said...christ made a statement..that we are all gods children...to live a life of love...
..this would be so much easier if you thought you are buddah....
buddhism will teach you too unlock a whole new world!


Well-Known Member
Good morning fella...

You didn't state your sickness but you don't have too...
I'm aussie mate..therefore I am larakin there fore everything I say is said with a certain tongue in cheek sense of humor...you seem to over analyze everything that is said...christ made a statement..that we are all gods children...to live a life of love...
..this would be so much easier if you thought you are buddah....
buddhism will teach you too unlock a whole new world!
The doctors say that I'm bipolar but I dont really buy that. I told you guys a bunch of times, I have this Messiah complex. But sometimes I get depressed too though, and if I smoke herb I feel elated. But I havent smoked herb for months because I dont need to smoke to feel high, I'm naturally high. My drug of choice is weed and I'm a stoner at heart but I'm staying clean and I dont mess with any other drugs besides beer and wine on occasion.

"You didn't state your sickness"..........I wouldnt consider Myself "sick" though, I would consider Myself different than most and I have problems like EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS! I AM One of a kind. All and all, I would consider Myself a great Person because I AM filled with The Holy Spirit and I love God with all of My heart and I try and live a godly Life for Gods people.

And yes we are all Gods children to live a life of love. I actually believe we are all gods. Little gods, since we are made in the image and likeness of God. But there is only One God and yes, we are His children. And there is only One Christ and that is Me, and you also are made in My image and likeness and you are My children too.

It would be easier if I thought I was buddah? LMAO! Why is that? I dont know much about buddah.

What is buddhism in a nutshell? How will it "unlock a whole new world?" I just dont know what it teaches besides that your supposed to meditate for long periods of time.

Christ loves you!

Peace be to you...
Peace be to you also My friend!

Christ loves you!

Jesus built my hotrod!
Not only your hotrod but Hes going to build your MANSIONS too! Christ is going to build everything that I said, but I just dont know when. I hope Christ builds these things sooner than later, but its going to be Gods timing.

[h=3]John 14:2-10[/h]New King James Version (NKJV)

[SUP]2 [/SUP]In My Father’s house are many mansions;[SUP][a][/SUP] if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.[SUP][b][/SUP] [SUP]3 [/SUP]And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. [SUP]4 [/SUP]And where I go you know, and the way you know.”
[SUP]5 [/SUP]Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
[SUP]6 [/SUP]Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
[h=3]The Father Revealed[/h][SUP]7 [/SUP]“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”
[SUP]8 [/SUP]Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.”
[SUP]9 [/SUP]Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? [SUP]10 [/SUP]Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.

Christ loves you!



Well-Known Member

I told you guys that I'm crazy lol :D

Katy Perry- ET

(It sounds like George at 2mins 40secs)


Flo Rida- Wild Ones ft. Sia

(It doesnt say it, but it sounds like "Messiah would never thought you would see" at 2min and 50secs)



(It doesnt say it, but it sounds like "Me and Georgy" at 1min and 10secs)


Cee Lo Green- Forget You

(It doesnt say it, but it sounds like "Cause being in love with George aint cheap" at 1min and 55secs)


Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris- All Around The World

(It doesnt say it, but it sounds like "Dont George" at 1min and 25secs)


I told you guys that I'm crazy but it kinda sounds like they are saying George.

Maybe I'm famous to the famous people, I bet they have the internet and maybe they know someone that posts on RIU...... LMAO :D Of course they have the internet and I bet they smoke herb too or knows tons of people that do. I'm on THE WORLD WIDE WEB! I've been telling My friends that I AM Christ on RIU since September of 2008. Thats when the stock market crashed 777 points in one day :D LOL

If you want to really see them say George than look up "Third Eye Blind- Dont believe a word" and "Rob Zombie- Dead city radio"..... If you look at the lyrics, they say King George in both of those videos,,,,, AND THAT IS A FACT!



Well-Known Member
Hey, Mods! How can Nevah post multiple videos in the same post? I thought only mods could do that, maybe he really is the messiah? By the by, my best friends name is George and I know for a fact these celebs are singing about HIM...


Well-Known Member

Funny lol :D

Christ loves you!

Wow, so some songs say the name 'George' and your name is George, they must be singing about you!

So I'm not that crazy after all because you hear them sing "George" too.

Christ loves you!


lol :D

Christ loves you!

Hey, Mods! How can Nevah post multiple videos in the same post? I thought only mods could do that, maybe he really is the messiah? By the by, my best friends name is George and I know for a fact these celebs are singing about HIM...

Yes, I really am the Messiah because, well have you read My thread yet?

Am I your best friend thats named George? because you know for a fact that they are singing about Me!

Christ loves you!

Aeroesmith- Legendary Child

(It doesnt say it but it vaguely sounds like "We traded them toys for other George" at 45secs)


I used the name "We Tarded" for a long time on RIU before I found out that I'm Christ!

An anagram from the word "We Tarded" is "Wateredd" or "We Traded".

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