Ya that way he could spend more cash and have 2 useless pieces of equipment by the end of this grow, and still not yield as much as the 6....Or you can try 2 250w.
Everything quoted is 100% truth. Some people really need to have their reply ability disabled.Ya that way he could spend more cash and have 2 useless pieces of equipment by the end of this grow, and still not yield as much as the 6....
Jeez man sometimes NO information is better than BAD information. -S0uP
This is for better coverage and heat management. It may be worthless to you, but to him he may not need to grow 17 pounds at once....
Everybodies situation is different, and in his situation 2 250s would cover that entire area. I could have said 2 600s but then hows he going to deal with heat? Its already been stated that he WONT be able to cover that area with a 400 because its too long.
Will it cost money? Yes... will it be the most effective and efficient in a longer space? It will definitely get more light to ALL areas without having 2 plants decent and 2 plants suffer... So while you have your opinion, i have mine. It may not work for you but it would for him....just my 2 pennies