Here we go... 1st ever attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
Grow and learn. Any projected date for getting the plants in the ground?
hoping to have them in the ground first or second week of june, as it is still getting pretty cold at night here

Knew it was N. Good to see you got this under control now. They are looking real good man. Did you water them before you took those pics?
ya, i watered them like 10 min before taking the pics, soil was pretty dry, they are sure sucking up the water now


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering because I've notice mine do that an hour or so after watering. I guess they are happy...


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering because I've notice mine do that an hour or so after watering. I guess they are happy...
mine have always looked like that... never had any droopy or wilting leaves(except the yellowing of a few leaves from the nitrogen def, those wilted), not sure why not but i am not gonna complain... except for the runt... still goin, lol


Well-Known Member

well moved the 5 biggest plants into a bigger container, now are around 7 inches tall, will be moving outside in a week or two. got 3 ore plants that just sprouted, and 4 that have just been planted after germination. come on september.... lol



Well-Known Member
Hey, that plant you transplanted a week or so ago, how is it doing?

The one that had the soil break that was holding the roots together.


Well-Known Member
Hey, that plant you transplanted a week or so ago, how is it doing?

The one that had the soil break that was holding the roots together.
judge for yourself... here are some pics of it, i have named this one the runt, as it hasn't really grown in a while, but it isn't dying... at least i don't think it is



Well-Known Member
Coming along nicely. You paddling that kayak all loaded up with plants would be a sight to see, lol.
lol, hopefully they will fit in the sealed dry storage compartment for paddling them over... if not i will be making a few trips i think...


Well-Known Member
Yea, I saw Tommy Chong and his wife when they came to my town. Their stand up act was hilarious!


Well-Known Member
ok... final count on plants:

5 mystery girls at almost 8 inches tall
1 purple power around 4 inches tall
2 bag seeds small... around 3 inches tall
4 hollands hope 4-5 inches tall
7 outdoor mix seeds, just sprouting now around a inch tall

total count to plant outside 19 plants:weed:
hoping 10 are girls and outdoor harvest... may get 1/2 to a full pound per plant... if all goes well that is. 5-10 pounds, now that would be nice
:blsmoke: :joint: :blsmoke: :joint: bongsmilie :joint: :blsmoke: :joint: :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
I know a qp per plant is very good for an indoor grow. So growing outdoors would really give you that much? I haven't researched to much outdoor grows. Tell me what you know, I'm very interested!


That would be more then nice!


Well-Known Member
I know a qp per plant is very good for an indoor grow. So growing outdoors would really give you that much? I haven't researched to much outdoor grows. Tell me what you know, I'm very interested!


That would be more then nice!
my wifes uncle grows outside... he has had plants go out with only 4 weeks to veg before flowering starts... and end up with 6-8 foot plants, some with a pound each... so ya you end up with a lot more outside than inside,atleast from what i know... plus bigger buds from what i hear, sun is more powerful than any indoor light, so it gets in to more bud sites


Well-Known Member
Ya that makes sense. I saw the stem on one of those suckers the other day and it looked more like a stalk! I need to find some pics of some outdoor grows, you got any links?


Well-Known Member

doing good so far... gotta get outside soon... these are gonna be hard to move if they get too much bigger. amazing the difference in the shape of leaves between the different strains...

p.s. yes the 2 little seedlings got a little stretched out... didn't realize they were too far away from the light, oh well... bury them a little bit lower when i plant them outside