NEED HELP FAST! frost advisory tonight and seedlings outside

Dr Dro

Active Member
heres the deal... i just planted 40 seedlings and there currently ouside. they are in peat pots, and havent sprouted yet. just watched the news and there is a frost advisory in effect for tonight and tomorrow... they are all currently in a plastic planter tray with a plastic hood to protect from too much rain... is there anything i can do to protect from the frost??

btw im tryin to find a pic of the getto seedling tray i bought at walmart to give ya a better idea of what there in...


Well-Known Member
heres the deal... i just planted 40 seedlings and there currently ouside. they are in peat pots, and havent sprouted yet. just watched the news and there is a frost advisory in effect for tonight and tomorrow... they are all currently in a plastic planter tray with a plastic hood to protect from too much rain... is there anything i can do to protect from the frost??

btw im tryin to find a pic of the getto seedling tray i bought at walmart to give ya a better idea of what there in...

We pretty much all know what a nursery tray looks like, ince they haven't sprouted yet you could just put the tray inside? or throw a blanket over it or...... are you serious, you need help to figure this out and you are Dr. I will not be visiting your VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I know that some type of fabrics is sold to prevent frost burn on small trees, rose bushes and such... might be worth taking a look?


Well-Known Member
you could try a space blanket. You know the blankets you find in emergency kits that people use to keep warm in emergency situations. big ass silver lookin things. cant guarantee that its gunna work. why not just put them inside?!?!


Well-Known Member
heres the deal... i just planted 40 seedlings and there currently ouside. they are in peat pots, and havent sprouted yet. just watched the news and there is a frost advisory in effect for tonight and tomorrow... they are all currently in a plastic planter tray with a plastic hood to protect from too much rain... is there anything i can do to protect from the frost??

btw im tryin to find a pic of the getto seedling tray i bought at walmart to give ya a better idea of what there in...
If the plants are covered you can sustain a drop of up to 10 degrees in temperature. The better the cover the more protection it offers. A light frost should not be a problem.