spanking your significant other/wife/husband for wrong doing


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with giving the kid a slap on the bum.

Sometimes words don't work, grounding or corner sitting is may be ineffective.

Spanking causes no physical damage to the child but gets their attention real quick. It really makes you realize who the boss is too.
And thats what spanking is for. Attention.
What are you going to tell your wife to bend over the bed for a spanking to get her attention and remind her not to buy $30 steaks? I think she will laugh at you and you will not only keep getting $30 steaks but youll also have lost your balls.
What works is a stiff backhand to the mouth. You gotta get her attention right.
You could also try the old donkey punch next time youre having sex. while shes seeing stars you whisper softly not to buy $30 steaks. Leaves a lasting impression. Especially if you go anal right at the moment of the donkey punch.

1 star.


Active Member
That will be the day... When my wife buys a fucking $30 steak hahaha...

More like the other way around..


Well-Known Member
yea i had already started using it before I decided it was a dumb analogy. but fuckit. you get the point.
you cant spank a spouse, it means nothing. You are a shitbag if you beat your wife.
this thread is stupid.


Active Member
yea i had already started using it before I decided it was a dumb analogy. but fuckit. you get the point.
you cant spank a spouse, it means nothing. You are a shitbag if you beat your wife.
this thread is stupid.
Yea I know, but I had to say it anyway lol =P

and yea totally agree


Well-Known Member
yea i had already started using it before I decided it was a dumb analogy. but fuckit. you get the point.
you cant spank a spouse, it means nothing. You are a shitbag if you beat your wife.
this thread is stupid.
your the shitbag who was talking about beating the wife. spank the wife for doing stuff like you know she shouldnt is like spanking a child. discipline in the home is not abuse! same goes for men.


Well-Known Member
your the shitbag who was talking about beating the wife. spank the wife for doing stuff like you know she shouldnt is like spanking a child. discipline in the home is not abuse! same goes for men.
maybe the language barrier you have is not getting my sarcasm.
Disciple in the home is fine for your kids. You dont discipline your spouse you fucking misogonist.


Well-Known Member
Lol don't let the white knights troll you with there chivalry

i would guess in reality monkeys are getting spanked, no ladies are actually being harmed at all

peace :)


Active Member
Partners are just that - PARTNERS!
You/He/She is NOT the others Boss/Parent .....
To treat them that way is legally/morally abuse...
and shows that the person doing the 'punishing' is a control freak with serious issues and needs help...

Now if it was for reasons of arousal/foreplay/fetish and you both agree on it and enjoy it...
Yeah baby! Go for it!

Otherwise- that person deserves to remain single indefinitely.....


Well-Known Member
Is it a consented sub-dom relationship?

As a form of punishment for doing wrong? You will get locked up, single and may even
become a celebrity like Bobbit.

What a strange F'n thing to ask... lol


Well-Known Member
sojew what do you care you dont believe in Christ. its just A question. i gave you a couple of situation to help. discipline in a relationship doesnt seem out of reach. but what manner of discipline is the discussion. women say men no sex or well she has the spoon men its spoon or restriction on something. i cant think of all the stuff you could do to have a sense of less lawlessness in a relationship. otherwise we just have a bunch of people married or not just "acting a fool". in what way do people discipline their spouse?
You can't discipline in a relationship because you have absolutely zero 'right' over what your wife/husband does. There are expectations in a relationship but they aren't enforced physically.

The only thing you can do to 'discipline' them is leave the relationship or else it's abuse, motha fucka!


Well-Known Member
sojew what do you care you dont believe in Christ. its just A question. i gave you a couple of situation to help. discipline in a relationship doesnt seem out of reach. but what manner of discipline is the discussion. women say men no sex or well she has the spoon men its spoon or restriction on something. i cant think of all the stuff you could do to have a sense of less lawlessness in a relationship. otherwise we just have a bunch of people married or not just "acting a fool". in what way do people discipline their spouse?
i hear some spouses throw their worthless husbands in front of trains.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure about the kind of women you folks dated and/or ended up marrying, but the few I had the pleasure/displeasure of getting to know would more than likely kill you in your sleep if you raised a hand to them, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. Some would do it right after you thought you were finished. I feel very comfortable knowing my daughter was raised to take no bs and raising a hand to her would surely seal a fate with the quickness.(.40 S&W). As for me, raising a hand to a woman is pure chickenshit and would get you a first class ass-whoopin in these parts at the minimum.

