spanking your significant other/wife/husband for wrong doing


Well-Known Member
stuff amounting to money loss,propty damage, issue in the home. he/she wrecks the car. overdraws the account and knows it, things i cant thing of. is spanking the man/women wife/husband acceptable?


Edit: Well, it depends on what you mean by 'acceptable.' What goes on between two consenting adults behind closed doors is none of my business. If someone didn't wanna be spanked I assume they'd stop being around that person, just like getting out of an abusive relationship.

So my answer becomes: For me, no, but I would not police others on such behavior. Seems like some kinky shit in disguise to me.
jesus motherfucking christ what a retarded i can't even......

one star.
sojew what do you care you dont believe in Christ. its just A question. i gave you a couple of situation to help. discipline in a relationship doesnt seem out of reach. but what manner of discipline is the discussion. women say men no sex or well she has the spoon men its spoon or restriction on something. i cant think of all the stuff you could do to have a sense of less lawlessness in a relationship. otherwise we just have a bunch of people married or not just "acting a fool". in what way do people discipline their spouse?
It seems quiet laughable by modern American standards but given the proper societal context i see little difference in such a concept of a personalized, personalty accepted punishment system similar to what is... or was often accepted with children where "officials" often allowed parents to administer punishment for offence biased on their personal understanding of their child, rather than an arbitrary prescribed punishment. such trends are disappearing today, IMO, dew to the lack of responsibility of individuals in our society, rather than the immorality of the practice. So for certain offences in a conditioned society i can see such a system being highly effective within family units and even communities.

The fears most responses seemed to leak is of sexism and oppression. In this i assume they are already accounting for the unavoidable human failures. While i concede that i share your suspicions about humanities ability to live by such codes but I do not need to apply such prejudices in order to assess the validity of an idea without taking offence.
I am spanking my child. I don't care if I get dirty looks in the supermarket. Mind you, not full out wailing on the bottom. Like a sharp smack on the bum.
I am spanking my child. I don't care if I get dirty looks in the supermarket. Mind you, not full out wailing on the bottom. Like a sharp smack on the bum.

I used to think that spanking a kid shows that the adult has a lack of control.. but that was when I was getting the shit smacked out of me.

Now, looking at kids who were never spanked, I'm seeing a positive correlation between kids who get spanked and the respect and good behavior they give off later in life.

I guess there's always the argument that spanking your kid is just setting fear in their eyes though. And that spanking isn't the only way to teach your child from right or wrong. but it sure is effective. But then again, we may have good intentions behind spanking (showing right from wrong), but does that make spanking right? I mean, it's not that big of a deal whether it's right or wrong.. but still.

It works with other animals, we're no different.
There is nothing wrong with giving the kid a slap on the bum.

Sometimes words don't work, grounding or corner sitting is may be ineffective.

Spanking causes no physical damage to the child but gets their attention real quick. It really makes you realize who the boss is too.