The truth about minimum wage and income inequality

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

don't need good spelling to push a lawnmower, do ya?

sorry bucky but he was right,

It, as a the possessive singular is in fact "It's" which is similar to the the contraction of "It Is" to It's but when used in context the distinction is obvious. so a corporation that uses "It's" (possessive singular) resources and employees to gain profit is doing what "It's" (it is) supposed to be doing.



Well-Known Member
Any successful business realizes that the people that make up the business are it's most important asset.

don't need good spelling to push a lawnmower, do ya?

sorry bucky but he was right,

It, as a the possessive singular is in fact "It's" which is similar to the the contraction of "It Is" to It's but when used in context the distinction is obvious. so a corporation that uses "It's" (possessive singular) resources and employees to gain profit is doing what "It's" (it is) supposed to be doing.


what ANALEXCESSGAY1 said would read as:

Any successful business realizes that the people that make up the business are it is most important asset.

sorry, that ain't right.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

what ANALEXCESSGAY1 said would read as:

Any successful business realizes that the people that make up the business are it is most important asset.

sorry, that ain't right.
let us see how confusing this quote bug can become.

anyhow, the 's (apostrophe S) is the standard indicator of the possessive, and the apostrophe also indicates a contraction, thus the confusion.

if i use a common contraction such as Dont, Wont, Cant, or Shouldnt, the apostrophe is simply redundant since everybody knows what i'm saying, but it's (it is) still technically poor grammar.

likewise, in the simple possessive, bobs truck, tonys beer, frankys joint, harrolds bong, likewise the apostrophe is not really needed, since the possessive is implied in context, but this too is bad grammar.

however, "its" and "it's" are both treatred as propper usage for the possessive, but only "It's" is accepted for use in the contraction "It Is".

it's still easier than learning to read chinese.


Ursus marijanus
I recommend using the apostrophe (where indicated). The unpunktuated form looks entirely too much like lazy texter tripe. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
however, "its" and "it's" are both treatred as propper usage for the possessive, but only "It's" is accepted for use in the contraction "It Is".
not finding that anywhere, just the opposite in fact.

"it's" is only ever used to mean "it is" (or it has), and otherwise you always use "its". "it's" is never proper to use as a possessive.

unless you have some source that i do not. addendum: must be current.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I recommend using the apostrophe (where indicated). The unpunktuated form looks entirely too much like lazy texter tripe. Jmo. cn
Yeah, but I'm lazy. shit sometimes I cant even be bothered to use punctuation.

I don't cap, except to emphasize a word, I don't cap the personal pronoun at all, and my apostrophe key is so far away from the other buttons...

I know, It's a bad habit, but sometimes I just cannot be bothered.

If I were to begin counting the grammar mistakes on the interwebs I would likely go as mad as Bucky.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
not finding that anywhere, just the opposite in fact.

"it's" is only ever used to mean "it is" (or it has), and otherwise you always use "its". "it's" is never proper to use as a possessive.

unless you have some source that i do not. addendum: must be current.

You're a Monster!

I cannot believe you are correct.

My sixth grade English teacher (all four years:eyesmoke:) ran that into the ground in direct opposition to this citation. Bitch got me struggle on! A pox on her house!


Well-Known Member
Well, at least the bottom of the barrel losers quit whining about not getting paid what they think deserve.


Well-Known Member
Sunk our economy? What until what O has done really hits the economy. Everyone will be out of a job and the dollar devalued.

You want a better job or more money then learn a trade or arm yourself with a degree that job providers want. Not a ms in social work, history, arts, etc. You may want to be a social worker but guess what most employers don't want that or need it.

Private sector. Most private sector jobs are provided by small businesses not corporations. You are right everyone is replaceable even the business owner. When they die or sellout a new comes along just like employees. It's life get over it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

You're a Monster!

I cannot believe you are correct.

My sixth grade English teacher (all four years:eyesmoke:) ran that into the ground in direct opposition to this citation. Bitch got me struggle on! A pox on her house!
Depending on how old you are, your 6th grade teacher was correct. My 4th grade English book only had "it's" and the teacher made a point about the book being before the grammar change took place. "Its" only became common use a little over 50 years ago.


Well-Known Member
This was starting to a good thread till UncleBuck and non-theist started trolling eachother and getting all emotional.

Lets get to the heart of this issue which is: is capitalism is the problem? and the worker/capitalist relationship. I have been trying to dig at that for awhile now.

I don't have much time to write at this moment but I will say that the free market would not be without its problems, but to say its better then what we have is not much of a stretch, You stated that it would be worse then what we have because the corporate would collude with one another and run out the worker, resulting in wage slavery. (paraphrasing)

I will follow with this later but I want to know why it is you believe that would happen to a greater degree in a free market scenario, specifically, with examples.
I have no faith in the invisible hand of Adam Smith as a benevolent force of good.


Well-Known Member

You're a Monster!

I cannot believe you are correct.

My sixth grade English teacher (all four years:eyesmoke:) ran that into the ground in direct opposition to this citation. Bitch got me struggle on! A pox on her house!
Depending on how old you are, your 6th grade teacher was correct. My 4th grade English book only had "it's" and the teacher made a point about the book being before the grammar change took place. "Its" only became common use a little over 50 years ago.
hence my addendum. we've actually been over this before.

what on earth could have affected our memories in such an adverse fashion?



New Member
Cmon guys your killing the thread again.

So what I am getting at is, At what point does the worker become utterly and hopelessly doomed to become a "wage slave"? what advantage does the worker have over the boss? The fact is the worker has many advantages, in effect he sets his own wage because once his work becomes more valuable then what the boss is paying him he then no longer needs the boss.

The problem is that people can't get ahead, not as a result of capitalism, not always as a result of them being too dumb or lazy, the problem is because there isn't free market capitalism. If there was then this rule I mention above would actually apply, but it doesn't because we can't even sell fucking lemonade on the road without cutting through some red tape and paying fees. If my talent is selling 'fucking lemonade' I have to go work for 'lem-co' guessed it... god damn minimum wage and I can never get ahead to start my own 'fucking lemonade' stand and tell my boss to take this job and shove it.

hence why...Minimum Wage Keeps people in poverty the vast majority of the time when you don't have a free market.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
No stealing the product of someone's labor is selfish. Getting paid for the value of what you produce is common sense.
and who decides what you're worth?

you may feel you deserve $2,000,000 a year, but if nobody else agrees, well, then you will either take what they offer, or have nothing.

if no prospective employer is willing to offer you $2mill, will you rabble and attempt to "collectivize" his operation so you can get what you "deserve"?

employees create NOTHING, they serve. and in that service they will either create surplus value or they will become unemployed.

if i build a kiln and hire you to dig clay so i can make pots, even if you are the best clay digger in the history of ceramics, if i don't want your clay then i don't have to pay you shit.

if the clay in your clay-pit is bad, or you cannot provide enough, or you want too much for your clay, i will find another source, and you can try to sell mud, or build your own kiln and learn to make pots.

but then you will have no time to dig clay, so you'll have to hire a clay-digger. but how much to pay him?

and that's why your "Philosophy" fails.

fairness is subjective, but the definition of anarchy is VERY MUCH NOT. what you keep describing is Marxist Socialism (just a poorly articulated version), and if you read the Communist Manifesto you would possibly see this fact like everybody else does.


Well-Known Member
if you read the Communist Manifesto
Stop pushing Marx Kynes, we don't want to read about it. Just because you think he was amazing doesn't mean the rest of us feel like enduring you push Marx on us in EVERY FUCKING THREAD.

Yes, I am aware that all forms of socialism resemble Revolutionary Socialism but that doesn't mean all forms of socialism ARE Revolutionary Socialism.

You have been insisting for months now that anyone who doesn't love capitalism is Marxist.