Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
There is no infant formula which is suitable for babies.

It is a wasteful filler.

Breast milk gives babies everything they need and changes to suit their needs as the child consumes more. Every womans breastmilk is different and that womans breastmilk is different at each stage of child development.

Formula is an approximate of ONE womans breast milk at ONE time.

Formula is harder for the child to digest. Formula has more caloric content than the baby needs. Formula is expensive.

yes i know i wasnt suggesting there was i was just simply stating what i found in regards to veganism and their thoughts/views on breastfeeding and thought it was interesting that there is no formula for vegans


Well-Known Member
Also if it was true formula wasn't suitable for babies wouldn't we have alot more dead babies in the world? It may not be optimal vs natural milk but I'm looking at a smart healthy beautiful toddler right now that's here in part because of formula.


Ursus marijanus
I like to wear big white t-shirts. I hate tight clothing. I was in town yesterday walking into a store and the wind blew my shirt up around my neck. I had a hell of a time getting it back down. Half the store had a good view of my nipples. Yesterday was sustained winds of 30 mph and gusts up to 45. I'm sick of this shit.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
yes i know i wasnt suggesting there was i was just simply stating what i found in regards to veganism and their thoughts/views on breastfeeding and thought it was interesting that there is no formula for vegans
Yes I understood that. Just posting my thoughts.

They use goat/cow milk for formula. Which is not natural for the baby. but... you know...

You should read my essay. some good info in there.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Also if it was true formula wasn't suitable for babies wouldn't we have alot more dead babies in the world? It may not be optimal vs natural milk but I'm looking at a smart healthy beautiful toddler right now that's here in part because of formula.
There are someone women who cannot breastfeed for medical reasons. That is understandable.

But if a woman CAN breastfeed she absolutely should.

Breastmilk is like an all natural diet vs formula fast food diet.

Formula will work, but it is substandard.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I like to wear big white t-shirts. I hate tight clothing. I was in town yesterday walking into a store and the wind blew my shirt up around my neck. I had a hell of a time getting it back down. Half the store had a good view of my nipples. Yesterday was sustained winds of 30 mph and gusts up to 45. I'm sick of this shit.
If your in New Mexico.....UH.....Get used to it cause gosh dam....come March and April and part of May......FORGETABOUTIT... It blows like a mother down there...I worked out of there for a few years....I know EXACTLY how you feel!!!!


Ursus marijanus
There are someone women who cannot breastfeed for medical reasons. That is understandable.

But if a woman CAN breastfeed she absolutely should.

Breastmilk is like an all natural diet vs formula fast food diet.

Formula will work, but it is substandard.
I can't argue against breastmilk being the standard, but formula, substandard? My kids throve on the stuff. cn


Well-Known Member
Anyone try breast milk as an adult?

If you are curious on what it tastes like, it is kind of like slim milk, not very thick.

Really, it's not gross.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I can't argue against breastmilk being the standard, but formula, substandard? My kids throve on the stuff. cn
9.2 Manufacturers and distributors of infant formula should ensure that each
container as a clear, conspicuous, and easily readable and understandable message
printed on it, or on a label which cannot readily become separated from it, in an
appropriate language, which includes all the following points: (a) the words
"Important Notice" or their equivalent; (b) a statement of the superiority of breastfeeding;
(c) a statement that the product should be used only on the advice of a health
worker as to the need for its use and the proper method of use; (d) instructions for
appropriate preparation, and a warning against the health hazards of inappropriate
preparation. Neither the container nor the label should have pictures of infants, nor
should they have other pictures or text which may idealize the use of infant formula.
They may, however, have graphics for easy identification of the product as a breastmilk
substitute and for illustrating methods of preparation. The terms "humanized",
"materialized" or similar terms should not be used. Inserts giving additional
information about the product and its proper use, subject to the above conditions, may
be included in the package or retail unit. When labels give instructions for modifying
a product into infant formula, the above should apply.


Before the governments got involved in 1981 things were really bad in the formula business.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Anyone try breast milk as an adult?

If you are curious on what it tastes like, it is kind of like slim milk, not very thick.

Really, it's not gross.
I did....many years ago.....I didn't like it....but I think it was because I have always drank milk ( Whole Milk ) and I had this notion that somehow it was going to taste similar....and it didnt


Well-Known Member
Weird fact: When I was breastfeeding my kids, my milk was somehow...like...idk...pressurized lol. It would SHOOT OUT if my bra was off. My three year old would run around me in circles like I was a damn lawn sprinkler while I was walking to the shower most days. And I did once manage to spray myself in the face while lying down once, because it shot straight up in the air an happened to land on my there lol. So yes, I do know what it tastes like. It's not slimy at all. And it's sweet. Reminds me of a thinner eagles milk maybe?