Oh oh I would like LED lights but I don't know which ones to get...I use HPS and MH lights now. And they are very expensive lights to have on!
no offense to lahada but i wouldnt expect that girl to be anything but a giant fucking bitch if you get on her bad side someone who plays dirty too ya know pulls the hair extensions for the cheap shot:mrgreen:

No offense taken! I cant fight with girls. Unfair match! Itd be like Trinity of Matrix versus Rosanne Barr in this case.

I believe in 'an eye for eye...' 'treat others as you like to be treated' 'whats good for the goose...' which is why I had to call her out as a grotesque whore. She had the audacity to do it to me when she was seeking some strange self validation as a bit on the side. She's just pissed off that I gave her the ultimatum of telling the Kaptain before I did. Which I did anyway, thought he'd appreciate her 'modelling' shots! Hehehehehe. LMFAO!

She's such a ginger minger, it comes to no surprise that she gets her just desserts when she gets deserted in the desert a year ago some random dude. She's a piece of work who flirts with married men and then blows the whistle on them! The irony! LMFAO!
Um. OK one more question, last one, I swear...you're with an RIU guy you said? Do you mind saying who it is? Just...you know...so I don't send him any naked pictures? lol. Not that he'd want them! I'm just saying. K I feel sufficiently awkward now :oops: and of course, please don't feel obligated to answer. If you'd rather keep it private I totally understand and won't be offended at all.
rainbow she is with kenny ken. They knew each others "crews" back in UK. He flew to Spain to be with here. Though she is on here implying he can't keep up sexually.
OK so this is going to sound *soooo* weird, especially because I've never had a personal problem with Kona or Lahada...but now...I just...I really want to see this vagina picture just to see what Lahada is talking about... Anybody? No?

Oh no you don't! It'd make you either pleased that urs doesnt look like that or maybe just pity. I'm not sending out her 'glamour shots' as we know sharing pics is lame. Which makes question how I got them!!! LMFAO! I'm done here.
rainbow she is with kenny ken. They knew each others "crews" back in UK. He flew to Spain to be with here. Though she is on here implying he can't keep up sexually.

Oh OK I don't know that name. So that's good. Never flirted. I am content with this answer lol. Thank you!
Um. OK one more question, last one, I swear...you're with an RIU guy you said? Do you mind saying who it is? Just...you know...so I don't send him any naked pictures? lol. Not that he'd want them! I'm just saying. K I feel sufficiently awkward now :oops: and of course, please don't feel obligated to answer. If you'd rather keep it private I totally understand and won't be offended at all.

Lol! Another RIU girl sent to my KK before we got together and she had a bf. Luckily for me, she wasn't his type. Another pm'd him to say he was good looking. Personally I find this flattering. He's not very egotistical though. I was fast to snap him up !!

But anyway, if ur sending out pics I'll be sure to delete some space for you!! ;) lol
rainbow she is with kenny ken. They knew each others "crews" back in UK. He flew to Spain to be with here. Though she is on here implying he can't keep up sexually.

Don't be so hard on him. Apparently I'm insatiable. He's got blisters and I'm limping so leave us be! ;) Lol. Honeymoon period eh?
lahada, it sounds like you're the one that's too hard on him! lol
I'm a little rough I don't know if he would like my bedroom style either....
lahada, it sounds like you're the one that's too hard on him! lol
I'm a little rough I don't know if he would like my bedroom style either....

Oh he likes it alright but can he take it? No pain no gain right?? Lol!! It's all good to be soft and sensual but sometimes a girls gotta be shown who the boss is !!! ;)