Shit la Hada would make a fearsome opponent for any girl,
I kid you not! Fuck! Even I'm scared! Lol!
No, joking aside, she is seriously fit and so strong, and her fighting technique is spot on too!
I know men she'd hammer! So women! Forget it!
La Hada - Oh please do Sunni, u've got a right pair! She needs to compare herself to other girls so do it!we posting boobs now? maybe ill post mine
Hmm....cant really not say nice to a picture of your breasts now can i? The fighting i could live without but the more skin the better on this thread, its getting hot in here again
I am a size one to three how am I fat again ??? Hahaa so you pulled a few old photos hahaha so what? You are worse than any bitch on here before, you are just the newbie whore around here that's it. You know nothing really that is what all this even more hilarious, you have no clue what going on in the USA an I don't care what type of fighting competition it is I would whoop your ass anytime
and thanks guys for all the compliments on my boos