An apology for you RIU members.

Well RIU, today was the first day in a while that I got to wake up and log onto rollitup and not have fear of what I might have said or done last night. In fact, I'm glad I apologized. Rollie managed to get back to me as well and I think he accepted my apologies as well, otherwise, I think I would have been banned on site.

Hope I can make it up to you guys and maybe someday rollie will let me have my acct back.

I'll tell you what though, not drinking has a ton of benefits... I don't feel like crap the first half of the day and I already see the nice guy in me coming back out again. I think the booze just turned me into a royal D-bag.
Why? what did you do? . Anyway lay off the turps bro its poison, just smoke dope, i dont drink at all and hate drunks anywhere near me.

You really don't realize you are becoming a "drunk" until you try to stop drinking and go.. wtf.. I realllly want a beer.

And you really don't realize you were a drunk until you stop drinking.

What did I do? Well, I drank and came on here and just ran my mouth far too much.
To bad if you do feel that way about gays (sorry if thats not pc enough i am not exactly in the know on these things), but I know that my uncle who is gay hears worse on a daily living in the midwest, how hes gonna spend eternity in hell and all that jazz. do not know what kron said, considering the subject matter im sure there were some nasty remarks made about gays, but dirty? Farthest thing from the truth lol, my uncle is one clean sumabitch lol. Hope i did not offend anyone defending kron but maybe you west coast boys oughta grow a lil thicker skin, not that that in anyway excuses krons actions bt the guy is trying... just keep paying your pennance and do not go back to the sauce and i am sure the sky will clear for ya, after all when the sky is darkest its just clouds.
To bad if you do feel that way about gays (sorry if thats not pc enough i am not exactly in the know on these things), but I know that my uncle who is gay hears worse on a daily living in the midwest, how hes gonna spend eternity in hell and all that jazz. do not know what kron said, considering the subject matter im sure there were some nasty remarks made about gays, but dirty? Farthest thing from the truth lol, my uncle is one clean sumabitch lol. Hope i did not offend anyone defending kron but maybe you west coast boys oughta grow a lil thicker skin, not that that in anyway excuses krons actions bt the guy is trying... just keep paying your pennance and do not go back to the sauce and i am sure the sky will clear for ya, after all when the sky is darkest its just clouds.

Well, now that I'm sober... I'll just leave it at.. the same sex thing is just taboo and weird (IMO) and I don't like it. I'm not really comfortable with it and I don't really approve of it. Out of sight out of mind is best for me. I have a couple friends that are gay and... they are awesome people but their sexuality still makes no sense to me. Maybe I just don't get it? I've always been into smoking hot babes with hard bodies. So.. I don't really relate well to the "open minded" community.
Kinda the same way i feel about it, pda in general is unneccessary, gay or straight. im nit talking about holding hands im talking bout sucking a dick in an alley which is all to common of an occurence downtown where i live lol. just the other day saw some chick giving a dude a handy under the table at denny's, bout lost my food. Like i said my uncle is gay and i have quite a few gay friends (mostly lesbians lol) and have no problem with their lifestyle choice and unlike most do not believe they face eternity of damnation for being happy, but like the thought of two fat people banging i just do not want to cit, heres a real curvebll for ya, not even a fan of girl on girl vids, 2 girls 1 cup might have had more to do that then my aversion to same sex relations lol
Kinda the same way i feel about it, pda in general is unneccessary, gay or straight. im nit talking about holding hands im talking bout sucking a dick in an alley which is all to common of an occurence downtown where i live lol. just the other day saw some chick giving a dude a handy under the table at denny's, bout lost my food. Like i said my uncle is gay and i have quite a few gay friends (mostly lesbians lol) and have no problem with their lifestyle choice and unlike most do not believe they face eternity of damnation for being happy, but like the thought of two fat people banging i just do not want to cit, heres a real curvebll for ya, not even a fan of girl on girl vids, 2 girls 1 cup might have had more to do that then my aversion to same sex relations lol

Oh I love the girl on girl action. Ohhhh yeah!
Well, now that I'm sober... I'll just leave it at.. the same sex thing is just taboo and weird (IMO) and I don't like it. I'm not really comfortable with it and I don't really approve of it. Out of sight out of mind is best for me. I have a couple friends that are gay and... they are awesome people but their sexuality still makes no sense to me. Maybe I just don't get it? I've always been into smoking hot babes with hard bodies. So.. I don't really relate well to the "open minded" community.

Nope, you're still a dick .... even off of the sauce.
Well, now that I'm sober... I'll just leave it at.. the same sex thing is just taboo and weird (IMO) and I don't like it. I'm not really comfortable with it and I don't really approve of it. Out of sight out of mind is best for me. I have a couple friends that are gay and... they are awesome people but their sexuality still makes no sense to me. Maybe I just don't get it? I've always been into smoking hot babes with hard bodies. So.. I don't really relate well to the "open minded" community.

Oh I love the girl on girl action. Ohhhh yeah!

i knew you couldn't do it :clap: welcome back hypocritical asshole, out of sight out of mind? seriously? :eyesmoke:
i knew you couldn't do it :clap: welcome back hypocritical asshole, out of sight out of mind? seriously? :eyesmoke:

yeah what did it take him to become his arrogant ego filled self ? about 12 hours, hes already posting photos of him getting pulled over , his advice in newbie growing. ect ect
I don't have to approve of everything you approve of. I don't approve of Obama being in office. Are you going to call me racist now?

I'm not a dick just because I have a different viewpoint than you. It's just where I stand.

Obama affects your day to day life. If you don't approve of Obama being in office for policy (or even personality) reasons then you are entitled to feel that way. If you don't approve of him being in office because of skin color then you're just a dick.

Just like you're a dick for judging an entire class of people based on sexual orientation ..... when they don't affect your day to day life one iota.
Not even two days into your "apology" and you're already starting the shit. Like I said, all alcohol did was bring out the real you.
Not even two days into your "apology" and you're already starting the shit. Like I said, all alcohol did was bring out the real you.

Carne... Are you upset because I don't agree with your lifestyle? Well, not everyone agrees with it... it's not just me. I figured you would know this by now?
Not even two days into your "apology" and you're already starting the shit. Like I said, all alcohol did was bring out the real you.

Was just thinking the same thing.. Now I really didn't know the guy, but yea its been less then 2 days and I see it already. Not to mention every other post "I got banned, I'm this person" .. bud we get the point and its also in your sig..
Stop looking for attention and sympathy...