An apology for you RIU members.

match box

Well-Known Member
I don't have any idea who you are but you for sure have hurt peoples feelings and they may never accept your apology.

I wish you the best and I hope ya stay sober.
I have become very attached to riu and I would not like being band. It really becomes like your family. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Just call me Krondizzel. This is just an account I had to create after I was banned.
Krondizzle? My fuckin Man.
Shit, PM me next time and let me know who you are.
You know, like if they ban you again.....

Hope you can get your old account back.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I've never seen you make said ass of yourself, nor have I borne the brunt of any of your alcohol fueled aggression, so I really don't have a dog in this fight. I really couldn't throw stones even if I had, because I drank alcoholically for literally a couple decades. Instant asshole...Just add liquor! I'm glad you decided to do something about it at this point rather than wait. Alcohol is one mean bitch to quit. I DO know that had it not been for pot, I'd either still be drinking today, or dead.
I wish you the best. Even if you don't drop the shit right away, the first hurdle has been eliminated, you acknowledge the problem. Took me a bit to completely get rid of alcohol, but I feel SO much better for it (Even after the strokes) Alcohol is NOT your friend, in fact it will probably take all your friends away.
I'm with Shadowweed, If ya just need to talk or vent, I TRY to keep my PM box open so feel free.

AS for apologies, either folks will accept yours or they don't. (C'mon folks...a little tolerance and compassion?) Some fences can't be mended overnite. Move on, keep trying. I quit drinking some 6 yrs ago (?approx) and am STILL eating crow to this day. (BTW, Crow aint half bad with a bit of Natures Seasoning! LOL)


Virtually Unknown Member
...... I really don't have a dog in this fight. ......a little tolerance and compassion?) Some fences can't be mended overnite.
The road back ain't easy. I've become more lenient, the older I get. The slights, angry tirades, repetitive broken promises and hurtful comments don't stab me as deep as they once did. Ole demon rum never did have a hold on me for which I'm truly thankful. And as trite as it sounds folks, there but for the grace of God, go I. Kron.. you know you have to prove yourself. One day after another brother. Go to the meetings, talk with your sponsor. Be a consul to someone worse off than you. Stay strong. Good luck. I'm rootin' for ya!!


Pickle Queen
Always forgive but never forget, an open ear and open heart can be stronger than the sharpest word.


Well-Known Member
What's up kron, I've been wondering where you were. With only coming on here in spurts and avoiding threads that move too fast I missed you being a dick to anyone lol. Think I saw some harsh words exchanged maybe once or twice but they were about things that already happened.

What's been going on? Well a shit ton of new members coming out of the weeve (spring break, ask sunny lmao) annnnd, chinbaggy being the usual. There were a bunch of piglets born, 420god stole someones socks to make them sweaters, I bought a pocket bike and am now selling it again (lmao) and my short term memory is coming to light because I know there was more but can't remember lol. Oh, bluewizard (I think) had a bunch of kittens or puppies too lol


New Member
Looks like some....shall I say, over dramatic members could have a read. Holding grudges over the net can cause cancer.

1. Don’t hold grudges.

Happy people understand that it’s better to forgive and forget than to let
their negative feelings crowd out their positive feelings. Holding a grudge
has a lot of detrimental effects on your wellbeing, including increased
depression, anxiety, and stress. Why let anyone who has wronged you
have power over you? If you let go of all your grudges, you’ll gain a clear
conscience and enough energy to enjoy the good things in life.


Pickle Queen
Looks like some....shall I say, over dramatic members could have a read. Holding grudges over the net can cause cancer.

1. Don’t hold grudges.

Happy people understand that it’s better to forgive and forget than to let
their negative feelings crowd out their positive feelings. Holding a grudge
has a lot of detrimental effects on your wellbeing, including increased
depression, anxiety, and stress. Why let anyone who has wronged you
have power over you? If you let go of all your grudges, you’ll gain a clear
conscience and enough energy to enjoy the good things in life.
Often the ones judging others fears judgment themselves..... seriously some people need to look at their own posts, or life choices before they make their opinions public...just sayin ;) (Not directed at u my dear lol )


Staff member
Hey i can vouch i talk with kron daily ...i started talkin with him right before.hit shit the fan and i can say he honestly is trying to change whats goin on in his life right now.
Got cho back
that means nothing to the people he was a complete asshole to
I'd rather you didn't send me anything and you can take your fake selfish apology and shove up that prodigious ass. Apologizing because a 12 step program tells you to is no apology. It's all just shit to make YOU feel better not fix the damage you've done. Fuck that. The fact you broke the rules once again is clear evidence that you haven't changed a bit. The only thing alcohol did to you was bring out the truth. Ugly as it was.

HAHA love you, thats basically what i said but nicer cause i have that mod status

AS for apologies, either folks will accept yours or they don't. (C'mon folks...a little tolerance and compassion?) Some fences can't be mended overnite. Move on, keep trying. I quit drinking some 6 yrs ago (?approx) and am STILL eating crow to this day. (BTW, Crow aint half bad with a bit of Natures Seasoning! LOL)
clearly you didnt see his rants on gays are disgusting people ,

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
that means nothing to the people he was a complete asshole to

HAHA love you, thats basically what i said but nicer cause i have that mod status

clearly you didnt see his rants on gays are disgusting people ,

You're right, I never did see any of that, and if I did, I would have been offended pretty much as well. I'd say everyone is justified at being pissed, but I know I have been a dick here a time or two myself. I guess it's easier to say have forgiveness if your dog isn't in the fight. This is gonna blow over, and hopefully enough will have let it go and it wont carry on. I dont think dude ought to be banned if he's showing contrition. Probationary period perhaps, just to ensure sincerity. But lets move on. idiots abound!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry guys for making a complete ass out of myself and I hope that you guys can accept my apologies.
Why? what did you do? . Anyway lay off the turps bro its poison, just smoke dope, i dont drink at all and hate drunks anywhere near me.