Cheetahs gettin prepared for the 2-nd


Well-Known Member
okay, i'll post a new grow journal tomorrow, when i get new pic of my only plant :D far...... i'll put some bagseeds :D hahahah...


Well-Known Member
So Cheetah, when can I come over and sample?

;) Hope your second grow goes as well or even better than you first one.


Well-Known Member
well had about an ounce of dried leaf/stem from the 2 boys I chopped
did the alcohol blender thing
came out dark black but its still drying out so no results yet.
Funny part was my wife coming home from work Monday
seeing it drying on the porch in the sun and saying...
"whats up with that stuff in my good pyrex on the porch?"
I just hope I can use more alcohol to clean out her dish lol
I will post to my journal should it work out at all.
Have my doubts, Pot (especially males) do not have very much if any THC at the growth point it was. But...People do it so I guess it could work out.


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up Cheetah... HAve been busy for a while getting rid of the root rot... So just for FYI (im trying to spread it around)... DO NOT PUT SUGAR IN YOUR REZ

HAHAHA THANKS... So only one plant....?? thats plenty... make that the momma.. I hope you started topping early (like 2nd node up). IF you did then you can make a little clone bubbler like mine and get going with clones in a few week or so...

good luck man.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'll top it(hopefuly her) (hopefuly the others will sprout too) (fuck, #%$&, agrrrr ....) damn, i'm stoned like a shit :D :D :D !!!


Well-Known Member
you should have sprouted them while your other was coming to harvest thats what i did and now im harvesting my plants in the next week i should have a next to in the flower room hopefully i get all girls again but i think it was just beginners luck haha