Planning my site for the year, couple questions

Quick info : I started growing about 4 years ago with just some seeds and my backyard soil, nothing advanced by any means, hell I didn't even give my girls nutrients the entire grow and still harvested 7 oz per plant.

Once Fall came I started building a hydroponic indoor garden and thats where I learned everything I needed to know, pulled around 9 oz under a 400w scrogged.

It seems now i've grown custom to growing hydro and can't for the life of me keep a grow going outdoors, like last year I dug a couple 2x2x2 holes and filled them with nothing but pro-mix soil and feeding with botanicares lineup of nutes.

Does that sound very promising guys? I need this year to pull off haha. I am also curious as if I should use tap or distilled water to feed?



Well-Known Member
I can't help you with the hydro bro, but I do pretty well outdoors with smartpots & straight city tap water, & Maxsea fertilizer is the bomb!
Good luck, keep trying!



Well-Known Member
Go 100% organic outdoor. Build up a good soil with proper drainage and amendments then all you have to worry about is water.
Last time I went 100% organic I had all types of animals digging up my plants, I have just found it easier using botanicare while outdoors, that is unless you have any tips to keep animals away from my grow?


Well-Known Member
one thing I realized about the bottle water fed nutes you get at a hydro store, they arent very practical for outdoor use, when im doing a tsp per gal and 5 gal of water per plant, u run through nutrients pretty quickly


Well-Known Member
Maybe try veganics. It will remove all the animal byproducts that are bringing in the animals. Haven't done it myself, just a thought.


Active Member
Once you cook an organic soil should smell like normal rich soil....animals will eat your plant in 100% perlite. Cannabis itself its attractive smelling
That's why u need barriers.


Well-Known Member
one thing I realized about the bottle water fed nutes you get at a hydro store, they arent very practical for outdoor use, when im doing a tsp per gal and 5 gal of water per plant, u run through nutrients pretty quickly
That's exactly why I foliar feed instead of feeding thru the roots, its much more economical. Instead of 5 gal per plant ill use about 2gal for 10 plants. Last year I only grew 6 n I was only mixin up one gallon batches for spray feeding n that was plenty.


Well-Known Member
Last time I went 100% organic I had all types of animals digging up my plants, I have just found it easier using botanicare while outdoors, that is unless you have any tips to keep animals away from my grow?

Your plant is fair game unless you install barriers. But for the amendments, dig a hole at least 2 ft deep. dump all of your organic amendments in there. Cover with a couple inches of soil and then plant on top of that. with it that deep you shouldn't have problems. This is what I have done for years, and there are dogs, cats, coyotes, bears, bobcats, FL Panther, and other animals in the area. they never did my plants up. I have had a family of fox dig a den close by, but not actually where I buried the goods.