I got some real good stuff sitting in my cabinet. Was joking with my wife... I said I shouldn't tell you what I have that you sent me... you might want some back, lol.
But seriously, if you have lost anything let me know.
Hope work is going well Bobo... I'm enjoying the day for you.
Thanks man. I had a good day working, actually. Was on a big plot of untamed land up north, and my dog was running around having the time of his life, which made me real happy. Running through creeks, and rolling in godknowswhat. Wife came along with the baby, too, and we made a little day of it. Great work day. I'm a lucky guy.
Nice jig! I have a few a few caseyband beans left too maybe I'll pop them at the same time as you. I don't remember how many I gave you but I remember it was half of what I had left. It's real similiar to the dog but lower yeilding and right now (well always lol) space is at a premium. Getting about time to do some remodleing up there though and get some more room to work with
I can't wait to see the addition to the room. That is bad ass dude. Does that mean we get 2x as much bud pr0n, too?? I hope so!

I'm really interested to see the Caseybands. I think you'd shown me fotos before, but I can't recall. I have so many of those crosses. I was going to pop some Qleaner's this round, but got ahead of myself. Next beans I pop, those are in there for sure. I've been diggin on the citrus lately.
Haha... if my dad was around he'd say to quit playing grabass. Lol. You guys have too much fun.
Hope your work day ain't too tough... and hope the rest of you enjoy the weekend.
I think I'm going to pop some beans soon. Caseyband, Psycho Killer (sativa leaning pheno), and another TBD. And today is day 1 of 12/12 for my gals. Really not sure why i'm giving you my update here. But there you go.
Lol, sounds like my freshman year gym teacher. Called everyone limp dicks, needle dicks... lol. Guy was classic. I saw him in the local movie store one night, then he disappeared. When he reappeared he was trying to discreetly hold a porno vid behind his back. Epic. They don't make em like they used to, lol.
Btw Jig, I love hearing updates about your garden man. You can post em here anytime, brosef. Glad you enjoyed the day, too, btw. . .
Stuck around to click that like button about 80 times did ya? lol
Is that how many times it was? Gee, I lost count