2012 aussie outdoor


Well-Known Member
i'm drooling over here. i can't wait to get back outside again.

thank you for letting me live vicariously through your grow. makes the season change feel even better.


Are they starting to get stinky yet?

My plant seems to be budding a lot slower than yours, maybe because of the ridiculous heat... They are starting to emit a sweet aroma though but I reckon they are probably 6 weeks away!


Well-Known Member
i'm drooling over here. i can't wait to get back outside again.

thank you for letting me live vicariously through your grow. makes the season change feel even better.
haha i bet you can't wait. good luck for the up and coming season

Are they starting to get stinky yet?

My plant seems to be budding a lot slower than yours, maybe because of the ridiculous heat... They are starting to emit a sweet aroma though but I reckon they are probably 6 weeks away!
not stinking at all really, which I'm glad about. last little plant i grew stunk all through flower so its nice to not have to worry about smell yet. Yeh can't wait for this fucking heat to go. cheers


Well-Known Member
just got done staring at the pics for a while again tonight.

i could almost feel the sun on my face and the warm winds blowing.


Well-Known Member
just got done staring at the pics for a while again tonight.

i could almost feel the sun on my face and the warm winds blowing.

haha won't be long for you now. can't wait for this cool change expected in the morning,

its been over 32 for the last nine days its broken records. sunny and 28 tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
yoo another update! all is going good, had a little bit of rain this afternoon.

There slowly getting thicker. I picked up some flowering nutes the other day. Liquid Karma its called N-P-K 0-19-17 hopefully it does the job. and also found fucking worms in some buds on the buddha tahoe. little fuckers were deep inside only way you can tell is the nug sort of dies. there gonna be hard to find and get rid off. I picked up some caterpillar stuff and only sprayed the one cola where i found them to see if it works and hopefully not fuck anything. bit worried as only 3 or so weeks left for it. what do you guys do? spray late or ? cheers


some nugs where the caterpillars were



Well-Known Member
Look into a "fogger" bro. Kinda pricy ($200us) but with a fogger you can spray late into budding without mold issues. Better yet spray early & often & never have an issue. You might also look at a elect bug zapper, the worms come from moths & butterflys, the zapper will kill a lot of moths at night.
They look beautiful. They should start to smell to high heaven soon! Security will be an issue
Good luck



Well-Known Member
Look into a "fogger" bro. Kinda pricy ($200us) but with a fogger you can spray late into budding without mold issues. Better yet spray early & often & never have an issue. You might also look at a elect bug zapper, the worms come from moths & butterflys, the zapper will kill a lot of moths at night.
They look beautiful. They should start to smell to high heaven soon! Security will be an issue
Good luck


yeh i have seen the foggers they look sweet. don't know if i could justify buying one for the one or 2 plants i will grow each year. Yeh a zapper sounds good, kill them before they get the chance to lay eggs. Only things I've seen are white butterflies occasionally but then again i don't go out at night so there may be a lot of moths about. Yeh I'm glad there isn't too much smell at the moment but each day it gets a little stronger. Hopefully won't need to worry about thieves but you never know. Anyway thanks for stopping by man! awesome to get some feedback of you


Well-Known Member
too late to spray for the worms, really. you need to start early and often. i will be investing in a fogger for this year as it takes a long time to do weekly sprays with a hand pump thingamajig.

the best you can do now is to thoroughly inspect as often as possible. look for the telltale signs. get a little piece of duct tape and remove all the little eggs that you can find before they hatch. and pray. just pray.

and as mentioned, don't underestimate security. just don't.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I just love looking at outdoor grows! Sucks about the worms but them buds looks awesome. I can't wait to get started this year


Well-Known Member
too late to spray for the worms, really. you need to start early and often. i will be investing in a fogger for this year as it takes a long time to do weekly sprays with a hand pump thingamajig.

the best you can do now is to thoroughly inspect as often as possible. look for the telltale signs. get a little piece of duct tape and remove all the little eggs that you can find before they hatch. and pray. just pray.

and as mentioned, don't underestimate security. just don't.
yeh i know this fucking sucks! totally overlooked worms, my mate who has been growing for years never gets them and my plant last year didn't get any so i just didn't even think. A lesson learnt i suppose. Weird though the whole grow there has been a few munched leaves on the buddha tahoe but never the laughing buddha they musnt like the taste. i will be out in the morning hunting these fucking eggs and worms they are so hard to find. would it be a worthy investment to buy a bug zapper you think?

I just love looking at outdoor grows! Sucks about the worms but them buds looks awesome. I can't wait to get started this year
yeh i often browse up and down looking trying to find some good outdoor grows but theres not to many now. I'm thinking once all you americans fire up there will be lots to look at!


Well-Known Member
would it be a worthy investment to buy a bug zapper you think?
this was a point of contention in another member's grow. he hung them in the GH.

he thought it was good prevention, other pointed out that it may just draw the moths in.

i'm not sure what the life cycle of a budworm is like, so i can't say whether hanging a few around the place would even help with just a few weeks to go.

at least you now know that you have to spray early and often. as often as you can, given the product you are using. i learned this my first year and got zero worms the second year.


Well-Known Member
yeh i often browse up and down looking trying to find some good outdoor grows but theres not to many now. I'm thinking once all you americans fire up there will be lots to look at!
you are in luck! i just got myself all prepared to put out a spring crop in the next few days. they won't be the monsters that summer and unlimited root space brings, but it should at least ease the outdoor grow ennui.*


i don't usually update often, but i try to be thorough when i do.


Well-Known Member
this was a point of contention in another member's grow. he hung them in the GH.

he thought it was good prevention, other pointed out that it may just draw the moths in.

i'm not sure what the life cycle of a budworm is like, so i can't say whether hanging a few around the place would even help with just a few weeks to go.

at least you now know that you have to spray early and often. as often as you can, given the product you are using. i learned this my first year and got zero worms the second year.
yeh thats the thing i don't even know if the stuff i got is the right stuff. We aren't as spoiled for choice here in the garden section as what america seems . Heres the stuff i got. yates caterpillar killer

"Yates Nature’s Way Caterpillar Killer contains Dipel (Bacillus thuringiensis), a naturally occurring bacteria. Dipel does not kill caterpillars immediately. Once a caterpillar eats treated foliage, it stops eating, but may take up to 3-4 days to die and drop from the leaf."
definitely don't sound right but thats all they had. anyway no use if it won't work this late anyway. Wont make the mistake again! thanks for your help


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
(Bacillus thuringiensis),
that's the stuff!

again, not sure if it would even help to spray this late, but i don't really know. i thought about doing it my first year once i found them, but chickened out of doing it. just made a note for the next year and it worked.

i'll await others' replies.


Well-Known Member
nah, first year was replies 1-40. i did OK, about 6 pounds, but it was pretty bad bud. year two was a little better.

year 3? who knows. but it's a learning process.

haha well there you go it was the right stuff. so it should be the same as bt or whatever everyone uses?

do you keep the same thread going? fuck i have some catching up to do then. perfect