2012 aussie outdoor


Well-Known Member
Hey Aussie growers. Just wondering what month you would normally pull your plants ? And how many weeks since your plant begun flowering does it take to finish ?


Hey Aussie growers. Just wondering what month you would normally pull your plants ? And how many weeks since your plant begun flowering does it take to finish ?
Seed genetics is a factor. Mine seem to be taking a lot longer than nugget's... Prolly won't pull til late April, which would mean 10-12 weeks of flowering.

Hey Nugget, how you finding the flower nutes? I had to cut my feeding frequency (was feeding every 3rd day, now doing once a week) cos my plant started to look like it was drying out :wall:

On the bugs, I have a couple of Praying Mantis who have decided to take refuge in my plant and there seems to be almost no white flies/aphids! Although I am getting some sticky looking spots which seems to be from catepillers but I haven't actually sighted any.


Well-Known Member
Seed genetics is a factor. Mine seem to be taking a lot longer than nugget's... Prolly won't pull til late April, which would mean 10-12 weeks of flowering.

Hey Nugget, how you finding the flower nutes? I had to cut my feeding frequency (was feeding every 3rd day, now doing once a week) cos my plant started to look like it was drying out :wall:

On the bugs, I have a couple of Praying Mantis who have decided to take refuge in my plant and there seems to be almost no white flies/aphids! Although I am getting some sticky looking spots which seems to be from catepillers but I haven't actually sighted any.
yeh there is no set time when they are ready. There just ready when there ready i suppose. Not sure on the nutes I've only fed them twice with it but there looking alright. Such a rip off for the nutes though 100 bucks for 1 litre, hydro store is shit. but at 1 ml every litre it should last for a while. I stopped feeding them Veg nutes a few weeks ago and since have given them a dose of worm juice and some liquid potash then a few feeds of the Liquid karma. Nutes are the last of my worries at the moment, Fucking caterpillars on the tahoe and mites on the laughing buddha . ill keep you posted cheers


Active Member
Hey nugg
LOoking good there shame about the catepillars, I found one on my girl few weeks back sprayed lightly some spinosad ( yates buy from bunnings ) since then no no dramas.

What do you do about flyovers? Had any there yet? Its that time of the year unfortunately.
Last night I was walking my dog round the neighborhood and seen a police helicopter circling a few blocks near and above my house really got me worried. 3rd time I have seen them this season. Although my plants are between 1-3 mtrs under a pergola still got to be a little concerned.
No knock on the door yet. Touch wood.
Hope everything works out for you.
All the best


Well-Known Member
Hey nugg
LOoking good there shame about the catepillars, I found one on my girl few weeks back sprayed lightly some spinosad ( yates buy from bunnings ) since then no no dramas.

What do you do about flyovers? Had any there yet? Its that time of the year unfortunately.
Last night I was walking my dog round the neighborhood and seen a police helicopter circling a few blocks near and above my house really got me worried. 3rd time I have seen them this season. Although my plants are between 1-3 mtrs under a pergola still got to be a little concerned.
No knock on the door yet. Touch wood.
Hope everything works out for you.
All the best

hey mate thanks. yeh the caterpillars are a pain in the arse just been picking of the ones i can find. look for half an hour or so each day and sometimes don't find any so I'm hoping theres not too many. Yeh the helicopters fly over all the time , i can here one right now actually haha. Not worried at all about them i heard from a reliable source that they don't fly over looking for plants in peoples backyards its only for cars, people on the run and what not. Its more the neighbours you have to worry about! cheers man


Active Member
Thanks that's nice to know, fair to say I was fair shit scared seeing it circle my street. Maybe they were looking for someone. Who knows, I keep my plants next to my neighbour who I seen growing a plant last year so hopefully the smell stays near there house lol.
I think the only time police will follow up is when any complaints come in.
Fingers crossed.
I have this Saturday as my harvest date for one of my 3 girls. Exciting times


Active Member
Like nugget says I'd be more worried about the neighbours than the cops flying around

For the big busts they do in the country they usually fly over with a specially equipped plane


Well-Known Member


another update, Everythings going good.
weather has been great all week, today is shit and rain expected for the weekend. I tied the main colas down to try and keep them at fence height but as i was out there doing it a neighbour was on a ladder up his tree and saw me with them. I hope he minds his business but it has me a little worried. Haven't found anymore worms on the tahoe which is good but it seems like its taking forever to finish.

Not to much smell from them yet only in the mornings or when the weather is still. Glad about that. one side of the laughing buddha looks like its a week or so in front of the rest, strange.

Anyway here are some pics.

Here is the side which looks more advanced.
the tahoe flowers
Heres the black widow i gave my mate nearly there and frosting up nicely but the buds just haven't gone thick or dense. still looks like some nice smoke though


Active Member

They are looking amazing I bet you can't wait for harvest. How many weeks do you have left?

Good luck


Well-Known Member

They are looking amazing I bet you can't wait for harvest. How many weeks do you have left?

Good luck
cheers man. not to sure about harvest , I'm thinking at least another 2 weeks for the tahoe and a another month for the laughing buddha, couldn't come quick enough!


Well-Known Member
you've got a lot of trimming work ahead of you!

i've been sitting here, trimming indoor, and just pondering what awaits you. i would be thrilled if my plants this year look as beautiful as yours.

and yeah, might want to talk to your neighbor. or maybe not. depends on how well you know your neighbor. my neighbor had no idea what i was doing in my greenhouse on year 1, but i told her on year 2 and it turns out she is a terminal cancer patient. she gets all her meds from me for free now and she volunteered to keep an eye out for thieves in the late season last year (year 2).*

she only has a year or two to live now, and my meds are the only thing that allow her to eat or sleep. she used to buy them for black market prices before she found out what i was doing.*

point is, ya never know. part of responsible outdoor growing though involves informing your neighbors in my opinion. but portland oregon is much different than australia, so your mileage may vary.


Well-Known Member
If he did not see them, he can smell them - by the looks of them :)
haha yeh but a smell is not is not hard evidence!

you've got a lot of trimming work ahead of you!

i've been sitting here, trimming indoor, and just pondering what awaits you. i would be thrilled if my plants this year look as beautiful as yours.

and yeah, might want to talk to your neighbor. or maybe not. depends on how well you know your neighbor. my neighbor had no idea what i was doing in my greenhouse on year 1, but i told her on year 2 and it turns out she is a terminal cancer patient. she gets all her meds from me for free now and she volunteered to keep an eye out for thieves in the late season last year (year 2).*

she only has a year or two to live now, and my meds are the only thing that allow her to eat or sleep. she used to buy them for black market prices before she found out what i was doing.*

point is, ya never know. part of responsible outdoor growing though involves informing your neighbors in my opinion. but portland oregon is much different than australia, so your mileage may vary.
haha yeah trimming is a pain in the arse but theres nothing like it, all that waiting finally pays off. And uncle buck I'm sure you will have what i have times 10! how many are you growing this year? And with drying do you trim whilst wet or? last year i did and it took so bloody long and that was only a small plant - 8oz. This year i think i may just hang up all the branches and trim while dry, not sure.

I don't think ill mention it with the neighbour, I'm sure if he was gonna get involved he would have by now. He's an old italian guy who spends all day in his vege patch, I've only spoken to him briefly but he seemed nice enough , he even gave me some vegetable seeds. another neighbour already knows and he's sweet, he might disapprove but i know he wouldn't say anything. And then onto the other side an elderly couple who have seen them too, I don't know if I'm that naive to think they wouldn't know what they are or they just don't mind. either way I'm happy that everyone has seen them and nothings happened. Not long to go now! touch wood


Well-Known Member
here is my first grow from last year. this little sucker produced 8 oz's if only my plants this year produced the same amount relative to their size


Active Member
those plants are looking bloody awesome now nugget - cant be too much longer until the big chop

fingers crossed your neighbour is cool with it all

and yeah, might want to talk to your neighbor. or maybe not. depends on how well you know your neighbor. my neighbor had no idea what i was doing in my greenhouse on year 1, but i told her on year 2 and it turns out she is a terminal cancer patient. she gets all her meds from me for free now and she volunteered to keep an eye out for thieves in the late season last year (year 2).*

she only has a year or two to live now, and my meds are the only thing that allow her to eat or sleep. she used to buy them for black market prices before she found out what i was doing.*

point is, ya never know. part of responsible outdoor growing though involves informing your neighbors in my opinion. but portland oregon is much different than australia, so your mileage may vary.
nice story uncle buck - must feel good to not only be growing your own herb but also helping make it easy for someone who doesnt have long to go.


Well-Known Member
a few pics from today. Tahoe is turning purple only on a few top colas hopefully in the next few weeks it cools down and the whole plant changes.

the laughing buddha has a few mites , so hard to get rid off they multiply to quickly. been rubbing the underside of the leaves with a neem solution to try and keep them at bay.
