
Active Member
First grow ever! Its pretty amazing how one month can transform a germinated seed into a beautiful plant. Lots of FUN watching it grow. However, my baby turned 4 weeks old (germinated on valentines day;) and she looks a bit short. What do you guys think?


My light, 600w MH stands at about 8 to 12 inches away from the Foliage. but i keep the temperature between 72 and 78 with an intake centrifugal fan and a normal table fan. Is the close light distance keeping her short? I've seen videos where growers keep their lights like 3-4ft away, possibly more, for entire grow session. veg and flower. What do you guys think?

Shes 4 weeks old. germinated with paper towel method then transferred her into a rapid rotter because my soil, Roots ORganics 707 was too hot in nutrients to hold seedling. She stayed in the rapid rooter for 2 weeks until i saw some long roots penetrating out of the rooter. I only fed her R.O water @ pH6.5 throughout those 2 weeks. But i must admit, i did a lot of mistakes as a newbie. Especially with the temperature and humidity levels. possibly overwatering too.

So when she was 2 weeks old, i transferred her in to a 10 gallon Roots Organics Fabric pot with Roots Organics 707 soil. Using the Roots Organics Master Feeding Schedule:

So technically shes in week 2 of Vegetation. Does she look healthy and "Normal"? Like i said, i have done my share of newbie mistakes. Wrong pH 2x. Grrrrrrr! But never saw her color change.

So my question: Should i raise my light up more so that she can be taller with more nodes? Keep the same light distance?

any feedback, tips, and constructive criticism is very welcome.

p.s. the yellow in the background are stickies. Saw a gray centipede crawl out of the soil. I know they can be harmless to my plants, but they creep me the hell out!


Active Member
Looks great from where I'm sitting... I wouldn't worry too much about the height. The close node spacing will ensure you get some nice tight kholas. I've noticed its usually around this time that you start to see some crazy growth, sometimes between an inch and 2 inches a day. I'd keep doing what you're doing and let it veg as long as you can before you flip to 12/12... More veg time equals more branches which equals more bud sites.


Active Member
Looks great from where I'm sitting... I wouldn't worry too much about the height. The close node spacing will ensure you get some nice tight kholas. I've noticed its usually around this time that you start to see some crazy growth, sometimes between an inch and 2 inches a day. I'd keep doing what you're doing and let it veg as long as you can before you flip to 12/12... More veg time equals more branches which equals more bud sites.
cool beans Jesus. I feel more at ease now. And yes, been seeing some crazy growth past couple of days. Since i only have One surviving plant (wanted 5 but 4 died), when can i cut off for some clones? I know i can do my own research on that, but i like to hear what veteran growers have to say.

thank you Jesus.


Active Member
What I would do, and this is only my opinion, I would go ahead and "top" your plant... By removing the top growth shoot, "topping the plant", the two growth shoots on both sides of the old top will become two new tops... I feel this accomplishes two things. The first, after the plant recovers and begins to take off again, maybe 5-7 days, you will have more side growth... the plant will take more of a bush shape rather than the christmas tree shape. Good for light penetration and canopy management. The second, you will have more growth shoots to the sides that will grow faster when the plant is topped. This means that when you wish to take clones, you will have more sites to choose from.
As far as for when to take clones... you want to make sure that you are taking a good, strong, viable clone. I would wait a week or two, after topping, and see what kind of grow shoots I got going and how "strong" they look... Does that make sense?
Hope this helps... ~PJ


Active Member
Sense? um... somewhat. i will do more research 'topping the plant". and what do you do with the top that was cut off? throw it away?


Well-Known Member
Clone it!!!

Stick it in some soil with a humidity dome and in 2 weeks you have another plant.



Well-Known Member
Leave them as they are, all the transplanting has stressed them and stopped them growing but in a week or so they will be growing agin, for now raise the light and reduce watering.


Well-Known Member
The reason she's kind of small is you put her in a 10gl pot. She's been concentrating her growth on the root system. Next time I would pot up a few times before putting her in a 10gl. I go from solo cups to 1gl, to 3gl, then finish in a 7gl pot. I personally wouldn't top her either. Good luck.


Active Member
my plants are nearly 2 weeks old and twice the size of yours whats your humidity at?
It ranges from 10 to 30 percent. I have a hard time controlling due to my light Hood being a wing. I need strong, cool air to keep my grow closet/area at a stable 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit. Should my Humidity be around 50 percent or higher?

redeye jedi88

Active Member
It ranges from 10 to 30 percent. I have a hard time controlling due to my light Hood being a wing. I need strong, cool air to keep my grow closet/area at a stable 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit. Should my Humidity be around 50 percent or higher?
i had same problem as you my rh wouldnt go above 30% and my babies just wouldnt grow so i hung a wet towel in my tent with a fan blowing on it raised my rh to 50-60% and they just took off but when in flower you want that 30% rh so theres less chance of mould worked for me anyway good luck with it


Active Member
Topping, as in the multi-cola technique... not climbing on top and dominating it, Sam. :P
I saw this Multi-Cola Technique and was VERY IMPRESSED! Most Definitely going to try this. I bit scared that i might fuck it all up though. Looks Super Easy, but with my luck now-a-days, eeeesh.

And GREAT FUCKING IDEA with the wet shower towel. Going to apply it ASAP!

The pics i posted in beginning were taken on Thursday Midnight. Here is an update. Saturday 2:30pm. Some growth, but nothing drastic. Shes a bit short: 4inches tall. 12inches wide. Hopefully the higher humidity will boost her up!


Thanks for the tips guys


Well-Known Member
I saw this Multi-Cola Technique and was VERY IMPRESSED! Most Definitely going to try this. I bit scared that i might fuck it all up though. Looks Super Easy, but with my luck now-a-days, eeeesh.

And GREAT FUCKING IDEA with the wet shower towel. Going to apply it ASAP!

The pics i posted in beginning were taken on Thursday Midnight. Here is an update. Saturday 2:30pm. Some growth, but nothing drastic. Shes a bit short: 4inches tall. 12inches wide. Hopefully the higher humidity will boost her up!

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Thanks for the tips guys
Yup, it is quite simple - just read the instructions twice, cut once.. lol


Active Member
Also, how often should the Foliage be sprayed? I only do it once a week when my feeding schedule asks for it. I'm assuming it can be done everyday with pH6.5 R.O??? Can it?

redeye jedi88

Active Member
nice and healthy looking sure they will take of soon look forward for an update....i dont foliar spray personally but if your plants can handle it then why not..curious to what they are?


Active Member
Like i said before, i made a shit load of newbie mistakes. I didn't label them in the beginning and when moving around in a tight spot, shit is bound to get knocked over. WOMP WOooomp! So, there ya go. i have a healthy looking baby here, but don't know who the daddy is. Looks like a job for MAURY!

another question, i wanted to add some CFL's to penetrate the bottom half of the plant. But i was told that it is unnecessary and that the CFL will soak away lumens away from the plant. Is this True? Would it be beneficial for some extra CFL light shine my baby up>?