Dandilion Patch

Active Member
Hey, nice to see someone around the same time as me and almost the same size... I would post pics but not trying to hijack your thread. But they look good. Mine are 33 days from seed and they they are about 9 inches tall, 12 inches wide and 10 or so nodes. Hope this gives ya something to compare to. I also ran into humidity problems, found the towel only would help about 10% and was kinda a hassel. I bought a 20 dollar humidifier from walmart and it keeps it right at 50-60% all day. Fill once a week. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
i used roots organic as a first transplant medium and it stunted my girls too.
my lavender actually topped herself. merstem died and lower shoot rose up and i did nothing lol
imo your soil is too hot
she looks like she has minor signs of stress
i used ffhf for the first 2.5 weeks after being planted in 1gallons then transplanted to roots organic this time and no signs of stress
and my girls are flourishing. ill put 2 pics up. one is now one is straight into RO

theyre within a 1.5 weekdifference in age.

shell go crazy as soon as she can handle the RO




Well-Known Member
i run a 600 as well
and this run my humidity is between 16-45 bc i hate being a slave to my 1 gallon humidifier
and ive seen no issues since it only drops so low for less than a day at a time
i say i consitently grow at 30


Active Member
Hey, nice to see someone around the same time as me and almost the same size... I would post pics but not trying to hijack your thread. But they look good. Mine are 33 days from seed and they they are about 9 inches tall, 12 inches wide and 10 or so nodes. Hope this gives ya something to compare to. I also ran into humidity problems, found the towel only would help about 10% and was kinda a hassel. I bought a 20 dollar humidifier from walmart and it keeps it right at 50-60% all day. Fill once a week. Just my .02
Sorry i've been away for a while. No worries on posting pics on my post's. They are more than welcome, would love to see you babies.

He're my baby at 5 weeks and 3 days old. However, she's on week 3 of Veg going into week 4 this Wednesday-Midnight/Thursday.
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I still think She's is Short: Stands at 8.5inches but she's 16 inches wide.

the Wet Towel Methods has Worked like a Charm, though i need 2 bath towels since my closet is 25sq ft.

Also, here is a list of Mistakes that i have made through out the life of my Plant:

1. My humidity was too high when my seedlings were very young: had it @ 70% RH inside a Plastic Dome.

2. I think i over watered my Rapid Rooters too much as well. They were constantly soaked instead of damp and humid.

3. I transplanted my plant into a too big container to soon. At week 2 of age, i transplanted my seedling to Roots Organics 707 soil in 10 gallon Fabric Pot. I've read that too big of a pot can cause stress and that you should transplany to a smaller pot (3gal) then onto a larger(5-7gal); never more than 2 transplants. I think a 10 gallon was over kill for my seedling, hence, the short stature.

4. Low Humidity for the first 4 weeks. Had her at about 10-30 %

5. Fucked up on pH setting. TWICE!!!!!!! during her first feeding with nutrients as a seedling and on week 2 of veg! Grrrrrr

6. was not completely satisfied with the Rapid Rooter method to raise seedlings. I wanted to do it my Roots Organics 707 soil the good ol' fashion way, but was told 707 was too hot for seedlings. that's when i decided to go Rapid Rooters. However, now i am being told that 707 is NOT TOO HOT for seedlings. Their Original Roots Organics soil IS, not 707. Will have to read up on it.

Questions: she looks very Bushy, should consider Pruning?

Really want some CLONES! Should i cut some off now? What about topping? Is she ready to be topped so that i can get 2 maybe for 4 Colas?

Since she IS in a 10 GALLON POT, should i Veg her for longer than 4 weeks? Should I go 6 weeks or even 7 to get the most out of her? if so, should i follow the same feeding menu for week 4?

I hope i'm not sounding like a newbie pest, just was to get the most out of this one plant. I really appreciate all the help i've had, not just throughout the life of my plant, but for the past 6 months while is was preparing for this new, awesome, hobby.

Thanks guys;

Also, i'm going to post this as a new thread on the Newbie Sections on the Forum. Just want to attract other people with different opinions and experiences.


Active Member
My Second baby that has Survived:


She is the SAME AGE as the one above. I really think all those newbie mistakes really had a toll on her. The biggest mistake i made was when i transplanted her from a Plastic Cup to her 5gallon fabric pot when she was 3 weeks old. I was idiotically careless as i was removing her from the Cup that i ripped 75% of her 2-3 inch roots. The roots were beautiful! i fucked up BIG TIME! Oh well, you live and you learn. But she looks like she still has some fight in her. What do you guys think? Is she on a good path or should i give up on her?

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
Questions: she looks very Bushy, should consider Pruning?

Really want some CLONES! Should i cut some off now? What about topping? Is she ready to be topped so that i can get 2 maybe for 4 Colas?

Since she IS in a 10 GALLON POT, should i Veg her for longer than 4 weeks? Should I go 6 weeks or even 7 to get the most out of her? if so, should i follow the same feeding menu for week 4?

I'm not a big fan of pruning, but some people are all for it. I like to tuck the big fan leaves blocking the budsites under the budsites. It gives your bottom growth more light and also doesn't stress your plant. Also acts as a support and pushes the budsite higher up the plant. You could take some clones from that plant. If you want to go for it, hope you've read up on cloning. You could also top if you would like to have more colas. Just don't top within a week of flower. As far as veg time, the longer you go the more she will yield. I do not grow in soil but I would assume you would gradually increase nutes.


Active Member
No problem, glad I could help ya out some. Im subbed so keep me updated!
Here's my babies (not really babies anymore), 35 days from seed today, flipping to 12/12 tonight.
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they're beautiful. how tall are they? and how far away are you keeping light away from foliage? i keep wondering if i should distance my light some in order to stretch them a bit. I still think she is too short. How long have you been growing? much luck on the flowering process.


Active Member
Your plants look healthy bro. The plants basically focus on one thing at a time. If you have a small plant transplanted into a much bigger pot the plant will focus a lot on root development. When the plant is satisfied in that area w/ no stress it will begin outer growth with more branches and increase in height n bulk depending on your strain and growing methods. I have a grow that's similar to you and the other guys grow. Its a thread called.....shit I forgot ill post another post. But so far your doing ok.
they're beautiful. how tall are they? and how far away are you keeping light away from foliage? i keep wondering if i should distance my light some in order to stretch them a bit. I still think she is too short. How long have you been growing? much luck on the flowering process.

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
they're beautiful. how tall are they? and how far away are you keeping light away from foliage? i keep wondering if i should distance my light some in order to stretch them a bit. I still think she is too short. How long have you been growing? much luck on the flowering process.
Thanks man, today there 12 inches tall and have around 11 or 12 nodes so just about a node every inch. The one I didnt lollipop is looking like a christmas tree, lol. The lollipopped plant looks a little hungry so I added some nutes/nitrogen right before flower. My lights are about 14 inches and its 400 watt mh if I havent already said that. If your worried about her size now there is plenty of time to correct during flower. HPS lights tend to stretch plants more so then MH. Your plant also double or triples in size, therefore growth rate is twice or three times as fast. So if you want to stretch them out, you will do so in flower. But if it comes down to it, you can stretch them a bit and the difference in bud will not be noticeable really. Good luck to you as well!