FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
tool? your the fuckwit that spends all day arguing with people on the internet, loser
1- your taking away finslappys shine, I don't think he's gonna like it so start your own fucking thread


2- I'm gonna stop responding now cause I'm feeling a bit froggy tonight and if I continue, I'll probably get myself into trouble with the admin.

But if you like, my pm box is always open.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I can't update yet. I promise tomorrow or the next day there will be a new update. But the trolls are gonna have fun when they see it, because I messed something up. But it's all good, I corrected the problem already, you are going to laugh at the correction though. So here is the last update, for anyone who missed it and just to keep everyone else happy till tomorrow. [video=youtube;Jfn2k4UNY-w][/video]
i think your tinfoil is falling down..................... is that a hermie in there?..................good job findo u killed the clones


Well-Known Member
Havent you left yet? All i ever hear from you is pile of shit after pile of shit. Your to scared to post your pics on this site cause you probly dont even grow loser. Too busy smelling bus seats i bet. Beat it before you cry ya lil bitch :lol:
Ha, calling people internet gangster, but too scared to post even a single picture. And constantly online talking shit and arguing :lol: :lol: :lol: On the internet...


Active Member
i think your tinfoil is falling down..................... is that a hermie in there?..................good job findo u killed the clones
Hahaha i love the one that gets zoomed past at :25... Also impressive how even that crappy cell phone camera is able to pick up those spider mites, technology is impressive these days. What's the wattage we're running now?


Well-Known Member
Fin, I think you need to rub the heroin out of your eyes if you think that first plant is "looking real frosty".

Then again, I suppose it is a matter of perspective. If your bar is so low that even survival of the plants is an achievement, then having your plant squeeze out some trichomes must be akin to "divine intervention".
Hence, great hoopla resounds over finding fragments of shimmer on a piece of popcorn. HALLELUJAH!

BTW, have you tried giving your plants Viagra? I heard from an old Inuit fisherman that it'll get those plants all juicy from sexual frustration.
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