FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
cant wait to see the 1 min video in five days
All these people seriously begging for an update, and you have to come be the biggest troll... I foresee in the near future, Buck realizes he's a dick and you take his place. Just like what happened when CryptKeeper realized he was a dick and Buck took his place.


Well-Known Member
For those who do not know this man is developing homicidal tendencies!!! In his last update he stabbed the plant!! I am all for supercropping to release the liquid but your reasoning is farfetched to say the least... your plants will think they r dieing cus they actually are, so good explanation.
Buck if fins roomies have added you warn them of this developing tendency of fins to stab things he claims to care about.. Someone protect the hot sister!
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