medical field


Active Member
Dont be a victim if you feel like your being mistreated you should seek legal action. Maybe then the Dr will think twice before mistreating someone else


Well-Known Member
more annoyed with people who think they are my doctor and giving me advice on how to live like they are helping instead of excepting me for how i have things and change their perception. i stopped going to doctors when everyone who gave me the advice all failed to realize im 100% different from the people in my cituation just do to the fact of the smallest things to them is the bestest reason for me to not do what they see s "normal" ( rods in back with a missing leg, trying to get me to get a fake leg)


Well-Known Member
Dont be a victim if you feel like your being mistreated you should seek legal action. Maybe then the Dr will think twice before mistreating someone else
Sounds good in theory, but not reality my friend. Let's say you were in fact maimed by the negligence of a doc and received an "award", you will be gagged by law to ensure no one else actually ever knows the truth. It's just part of the game of doctors, lawyers & politicians, and the game just needs stop!

Justice in this country is literally what you can afford and the people simply cannot afford the game these crooks have cooked up :(


Active Member
Let's not limit this to doctors, lawyers and politicians. All big business buys influence with these politicians and democrats and republicans are equally bad.


New Member
Sounds good in theory, but not reality my friend. Let's say you were in fact maimed by the negligence of a doc and received an "award", you will be gagged by law to ensure no one else actually ever knows the truth. It's just part of the game of doctors, lawyers & politicians, and the game just needs stop!

Justice in this country is literally what you can afford and the people simply cannot afford the game these crooks have cooked up :(
Or how about one of my guy's little story?? I had known his wife's passin from cancer started him down the road to homelesness,but got the story the other day.
he wife had been goin to her doctor for years complainin about her head..Doc just kept tossin drugs at her... Finally a friend went to her appointment an saw how stupid her doc really was..dragged her to a cat scan against her doctors wishes...yeah big assed tumor.Died recourse for my friend.....well since the restrainin order that keeps him away from the doc and his family....Doc point??? oopsey my bad,but not malpractice...shit happens


Well-Known Member
I've watched it go the other way also :( Docs doing spinal taps on every head ache complaint seen to cover their ass legally and grab a handful of kickbacks for the outrageously expensive and dangerous procedure.


Well-Known Member
Let's not limit this to doctors, lawyers and politicians. All big business buys influence with these politicians and democrats and republicans are equally bad.
I specifically noted "doctors, lawyers and politicians" because of the specific self appointed elite class created which is at the heart of the problem our country faces today IMO. Additionally, the game they play is in fact intricately involved in big business and the problem posed, just follow the $ my friend :(


Active Member
There is no compasion in the drs office any more. I hate them, and their script pad. I have sever back problems to the point I had to close my bis after 25 yrs and all they say they can do is give me these pills...IM SO SICK OF IT!!

Id be much happier if they said ...Here smoke this and it will help...Not, Here take these pills and it will all be over soon!

I wish the best for you and your hubby. I know how hard this can be.