Throwing in the Towel...


Well-Known Member
Agreed, everything about what we are biologically tells us to act on instinct. It simply isn't the same for women, so they can't really empathize with it.. It is damn near impossible to turn it down sometimes.. This clip expresses that point;



Active Member
Hey there Zaehet. Concerning your relationship with your lady. You know her we dont. Granted I only know you to the extent that youve permitted us to but you seem to be far more open and genuine than most concerning your feelings and concerns about your relationship. To varying degrees youve given a year of your lives to one another. That says a lot about your feelings for each other and you would absolutely be doing the right thing to take her feelings into account. Ultimately tho (without wanting or trying to sound hard, harsh or unfeeling towards her) you have a responsibility to your own wellbeing. Honestly I think you have a responsibility to be honest with both her and yourself about your needs and desires for the present and future of your relationship. Even if shes hurt by your honesty I think she will respect it and you for it. You obviously have some uphill travelling ahead of you before your path levels out and I wish you all the best in it brother. Peace as always.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who feels pretty scared to invest as much time as it would require to be in a relationship with someone?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Sorry Tyler i took down the pic, but i'd be glad to send you the pic on PM if you'd like ;), were bros!

I really liked that video Pad, makes perfect sense.

Mud, thanks for the compliments man, not saying this year hasn't been without it's bumps. Though it's nice to be with someone who doesn't yell, argue and scream, it makes most of our difficulties not too difficult. No, the last thing i want to do is hurt her feelings ya know? I do love her and her family, i'm just not getting everything i desire from her. She's the coolest girl considering she plays video games and tries to do things i like to do, we do things together ya know? It's awesome in that aspect, but when it comes down to sexual stuff... man, she really isn't fulfilling my desires.

I told her from the start that my fettish is blowjobs, that's what i like the most, even more so than sex. She loves sex, and that's great i love it too, though not as much as her lol. The beginning of the relationship was great (as most are) but as time passes and both individuals get more comfortable with each other things start to change, i mean life is change, nothing we can do to stop it.

Shes starting to make excuses on why she can't give me a blow job, blah blah blah... and im getting tired of it. I tried talking to her about it a couple times but to no avail. You can't make someone enjoy something that they don't enjoy. But it sucks... ya know, i do things for her all the time that i don't necessarily enjoy to the fullest. I mean eating pussy is ok, not something im all crazy about ya know? But when i eat her pussy i get INTO that shit hard core, make sure that she is enjoying it... because that's the fuckin point. That SHE is enjoying it, that's why im eating her fuckin pussy... because it makes her FEEL good. The pleasure she gains from it is what makes it so enjoyable for me, the look on her face, the moans and everything.

Seems some bull shit to me that she doesn't return the favor, selfish... in my opinion. I don't care if you don't like sucking cock very much, at least fuckin pretend you do and don't make it look like a chore, god damn that is such a fucking turn off.

Do you guys have any ideas of how i can go about breaking the ice with her, telling her i want to see other women in an open relationship? The same rules would apply to her too if she want's to sleep with other men (though i doubt she will want to). Any advice is welcome, i would really appreciate it dudes and dudettes. Thanks again.

Oh and Pad, you aren't alone, it is pretty scary to love and be vulnerable to getting hurt, but that's what we all gotta do.


Active Member
I once dreamt i was being electrocuted. It HURT. I cannot ever remember dreaming smells or flavors though. cn
Yes, pain can be felt in lucid dreams. It is mostly a dull, numb pain, from my experiences. Like pinching your dead arm after sleeping on it for who knows how long. On average, I would say 20% of my lucid dreams contained smells, whereas I can only remember tasting something a few times.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Breaking up with a chick after a year over blowjobs seems petty.

Maybe she doesn't like the smell or she the excitement of blowjobs is not that great anymore. Giving blowjobs can get old too just like any other type of sex.

Have you tried 69ing? If she wants to get eaten out, say "can we 69?"

But any relationship is gonna have a time where a certain aspect of sex gets boring/repetitive for one person.

Again, I think breaking up with a girl over blowjobs is petty.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Think of your absolute favorite part about any sexual intercourse... pretend your guy never does it, including sex... if that's your favorite part. Would you want to be with him if he refused to fuck you or acted disgusted by it? Even though you do things all the time that you may not necessarily enjoy to the fullest, yet do it anyways just to make your guy feel good...

I know it can sometimes be hard to empathize, but sometimes it's necessary in order to give sound advice.

I understand you may think it's petty, but try to empathize by putting yourself in a similar hypothetical situation.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ok, try to think of it this way.

Say you stay with her and in the time you are with her, you have cheated multiple times. She is aware of this. How is this affecting her?

Cheating will very quickly break down the partner being cheated on.

Where as she no longer finds giving oral exciting, she is still giving her body and mind to you. She is putting herself in the vulnerable position of trusting you to be good to her.

That is no small thing.

You place so much importance on a blow job, that you are willing to throw away a good woman to get one. How must that make her feel? Replaceable/Unimportant/not worth it are things that she will think about herself.

You need to ask yourself what is most important to you in a relationship. If unlimited blowjobs is the answer, you shouldn't be in a serious relationship.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If my husband stopped sleeping with me for months, I would be looking elsewhere.

But she is still sleeping with you.

I don't get eaten out every night. I don't give blowjobs every night.

I don't get sex but 1-2 times a week. Even tho I would prefer 2-3 times a week. But my man is faithful and good to me. That is worth more to me than more sex or oral.


Well-Known Member
I can completely empathize with your position, dude, an ex of mine felt the same way about giving head as your girlfriend, and I feel the same way you do about it, blowjobs my favorite. I can understand if you don't like giving head, but do you like giving me pleasure and making me feel good? Refusing to do it, or doing a pointless half assed job that lacks enthusiasm tells me you're prioritizing your dislikes over my likes, and in this case, my LOVES. THAT is the issue. Meanwhile, as Z said, I may not like eating pussy, but to me, your likes outweigh my dislikes. That's how it's supposed to work in a relationship.

It's not something that I would break up over initially, but things like that tend to bleed over into other aspects of the relationship and you soon discover she's more and more prioritizing her wants/needs above yours when it should be an equal give and take sort of thing.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I can completely empathize with your position, dude, an ex of mine felt the same way about giving head as your girlfriend, and I feel the same way you do about it, blowjobs my favorite. I can understand if you don't like giving head, but do you like giving me pleasure and making me feel good? Refusing to do it, or doing a pointless half assed job that lacks enthusiasm tells me you're prioritizing your dislikes over my likes, and in this case, my LOVES. THAT is the issue. Meanwhile, as Z said, I may not like eating pussy, but to me, your likes outweigh my dislikes. That's how it's supposed to work in a relationship.

It's not something that I would break up over initially, but things like that tend to bleed over into other aspects of the relationship and you soon discover she's more and more prioritizing her wants/needs above yours when it should be an equal give and take sort of thing.
I agree, sometimes i feel taken advantage of when i put everything into making her feel the best i can and to get her off however she wants... when it seems like she is always trying to just get off and then she's done. I want more than that, i want to eat her out and get blown with the same enthusiasm i give her. I don't care if it's all just an act, as long as she is doing it to make me feel good, just as i do her, then there isn't a problem.

It's getting to the point where i feel like i am doing everything i can to make her feel good, and she is doing everything she can to make HER feel good as well, without taking my desires into consideration... that's why i cheated on her to begin with Pie, and yes, i did tell her about it, and the reasons why too. Yet still nothing has changed.

At twenty seven years of age i feel like i am ready for a long term relationship... maybe she just isn't the one. And it sucks when i am forced to look else ware for my sexual desires to be met when it could be so easy for her to meet those, and i want her to so badly... i don't understand why she doesn't ever try as hard as i do... i just don't get it.

Like i said before, if anyone has any ideas on how or what i should say to tell her that i am not content with our sexual relationship and wish to experiment with other women... it would be greatly appreciated. Either way, i think i will tell her soon enough.

Also, Pie, it's sex every single day... and i do it because she wants it that much, not necessarily because i want to, it's because i know it's what she wants and it's what makes her feel good. Which seems like bull shit to me that she can't blow me every now and again... don't you think?....

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Then don't eat her out?

Are you just eating her out every day? Are you initiating or is she? Is she an enthusiastic sex partner otherwise?

Does she have a full time job?

(Although if you want to make things work with your GF, i must stress that seeing a girl that is a sexual fantasy of yours is NOT going to help)


Well-Known Member
How often does she blow you?

What is her response when/if you were to tell her this? Does she just say "I don't like to do it.."? Why doesn't she like to do it?

I don't really know how to solve this one, as I never did myself, can't make a chick like to give head. You can at least work with it even if she doesn't like it, I can never get into it unless they like it. And it's funny.. all of them tell you they like doing it before anything is ever official, you know what they say about what happens after marriage is true.. Some chicks seem to use that type of shit as a commitment prison.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Then don't eat her out?
I want to make her feel good and she likes it.

Are you just eating her out every day? Are you initiating or is she? Is she an enthusiastic sex partner otherwise?
Every time she wants me to, both of us, and yes.

Does she have a full time job?
Yes, we both do.

(Although if you want to make things work with your GF, i must stress that seeing a girl that is a sexual fantasy of yours is NOT going to help)
I agree with you, so what do you suggest i do?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
How often does she blow you?
Hardly at all, and when she does she acts like it's a chore, like "ok lets get this over with so you can fuck me" kind of thing.

What is her response when/if you were to tell her this? Does she just say "I don't like to do it.."? Why doesn't she like to do it?
I've talked to her about it a few times, she agrees and says she will try harder but she never does.

[I don't really know how to solve this one, as I never did myself, can't make a chick like to give head. You can at least work with it even if she doesn't like it, I can never get into it unless they like it. And it's funny.. all of them tell you they like doing it before anything is ever official, you know what they say about what happens after marriage is true.. Some chicks seem to use that type of shit as a commitment prison.
Some bull shit huh? lol

Mister Sister

Active Member
Zaehet, I have utmost respect for your courage in these times. You are definitely 'connected'.

You know what needs to be done to save your life and your sanity; deep down, you know. It's hard to face most times, because, just like everybody, there are parts of ourselves that are so disgusting and dark. There are parts of our beings that are completely vile and corrupt.

My advice to you is to use them as your teachers right now. They are speaking to you for good reason. I'm not sure about your views, but I will just say this - you are connected to the entire universe and vice versa. Your actions contribute not only to your life but to the life of the universe at large. Redeem yourself and you can redeem the entire cosmos.

The big is little if you zoom out enough. So take baby steps.

I know we don't usually see eye to eye, but if I can help you in any way, please please contact me. I am here to help you. I want you to succeed. I want you to realize your divine qualities.

With love,



Well-Known Member
You need to be happy bro. If you need BJ's to be happy, you need to find a chick that is cool with doing that. Pretty simple.

If this is really important to you, and you've already brought this up a bunch of times and she's unresponsive; it's pretty clear she's not long term relationship material.