Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
One day I'll get there man(bottled sized colas haha)! Thanks tho! I can't believe it 3am lol. I my eyes are like glazed over I'm so zuited haha!
I just had to focus my eyes on the time to see it pfff
Take it easy bro, I'm out for the night :joint:

And good luck growing bro!
Cool...thanks...I will get back to you after I get on that read....ya,,,its super late


New Member
[h=1]"Organic Marijuana[/h] Organic marijuana is the technique of using no pesticides, fertilizers on soil. The list of growing mediums is usually a combination of natural organic material such as manure, worm castings, bat guano, seabird guano, sea kelp, steamed bone meal, blood meal, fish, oat bran and numerous composts. Best composts are fruit and fruit bearing vines (cantaloupes, grapes, watermelon, blueberries). The growing medium used can effect the taste of the marijuana, providing a concentrated source of calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphates and potash. I've personally smoked organic marijuana grown in a base of rabbit manure, bat guano, worm castings and blueberry vines. They all produce a rich earthy flavour with noticeable differences. Organic marijuana growers love to experiment and achieve there own personal taste.

Attention has to be paid to growing medium acidity. So many farmers use different growth material sources, configure your own mix and check for proper ph levels. Pay attention to troubleshoot any nutrient deficiencies which will be noticeable in leaf growth. In a small amount of time you'll develop a perfect mix. Organic cannabis grows slower than hydroponics, soil-less mixes or any new growing medium "but" the taste and flavour is unique, pungent, prevalent and flavourful. THC crystal content is always high.

My friend breeds rabbits, grows raspberries, gathers sea kelp and loves the daily maintenance of farming his own mix. Knowing what's inside your marijuana is a comforting feeling adding to the high. Cerebral smokers attain higher states of buzz.

No other fertilizers can produce the nutrient levels and tastes. You do not have to add any growing ingredients, everything is already in the mix. Flushing your cannabis at the end of the flowering cycle is not necessary, eliminating any chemical taste. Those two facts reduce the growing work load. Organic marijuana is more resistant to disease. The cannabis always burns clean. Environmentally friendly with no danger to you. The Green Man salutes Organic Farmers."

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I spent the day reading...Allot of info...Allot of GOOD info. Some I have read before, some now for the first time.....I'm going to prep four different plots outdoors and I will journal the activity I see from each resulting plot...then later on in the winter months I will post the results.....So my wk load just increased somewhat...the grows were gonna take place I am just going to ammend my soils and see what happens....I have one other project I am going to be working on this summer but I wont reveal that until after harvest.....I hope to have some good info for the Ganga Nation!!! You have done a good job getting this info out...props to you 4:20

The Bear


New Member
Cheers Bear!

Everything I can find useful regarding soil, I'll put it here bossman! I've been reading a lot lately into the biology of the soil, so I'll be dropping some more knowledge for ya here soon bro!
And I'm hoping to get an outdoor grow in this season too bro! Hopefully we both have a safe and successful run!
But kudos to your for not being a one of those lock heads around here that think they know it all, and just refuse to be coached up in the least!
Theres tooooo much to learn man! This plant still has some evolving to do I'm sure, so there ain't no way that things are set in stone as to how to properly cultivate this herb


Well-Known Member
2part ready grow coco mix 1 part ffof. 1/4 cup Mexican bat guano 1/4 Peruvian seabird guano 5tblspoons dolomite lime and a nice scoop of white shark for 5gals


Well-Known Member
Yep its a Botanic care pre mix it great alone but I like it with the ffof I treat it like dirt 6.1 ph for me all my buddy use straight ready gro but water at 5.7 I love soil I dnt want to play the hydro game LOL


New Member
That that! And By FE you do mean fermented extracts and Molasses right?!

And I just finished breaking down the last of the rootball from the "big 3", so I'm back to square one, with a bucket full of soil haha!

I'll run everything by ya's here soon. Seems like someone beat me to the idea of posting about recycled soil but we're working in different ways, so I think it'll still be nice to share! :joint:


New Member
Word up! I thought you meant you were using extracts the whole time haha!
Also found out that fish emulsion(the Alaska Fish Emulsion) is a different beast than the Neptunes Harvest fish hydro.
Did you know?! There a difference in the way the two are processed, which produces a different end result.
Was wondering why ppl where complain about their liquid fish stinking...Word is fish emulsion much stinkier