• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What is your favorite drug of all time?


Well-Known Member
Needless to say those tramps at the shop stayed loaded for days - at their houses. Must have gotten over 200 from him. They were already ripping them open by the time I got back in there to see what the deal was. Never took a one.


Well-Known Member
Going toward explaining to myself why I am sitting here in Alaska, broke, fired for bugging them about Medicare fraud. Let me tell you - as a biker from a very young age (I never ever set out to be a biker, did not admire them, knew nothing of them but love/loved cycles from when I can remember) I have stuck out at times like a sore thumb in medicine.

Hell at times shit. All the time. Like a fart at a funeral. I was worried about what my buddies might say but my GI Bill was expiring and I was tired of working like a dumb ass when I certainly was not one.

Damn. They not only loved it then but for sure do now. My fellow USMC vet riders tell me "You're like our doc". No I ain't. Those corpsmen? Wow.

Who would have thought that long haired dirty biker in 1973 would rise to someday empty bedpans? America!!!


Well-Known Member
And PEYOTE! We used to buy a Coors case full of big buttons over in Juarez. Used needle nosed pliers to pull all the strychnine fuzz off. At first we would eat the stuff a la Carlos Castaneda y Don Juan. But an old hippy who really was a cool old guy told us to dry it, grind it up and do it in an enema. How the colon is where all the liquids are taken up in the body (true Ilater learned). Sounds yuck I know. You still get that metallic taste despite the entry point. But beats puking chunks of nasty ass cactus back up.


Well-Known Member
Never seen a computer savvy biker

Were you in 'Nam?
Nope they thought I was crazy and thought I was a severe racist. Did not want me deployed with weapons. Stayed stateside and hated every minute of it. Joined to go to Nam. One of my best buds got drafted and then killed there. His name is on the wall. Michael Adams. May he RIP.

OK i guess I could add: after a big race riot things got said that young guys say. OK? And they see me with all these older guys, bikers and roughneck SOBS all the time so they figure I'm not ready to be with blacks right then. Sent me to psych at Balboa and they agreed. OK. Well they started having dog training for drugs. Lots of shit coming back sent by property officers and upper enlisted in Nam or Japan or wherever. Anyway we couldn't keep pot around. Surprise tent inspections and the fucking dogs coming through. But they didn't smell LSD. So off to Laguna Beach I go and buy every tab or orange Sunshine I can afford. Sounds wack but I would do 1/2 barrel after morning chow but right before morning formation. Then go to my detail fucked up as hell by the time we got there. Same in the afternoon with the second half. Beat being in a uniform stateside straight. I wanted to kill or hurt somebody bad.
To be fair, what have you tried?
Every day Weed smoker, coke 3 times, LSD numerous times, Shrooms numerous times, Opiates a lot, benzos here and there, shit load of alcohol, 25i NBOMe maybe 5 times, MXE twice, and DMT once. <<<Would love to do more.
Like I said nothing beats the weed high.
Na idiot, they were bangin' escorts. It takes professionals to handle me on Ecstasy... Average girls just can't deal with the Jong Dong...

Btw you owe your left nut.. Snip snip
Dude you said hookers. You threw escorts out there because that one gay said that. And if it was actual escorts (which I highly doubt) you still paid for pussy.
But it's straigh bro, What ever dosen't kill us only makes us stronger.


Well-Known Member
Loved the chocolate mescaline horse caps in the 60's-70's. Haven't seen any since. But your list of drug likes - no pot? Hash and that is at the bottom? C'mon.

sorry, I really really WISH I liked pot more than I do. Hell, it took me years to figure out that I just didn't like it and more years for my friends and associates to accept that fact. I've been at parties where everyone at the party demanded that I smoke what I brung and I still wouldn't do it.


Well-Known Member
Needless to say those tramps at the shop stayed loaded for days - at their houses. Must have gotten over 200 from him. They were already ripping them open by the time I got back in there to see what the deal was. Never took a one.

Pity. How did you manage to not get at least a single card? And why did none of us know that we could have made lots and lots of money if we had saved those things for several decades.


Well-Known Member
Strycchnine,correct me if I'm wrong(duck),is a systhesized compound that wouldn't occur naturally,even in peyote..maybe you were pulling small thorns off the buttons harley? And yes my dads an old biker,and they are computer savvy..he's almost ready to get his 2nd smartphone!8-)


Well-Known Member
Canndo what we're those pills you were talking about? Never heard of them. Not interested in taking any,just curious as tol what they are.


Well-Known Member
Strycchnine,correct me if I'm wrong(duck),is a systhesized compound that wouldn't occur naturally,even in peyote..maybe you were pulling small thorns off the buttons harley? And yes my dads an old biker,and they are computer savvy..he's almost ready to get his 2nd smartphone!8-)
Strychnine is plant based - - Strychnos nux-vomica.

But I don't think there is any in cactus. People way back then considered anything that would set their jaw clenched as obviously strychnine. A lot of us even early on figured that because strychnine was active in fairly large amounts that our LSD was likely not cut with it. I don't know where we all got the idea that those hideous fibers that tended to fold themselves into the buttons were strychnine. All I know is that I didn't want those stiff little hairs in my mouth any more than I liked eating the "choke" in an artichoke.


Well-Known Member
Canndo what we're those pills you were talking about? Never heard of them. Not interested in taking any,just curious as tol what they are.

What? you mean parrest? it was 450 (or 500 maybe) mg of methaqualone hydrochloride. It was the only quaalude sold in salt form.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh..I got a lemon one time but I think it was valium repressed. Big ass pill tho.

Interesting thing - a standard dose is between 200 and 400 mg. But I found that as little as 10 mg has a distinct effect though it doesn't last more than about an hour or so. For some reason parrest was the only salt on the market. I can't understand why as most times things are sold in salt form rather than otherwise, so all the lemons and rohers were base.


Virtually Unknown Member
Quaalude with out a doubt but Tuinal and Seconal are a close second. There's a couple of years and many concerts in the late 70's I have a hard time remembering.


Well-Known Member
Going through my GARAGE, cleaning up what happens when you live closest to two parents who die, both of which never threw anything out every in their entire adult lives, I came across one of my father's PDRs. 1979. he had "decreased libido" underlined in the valium section.

Parest was 400 mg of methaqualone hydrochloride. Quaaludes were eitehr 150 or 300 of the base. Tuinal was secobarbital and amobarbital in equal doeses.

And, How one forgets - - - a compound that was time release amphetamine AND amobarbital in one "spansule". This book is PACKED with insane fun making things, hell there must be 10 pages on Valium - then the most used and abused drug out there, it took over after Miltown and was replaced with quaalutes.

It was packed with uppers from dextro amphetamine to ampehtamine "resin", time release, tablets, and the prettiest little capsules in all sorts of sexy shapes.

What is interesting is what is NOT in there. No norco, no 10 mg hydrocodone. No oxymorphone, no compounds with more than 10 mg of oxycodone, there were no Dilaudid 8 mg doses. the book is heavy on sedatives - PACKED with them and light on the opioids - but you could get dilaudid cough syrup and you could get opium supositories.

Another thing it had a whole lot of was anti-biotics with names some of us remember.