Has the American Government become Tyrannical?


Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), the third President of the United States (1801–1809), and and founder of the University of Virginia, once said the following… “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

Let’s have a quick look at ‘tyranny’.

Tyranny: arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority; oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

Oppressive: difficult to bear; burdensome; exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical; weighing heavily on the senses or spirit

Tyrannical government: despotic and oppressive tyrannical – characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; an authoritarian regime; autocratic government; despotic rulers

It could be said that unless restrained, all governments devolve to tyranny. A democracy needs informed citizens if it is to thrive, or ultimately even survive.

When Adolf Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920s, leading up to his taking power in the 1930s, he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay much attention to politics. Such people were a valuable addition to his political base, since they were particularly susceptible to Hitler’s rhetoric and had far less basis for questioning his assumptions or his conclusions.

“Useful idiots” was the term supposedly coined by Lenin to describe similarly unthinking supporters of his dictatorship in the Soviet Union.

Perhaps it is easier to slip into tyrannical rule of government during hard economic times or frightening and uncertain times, when a largely uniformed populace can be more easily ‘led’ and controlled, and are more desperate and willing to accept ‘measures’ in hopes of solutions to their problems.

It is fairly plain to see (if you look) some of the liberties that have been trampled upon of late by government or government agencies.

Super-computers that are profiling you by…

Listening to your phone calls in search for ‘key words’.
Reading your emails in search of ‘key words’.
Monitoring and profiling your internet activity.
Logging the products and foods that you purchase, and where you get them.
Logging and monitoring the groups that you associate with.
Monitoring your travel movements for patterns.

You may say to yourself that some of the monitoring is purely for market research and advertising purposes, but, make no mistake about it, if the data is available, it will be gathered into gov’t databases in the name of Homeland Security. Whether you like it or not, you ARE being profiled.

Government agents that are, will, or could…

Search your body / property at airports if the agent is TSA.
Search your body / property at NFL games if the agent is Homeland Security.
Search your vehicle if you look ‘suspicious’ on an Interstate road if the agent is TSA.

On a whim, declare an American citizen an “enemy combatant”, and:
Detain without charge, in secret.
Deny legal representation.
Deny the right to question his detention.
Be shipped to a foreign country for interrogation, in secret.
Be tortured, in secret.
Be tried by a military tribunal, in secret.
NOT be granted access to the secret evidence against him.
Convicted based on that secret evidence.

On top of all that, ‘the system’ is rigged to put you oppressively in debt, and to make you a slave to that debt. Our politicians are in cohort with, and beholden to, the Banksters and BigCorp who have built this ‘system’. Our politicians rarely, actually, represent us, at least in the true definition of representation.

So, the question is, does the government fear the people? Or do the people fear the government? The answer will reveal whether we are already under tyrannical control.
Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), the third President of the United States (1801–1809), and and founder of the University of Virginia, once said the following… “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

Let’s have a quick look at ‘tyranny’.

Tyranny: arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority; oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

Oppressive: difficult to bear; burdensome; exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical; weighing heavily on the senses or spirit

Tyrannical government: despotic and oppressive tyrannical – characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; an authoritarian regime; autocratic government; despotic rulers

It could be said that unless restrained, all governments devolve to tyranny. A democracy needs informed citizens if it is to thrive, or ultimately even survive.

When Adolf Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920s, leading up to his taking power in the 1930s, he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay much attention to politics. Such people were a valuable addition to his political base, since they were particularly susceptible to Hitler’s rhetoric and had far less basis for questioning his assumptions or his conclusions.

“Useful idiots” was the term supposedly coined by Lenin to describe similarly unthinking supporters of his dictatorship in the Soviet Union.

Perhaps it is easier to slip into tyrannical rule of government during hard economic times or frightening and uncertain times, when a largely uniformed populace can be more easily ‘led’ and controlled, and are more desperate and willing to accept ‘measures’ in hopes of solutions to their problems.

It is fairly plain to see (if you look) some of the liberties that have been trampled upon of late by government or government agencies.

Super-computers that are profiling you by…

Listening to your phone calls in search for ‘key words’.
Reading your emails in search of ‘key words’.
Monitoring and profiling your internet activity.
Logging the products and foods that you purchase, and where you get them.
Logging and monitoring the groups that you associate with.
Monitoring your travel movements for patterns.

You may say to yourself that some of the monitoring is purely for market research and advertising purposes, but, make no mistake about it, if the data is available, it will be gathered into gov’t databases in the name of Homeland Security. Whether you like it or not, you ARE being profiled.

Government agents that are, will, or could…

Search your body / property at airports if the agent is TSA.
Search your body / property at NFL games if the agent is Homeland Security.
Search your vehicle if you look ‘suspicious’ on an Interstate road if the agent is TSA.

On a whim, declare an American citizen an “enemy combatant”, and:
Detain without charge, in secret.
Deny legal representation.
Deny the right to question his detention.
Be shipped to a foreign country for interrogation, in secret.
Be tortured, in secret.
Be tried by a military tribunal, in secret.
NOT be granted access to the secret evidence against him.
Convicted based on that secret evidence.

On top of all that, ‘the system’ is rigged to put you oppressively in debt, and to make you a slave to that debt. Our politicians are in cohort with, and beholden to, the Banksters and BigCorp who have built this ‘system’. Our politicians rarely, actually, represent us, at least in the true definition of representation.

So, the question is, does the government fear the people? Or do the people fear the government? The answer will reveal whether we are already under tyrannical control.

I think the end of the movie "the dictator" - really sums it up...
Well lets see what fits that description.

Economic system: check.
Government: check.
Government protects economic system: check.
Choice between twin political parties: check.

Sounds a lot like the one party state of china, with the exception that we have a semblance of choice between two parties which are essentially the same.
“Imagine if America was a dictatorship”

Well lets see what fits that description.

Economic system: check.
Government: check.
Government protects economic system: check.
Choice between twin political parties: check.

Sounds a lot like the one party state of china, with the exception that we have a semblance of choice between two parties which are essentially the same.
The 2 party paradigm is definitely one of the major issues.
The two party system in the USA is a joke. Republicans, Democrats... They are just different claws on the same vampire.
there's a difference between tyranny and electing retarded politicians, people.

Glad one person thinks so... thank you for those words of wisdom - coming from none other than big governments poster boy who will blindly follow o'dogz down the rabbit hole...
there's a difference between tyranny and electing retarded politicians, people.

Not if you're not given a competent politician to elect in the first place. Things are the way they are because we have only been able to choose between republicans and democrats, both of which purport the same ideology, albeit one a little more fiercely than the other. This is a free market world, and this is what the free market has gotten us.
Not if you're not given a competent politician to elect in the first place. Things are the way they are because we have only been able to choose between republicans and democrats, both of which purport the same ideology, albeit one a little more fiercely than the other. This is a free market world, and this is what the free market has gotten us.

Even when we ARE given a viable choice our builderberg owned media outlets remove credibility just as easily as they falsely bestow it.

Notice how EVERY picture of Barry Soetoro has the presidential seal around his head like a HALO.....

The great uniter?
Not if you're not given a competent politician to elect in the first place. Things are the way they are because we have only been able to choose between republicans and democrats, both of which purport the same ideology, albeit one a little more fiercely than the other. This is a free market world, and this is what the free market has gotten us.
Not quite that simple.... Americans have been brainwash, quite intentionally, that the two party system is the only system. That anyone running as "independent" or any other party is a "loon" or "fringe element".

This is by design to give stupid americans the ILLUSION that they make a difference and that they have some say in shit - which we don't. It's all just bullshit but as long as americans watch tv, the news, and see those silly Rambo style movies, this country will always be nothing but a bunch of mindless zealots.
Not if you're not given a competent politician to elect in the first place. Things are the way they are because we have only been able to choose between republicans and democrats, both of which purport the same ideology, albeit one a little more fiercely than the other. This is a free market world, and this is what the free market has gotten us.

capitalism is not the villain in this.

our problems as a nation were not spawned by too much freedom in our markets or too much freeedom in our everyday lives, it is TOO LITTLE fredom.

take your marxist claptrap and go sell it on twatter or face space. nobody here is buying it, unless they are already sold.
Look what's going on in the news... These douche-bags are gearing up Jeb Bush for 2016.... If americans go for that then there honestly no hope for this retarded country.... But in reality, Jeb or Obama - makes no difference :/
capitalism is not the villain in this.

our problems as a nation were not spawned by too much freedom in our markets or too much freeedom in our everyday lives, it is TOO LITTLE fredom.

take your marxist claptrap and go sell it on twatter or face space. nobody here is buying it, unless they are already sold.

I'm most definitely not a marxist, but I've never met a right winger intelligent enough to tell the difference. If you think Capitalism is anything more than a temporary condition then you lack common sense. Resources are finite, it's about time we act like it.
True freedom is ownership over one's work. Capitalism steals the product of people's labor, I believe people ought to own the product of that labor.

I voted for Jill Stein just to clarify my political position. Anarchist, socialist, etc.
I'm most definitely not a marxist, but I've never met a right winger intelligent enough to tell the difference. If you think Capitalism is anything more than a temporary condition then you lack common sense. Resources are finite, it's about time we act like it.

I voted for Jill Stein just to clarify my political position. Anarchist, socialist, etc.
"Marxist", "commie", "liberal", are all words the "right claw" used rather then arguing with logic - maybe because debater lacks the mental capacity, eh?
we have only been able to choose between republicans and democrats

Even when we ARE given a viable choice our builderberg owned media outlets remove credibility just as easily as they falsely bestow it.

Notice how EVERY picture of Barry Soetoro has the presidential seal around his head like a HALO.....

The great uniter?

