Advanced Nutrients = waste of money.

LMFAO!!!! You guys are are making my belly hurt I'm laughin so hard!!! Come on guys, I'm hear to learn about growing...I already know how to and chuck, both of you have helped me in the past, and both of you have good knowledge and I appreciate it reaaly I do, but think about this...ur in a fight on the net w/ur keyboards...LMFAO!!!...I can see it now, new reality show "KEYBOARD SHOW DOWNS ON RIU"...hahahahaha
Yea, it's funny the 2 main things you have to watch out for both start with a C.. Cops and cagers. lol Be safe and enjoy.
eat shit

MY garage,

If that is yours (a big "If") you bought it. Assembled. Payment biker. No respect from me or those like me. We built ours and build ours.
LMFAO!!!! You guys are are making my belly hurt I'm laughin so hard!!! Come on guys, I'm hear to learn about growing...I already know how to and chuck, both of you have helped me in the past, and both of you have good knowledge and I appreciate it reaaly I do, but think about this...ur in a fight on the net w/ur keyboards...LMFAO!!!...I can see it now, new reality show "KEYBOARD SHOW DOWNS ON RIU"...hahahahaha

He's a kid with a payment book and a lookalike chopper the bitch rides about 1000 miles a year. Maybe. And a hangup on mens penises obviously.
LMFAO!!!! You guys are are making my belly hurt I'm laughin so hard!!! Come on guys, I'm hear to learn about growing...I already know how to and chuck, both of you have helped me in the past, and both of you have good knowledge and I appreciate it reaaly I do, but think about this...ur in a fight on the net w/ur keyboards...LMFAO!!!...I can see it now, new reality show "KEYBOARD SHOW DOWNS ON RIU"...hahahahaha
Yeah, I had a totally different opinion of HRH before he went off the handle this morning. I really am going to go for a ride. Peace out
Your post's are as irrelevant as you are. Listen to you, you are superman behind the keyboard that does a thousand post's a month. You must be as irrelevant in the real world as you are online, because people that act like you usually have to do things alone because most people can't stand you. Not sure why you thought you, or your post's ever meant
anything to anybody, but as you can see, most people on here, as I'm sure in real life, think you're an insect.

I said mine meant anything, asshole? You're the mouth here challenging. And, no, most do not. But in real life I deal with adults, not the likes of you.

At least you are building yours and it has a kick start. Crate engine Shovel or did you build it out? Mine is a 93" Shovel. Pic is already on RIU a long time ago. 1958 swingarm frame - RARE - with a real old wide glide. GMA disks front and rear. Had to change to a late model square swingarm to manage that. HD mags. Comp Cams Velva Touch lifters on a 495 cam, nitrided oversized valves and dual plugged heads that were benched, ported and flowed at Lakeshore HD. S&S Super "E" with reworked accelerator pump. A few other things.
I forgot about HotROdHardly! You were one of the first people to post on my first thread! I double posted on accident from my phone! Here is his reply to my thread
Shit. Another one who posts multiple identical threads. Pendejo.
Rod Hardly may sometimes offer a little bit of help but he'll go out of his way to demean you and make sure to make you feel like an idiot the whole time. why don't you go fuck off somewhere else you obviously are the one with no life you got 7000 posts in that short of time? give me a fucking break you pussy! Start posting about cannabis not your tuff guy know it all attitude! U r a little crybaby as big as any other troll on here! Have a great rest of your day asshole!
I forgot about HotROdHardly! You were one of the first people to post on my first thread! I double posted on accident from my phone! Here is his reply to my thread Rod Hardly may sometimes offer a little bit of help but he'll go out of his way to demean you and make sure to make you feel like an idiot the whole time. why don't you go fuck off somewhere else you obviously are the one with no life you got 7000 posts in that short of time? give me a fucking break you pussy! Start posting about cannabis not your tuff guy know it all attitude! U r a little crybaby as big as any other troll on here! Have a great rest of your day asshole!
You know what they say, 'a person can only hide from their true self for so long'. Seems the REAL HRH has come on down!
I avoided him for the most part but I had to say something! The next post he sent to me pretty much right after that one without me saying anything was "hurry up run to go check your other thread now". Not one bit of help for a newcomer at that time. I wonder how many of those 7000's posts actually offered advice? I bet I grow way better cannabis than u too know it all!