Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Morning Kids! had some bubba-SQ mix this am.. Today's Pic and Vid

it's lightly raining here this am and smells awesomely outside!


I had heard this over the years as a kid.. and then again when the Movie Reign over me came out.. (if you have not seen the movie due to Adam Sandler being in it.. I get it.. but he was top notch in this movie)

Good Mornin'

Woke up to this song on the radio and its been stuck in my head ever sense.

The Who very good I had never heard snoop before but I like that song. Good morning guy's. It's great to be a live. You all have a great day.
Hay another good song for the morning Eclypse. When I smoke in the morning and hear some of the old tunes it's like getting into a time machine.
What?!?! No peanut butter today gioua? lol

I have not smoked in about 2-3 days.. just using the PB which works great but takes 40+ mins to kick in and I was in a bit of pain this am and I did finish the rest off yesterday.. but in the last 2-3 days I got my yard done (before the rain) household chores and even spent 2 hours cleaning our church yesterday (1st time I volunteered there) I always thought our church was small.. till I had to vacuum it.. I even dusted!

medibles give me a huge needed energy boost.. smoking is ok but lasts about 30-60 mins at best sometimes.

I have 2 bags of oatmeal cookies I might get around to making this am have yet to plan that far ahead.. lol
I was planning on riding the motorcycle this morning, keeping my head clear, no point now with the rain. Good Morning!!
Lets further the funk with a little of The Fifth Revelation-Make up you mind.